Hub Model Hierarchy Management (305)
This class gives the Anaplanner the fundamental steps to automate a hierarchy load from a Hub model to a downstream model. This training is intended for Anaplanners wanting to automate loading hierarchies/lists. You should have a good understanding of modules, views, actions, and processes before taking this training.
After completing this learning you will:
- Understand the architecture of hierarchy management from a Hub model
- Utilize best practices in this process
- Use the Anaplan Connect Wizard to import data from an outside source into Anaplan
This class will take approximately 20-21 minutes to complete.
Launch Training
Hi Bob,
I have difficulties in playign this video for 305: Hub Model Hierarchy Management. Sound does not come through my laptop but video keeps running. Also, when I maximise the it, it stops playing and does not even play when I play it again. May be some issues with my laptop. But is it possible that I could get a Vimeo link for this course?
Shashi Shankar