Modeling in Anaplan with alternative tools: Part 4

edited January 2023 in Blog

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One goal of the Anaplan Community blog is to showcase the variety of skills, thought leadership, and knowledge that exists in our ecosystem. There are so many stories and talented people we want to highlight! One of those people who stood out this year is Certified Master Anaplanner Mitch Aist. Mitch has graciously given his time to demonstrate how to model in Anaplan with alternative tools, and today we wrap up this series with our last set of videos.

If you missed the first videos in this series, Mitch provides an overview and tutorials on:

In our last set of videos, Mitch demonstrates how to pivot, filter, save view, and create a UX page.

Video tutorial #1: Pivot, filter, and save view

Pivoting in Anaplan with alternative tools w/ Mitch Aist

Video tutorial #2: Create a UX page, recap and overview of modeling in Anaplan with alternative tools

Creating a UX Page in Anaplan with alternative tools w/ Mitch Aist

As a reminder, in these tutorials you’ll see risk notifications pop up on-screen. Mitch chose these rankings because heavy use of the mouse and repetitive clicking movements can cause computer-related injuries, and voice input tools tend to strain the body the least.

  • Green (low risk) indicates the task can be accomplished purely using voice input.
  • Yellow (medium risk) indicates a small amount of mouse usage or clicking is required to complete the task.
  • Red (high risk) is reserved for times where a keyboard or heavy mouse usage and clicking is required.

This wraps up our series on how to model in Anaplan using alternative tools. Mitch adds so much value to our Community; please join us in thanking him for his time and willingness to share his expertise. Providing tools, accessibility options, and knowledge for all people — something we see shared regularly in the Anaplan Community — makes us proud to be working alongside each of you.

Do you have a how-to or story you would like to share? Leave a comment!

MitchHeadshot1.pngMitch Aist is a Master Anaplanner and Certified Solution Architect with several years of experience as a consultant, specializing in EPM software and business process. He is passionate about Connected Planning, and especially loves teaching and mentoring new consultants and model builders.

