Option to export conditional formatting in export to xls

Description of the enhancement:

Add an option to include conditional formatting in exports to xls

75 votes

In Review · Last Updated


  • Status changed to: In Review
  • We would like to see the same conditional formatting used on the dashboard when Exporting to Excel including conditional formatting, cell formatting (we use a dash for zero on a numeric data item and would like it to appear that way in Excel too!)

  • 100% would like to see this - would be very useful to not have to recreate things in Excel

  • We would really appreciate to have this feature. Are there some news ?

  • Hi - This would be a very helpful addition. Is there any development on this?

  • Any news on this, Anaplan? This would be a very useful addition. The ability to visually replicate exported reports as closely as possible to how it is seen in the UX would add an extra layer of professionalism and usability and is something my clients would be keen to see.

  • Any update here please?

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