How to Enable Audit Feature
I understand that Enterprise licenses are required for the organization to have Audit Feature (Tenant Adminsitration function) Enabled.
I have contacted support@anaplan for it and they sent me the below link from Anapedia on the tenant admin features.
But I would like to know what are the steps to be done in the background to enable the Administration>Audit feature in a Workspace.
Suppose i have the access to Enable this Feature, what are the steps I would need to do to get the Adminsitration>Audit Feature in my Workspace.
Best Answer
Hi VarshniR,
First you need to make sure what audit you're referring to, i.e.
1. Tenant Administration - Security Audit OR
2. Audit (or History) within Model
For item 1, as you rightly put down, the link is
for item 2, the link is
I'm assuming you're interested in item 1.
To check the audit within Tenant Administration, you need 'Tenant Auditor' role, not the 'Tenant Admin' role. To have 'Tenant Auditor' role, please check with your Tenant Admin who can assign the role to you. The Tenant Admin can do the following:
1. Click on 'Access Control',
2. Click on a user ( i have covered the names in the diagram below).
3. Check the 'Tenant Auditor' role below.
4. Click 'Save'.
Thank you so much for the solution0