Option to customise or remove automated email to new users added to a workspace

When I add a user to a workspace, an email is automatically generated.

1/ The current content is not suitable - we  need the ability to customise it so people do not contact the person who added them for instance as it may be different from the actual point of contact, and we would like to direct people to content or training on the intranet.

2/ The ability to turn off email notifications as sometimes we add users by error or to a test envrionment for testing purpose and they get all confused by the email.

As an administrator, it is my role to tell users that they have access to Anaplan, it is not Anaplan's role.

113 votes

In Review · Last Updated


  • Status changed to: In Review
  • Status changed to: In Review
  • Status changed to: In Review
  • We would also like to be able to control the content of the notification. Especially it would be intuitive for the user, if our SSO-url were included. We e.g. also want the notification to refer to the local support contacts to avoid the current standard reference to the central user admin.

  • Agreed with all points from the OP. I consistently get the same questions asked from clients:

    • Can we alter the email that is sent to end users?
    • Can we disable all irrelevant Anaplan related emails to end users?

    For clients that have +1k users this becomes a critical feature and should be standard especially since Anaplan is utilized between mid to large size companies. 

  • Any chances of this to be prioritised ?

    Even just starting with disabling this automatic notification would be a huge step forward. 


    This is causing us some headaches. Customers that have single sign-on enabled are even more impacted as users are getting even more confusing by receiving a login link that won't work. 




  • Thanks Alessio for the support. I have noticed they have changed the email since, it is more neutral now but it still invites users to the wrong behaviour so I agree this should be prioritised.

  • It would be great that we can have this functionality before large roll out!  It would help us to improve UAT test process.  



  • Status changed to: In Review
  • This is a candidate for the longer-term roadmap. There are some changes to the underlying technology that would need to happen to support this functionality. As such, it's not something that we can look at doing in the short-term. 

  • Add that the admin should be able to Resend the welcome email to specific users without having to remove them and re add them to the workspace. Practical example - all users are added to workspace by a partner during development - users don't login until testing and have since 'lost' the email and ask for it to be resent.

  • I have a several customers who also are requesting this.

  • Dear Anaplan,


    topic was marked as "Considered for Future Roadmap" on ‎08-15-2018. 

    This improvement can improve our users experience and reduce manual efforts on support team side, so I am very interested in a progress. Could you, please, share latest news?




  • I agree.

    There is a request for management of the e-mails delivered at the time of user registration. We would like to see the roll of e-mails in the user administrator side.

  • Dear @AnaplanIdeas ,


    topic was marked as "Considered for Future Roadmap" two years ago, on ‎08-15-2018. Could you, please, share latest news?




  • Yes.  I've had customers request this all the way back to 2017 at least.  

  • Any updates to this ? We are really looking at avoiding this notification when adding very senior stakeholders in the company.

  • It is kind of unlucky to have to send out automated emails to hundreds of users during a user email migration (hypothetically). I (genuinely) wonder what underlying tech could be so difficult to fix given this seems to have been an issue for ~5 years. Would love to help!

  • +1, As we use SSO, this email is misleading for our new end-users.

  • Bumping this again. There is still a need for this.

  • This would be a great feature to add.

  • +1 - As we use SSO, the new users first experience of Anaplan is an error message due to automated link not being suitable for SSO environment.

  • We would benefit from this immensely as we onboard new users prior to their anaplan training +++

    Where do we stand with this enhancement?

  • BPifer
    edited May 2023

    We would also like this feature added! It's confusing for users especially when we use an integration account to add them. They are emailing some google group which isn't the best place for the issue to be sorted

  • This is still a huge need for us! Thank you!

  • Hi,

    Want to check if there is an update to the welcome email customization. Want to check if there is any deliverable date for this functionality.


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