Maintain Formatting in Data Export


When exporting data from Anaplan to Excel, it would be great to have the option to maintain certain formatting options such as wrapped text and conditional formatting. 

8 votes

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  • Miran
    Status changed to: New
  • another thread with the same thing:



    There is a definite need to be able to export conditional formatting from both NUX and standard reports and exporting. 


    At the moment we are having to replicate formatting in Excel which is time consuming. It also steers users and stakeholders to just export the raw data in Excel and continue to format and produce reports in Excel when they could be done in excel and exported where necessary

  • I also agree that this should be on the roadmap.

  • It will be kept under consideration for the roadmap of Anaplan for Microsoft 365 on Excel.

  • Agree with original ask. I think having the formats available in MS 365 Add in doesn't address the actual issue.

  • If data exported with conditional formatting from Anaplan to Excel, cells show CF but what if user wants to apply CF with another conditions in Excel? How can CF be differentiated from Original file and later applied conditions?

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