Replicate column headers on dashboard PDF export


Description of the enhancement required:

Replicated the column header in a dashboard PDF export, when the grid is split on multiple pages.


An example of the enhancement:
When you try to export a dashboard in a PDF, the column header (the month for example) are not replicated on the second page and the following. I can't print and send as it.


A story for why you want the enhancement:
Will be able to export to PDF and send it immediately without first exporting the module to excel, making the layout and printing it.


4 votes

In Review · Last Updated


  • Status changed to: In Review
  • For Cartier we have the same issue.


    Indeed, when we have a grid with many lines, the grid exported in PDF format can be on several pages. However the column headers appears only on the first page and not on the following pages, thus we are getting lost in order to know what are the column.

    We kindly ask to have the column header replicates as first rows on all pages when a grid takes more than one page space in the PDF export.


    Thanks for your attention and you help.



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