Ability to send email alert to admin when workspace size exceeds a set point
Description of the enhancement required:
Custom data storage alerts
An example of the enhancement:
Alerting support team when data storage capacity [workspace usage] is at or above 90%
How would it help their business process:
This will make sure we don't **** out of allocated space.
Status changed to: In Review0
This will be helpful for us as well, as we need daily size tracking of our models and workspace usage - this is all to make sure we don't hit the limit during our nightly batch process which results in holding all the jobs..
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This is a very important and useful feature to have.
In general, adding event based triggers to Anaplan should be considered a key feature. For example the ability to trigger an export action or the capability of triggering notifications based on comment tags or certain changes in the model.
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We are also keen to have a more pro active notification rather than relying on hypercare reports consultation.
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