Best Possible solution - Master data changes


I would like discover best possible solution.

The integration happening from SAP to Anaplan (daily basis). The issue is that whenever there is a change in the master data , it is impacting the final #s of budget / actuals / forecast which is obvious. How do you overcome this scenario? Like budget needs to be locked even if there will be change in the master data ,budget should not be impacted. (While i don't want to take snapshots as there are lots of report). Instead my thought process was we can create notification alert for main key fields if there will be change in the master data in Anaplan and inform to the users regarding the changes. Is it possible to trigger automatic email if there will changes detected without workflow in place and is it possible with workflow? Or any other best suggestions please?

Thanks in Advance.

Best Answer

  • TristanS
    Answer ✓

    aishabhy05 I would do the following:

    1. create a module having the list as dimension and the list properties as line items and plus a "Mismatch?" line item. You may consider a mismatch line item for every list property if required. The formula for mismatch is to compare the value from the list property vs the module line item equivalent. E.g. list.Curr <> module.Curr
    2. create an action to copy the list properties to the module in item 1
    3. update the integration process to execute item 2 before it refreshes the data


  • TristanS
    edited March 2024

    @aishabhy05 There is a way to maintain your budget data even after a change in the master data. It depends on how you capture the data and structure your lists. So you may be able to avoid the need for having an alert altogether. Please refer to my answer below to a similar question posted last year. Hope this helps

  • @TristanS , I dont want to alter my data. I just want to create a notification alert to the users that the master data has been changed.

  • Are you using any third party integration tools like Informatica or Snaplogic?

  • No, via Anaplan connect

  • You can generate false notifications, when master data has been generated. But the email will not be customizable and it will look like an action has been failed. Does that work in our case or you need very specific emails?

  • You can check this video. Next, you can create a condition based workflow wherein notification can be sent as & when its required.

  • Rather than generating a notification, also think about if you want to isolate the budget data by creating alternative hierarchy or taking a snapshot? it depends upon the use case and frequency of budget load, so I leave it up to you to decide. Generating false notifications via cloud works is also a simple process but the only problem is it's not customizable.

  • @Dikshant snapshotting on budget already available. However, users want to identify certain key master data fields in the list (properties in a module) and flag if there will be a change in those key fields. Integration is happening daily. how do I generate an auto email to inform users if there will be changes in the master data?

  • I will share with you the detailed workaround later, but for now I am just sharing the approach. So the idea is you create an import action which will fail if a master data is updated. Now in cloud works, you will set the notification on failure for the end users. Since it's a workaround there are cons with it. You cannot customize the email much, and it goes like an failure. Educating users about the specific meaning of the failure message is crucial to ensure they understand its purpose and significance.

  • I think in anaplan, still we don't have this auto email feature?

    Hope there are suggestions on the same improvements to this mail to functions.

  • @Dikshant please help to share the workaround later. thanks in advance

  • @Neeraja66 workflow functionality helps to trigger auto email? Obviously not customized but auto email sent with some condition being set

  • 1636583
    edited April 2024

    That is for workflow - approvals/rejections, maybe not sure can use that in this case.

  • In continuation with what I suggested earlier -

    Step 1 - Create a SKU module which can identify any new SKUs

    Step 2 - Create a condition in a separate module wherein the Import action is likely to fail for new SKUs and assign the "New SKU?" Boolean as write access driver. The objective is to ensure that whenever we have new SKUs, my dummy import should fail

    Step 3 - Create a Process - A) Flag current SKU b) Load data c) Flag new items (Import fail)

    Step 4 - Create a Cloudworks integration process wherein provide the name of the user who should receive the notification for "Failed process", in this case for any new SKUs

  • @CommunityMember111277 - Can you build the false notification action as well. @aishabhy05 is looking for the same. I would say just import a text which is greater than 60 character to a flat list (production list), and apply a filter if a meta data is updated, then only the action should fail. Thanks.

  • aishabhy05
    edited April 2024

    @CommunityMember111277 the video you shared was very useful and it is for flagging the new items being included? How can we flag for the existing items? instance the data which will be changed accidently by the user? Instance below is the current data :

    User accidently changed the sector in row 5: I want to highlight the data that has been changed.

    how this can be achieved? As there are lots of mandatory items that has to be flagged out. any optimized solution suggestion?

  • For existing items, you can create 2 separate line items & create a Boolean to identify the difference. Then, create separate action process for the next step.

    The question is how can you determine whether user is entering correctly/incorrectly, unless you set a predefined logic in the model. There are different ways to create this logic based on certain requirements - hence, that logic which I proposed is the simplest one earlier.

  • @CommunityMember111277 / @Dikshant ,

    How to approach this scenario?

    Master data has been loaded into the list using the properties. (I know it is not best practice but someone already built it); Daily integration is running. everyday there is a refresh happening for this list and it will delete and upload new set of data. I want to take a copy of this list into a module before the integration run time and highlight if there will be mismatch in the data set from today vs yesterday. How this can be achieved?

  • I'm able to copy the list, but how will i be comparing the two numbered list data?

  • exactly what i'm following now. thanks :)