Ability to View who or how many people are viewing a Dashboard - for Full Access Users

It would be very helpful for a COE team or any Full Access User of a Model to be able to see of the people that have access to the model: 

1. Who is viewing a dashboard and or module

2. If not who is viewing but how many people are viewing

3. when these people are viewing dashboards example (John Doe, Jan 4th 2019). a Log of who and when for export.


Tableau gives you the ability to see who, what, when is viewing your published dashboards. This helps the owner of the Tableau Dashboard to see if said Dashboard is being utilized by end users. This is useful because If it is not being utilized owners of models can go back to end users of Dashboard/modules this was intended for to better understand why they aren't using the dashboard and module. This will help with building trust and control around models/dashboards that are utilized by a large audiences and track efficacy

8 votes

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  • Status changed to: New
  • This will be very helpfull

  • This is exactly what I am look for as well. To report out the usage of model dashboards across the users. As you say tableau gives you this opportunity and I would like to have my own model to tell me all dashboards how they are utilized and which ones are not being used etc.

  • wow, this is what I need!

    I would like to be able to select which line items will be exported via tabular single column

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