Update export actions created from a saved view when saved view is modified

I think the title says it mostly, but to be clear I'd like to be able to do the following:


1. Create a saved view of a module

2. Create and export action using the saved view as basis

3. Modify and re-save the saved view (i.e. add a new column, change the filter etc.)

4. The export action should update itself based on my changes to the saved view without me having to recreate it


This would be super helpful 🙂


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  • @DavidE- yes please! although the excel add-in will be able to help on this would've thought

  • @DavidE thanks for posting this idea, it would be very helpful. 

    Does anyone in the community have any update on this idea? Or any suggestion on this topic?
    We have currently a bunch of actions that should be manually re-created due to an update of the saved views.

    @TomasPolak FYI

  • Yes. This will be useful.

  • Yes, this is very useful @Vinaygvk7 

  • This seems like a bug and should already exist. It's just intuitive that an update to a saved view should just flow through to the export. 

  • Agreed - that would be really helpful!

  • I agree with previous comments. This export function should work in a similar manner to how Import actions using a saved view works. That is, the exported data should reflect what the saved view has in terms of filters and line items included. I believe there is no issue with the filters whereby when the view is filtered using boolean flags from the same or other modules then the exported view reflects any changes in the filtered saved view.

    However, when updating the line items in the saved view (e.g. adding or removing line items from the view), the updated line items are not what is exported but rather the line items that were used at the time the export action was created (or re-saved using the same export action name).

    I've read some comments in the community stating that there may be some technical reason (e.g. exports allowed without requiring a saved view) for exports action not to use saved views, however, I think a more elegant approach to this issue may be to allow the user to indicate (via boolean flag) whether he/she want to use a saved view for the export action. If this flag is ticked (which should be the default setting for new actions) then it should work in a similar fashion to Import actions. If not ticked, then it should work in the current way.

    What do you think about my suggestion?

  • I have encountered this problem, and the solution is to update the View and re-export the action with the same name to override the previous Action. But sometimes that doesn't work. I don't know why. In addition, the exported data is inconsistent with that in the view. For example, the data in the filter in the view appears in the exported file.

    Hope anaplan support can fix this Bug asap.

  • Hello @licx13 , the possible cases of failed exports or having different export are

    1. Saved view was modified but you might missed to save it
    2. While re-export you might enter export name wrong
    3. Sometimes export action might be corrupted.



  • @Vamsi_Kaki I agree with your #2 and #3, #1 is the responsibility of the individual doing the change, the concept of "auto save" could be pretty dangerous depending on the state of the model.

    @licx13, there is an issue where if you choose "Tabular Multiple Columns" format in CSV it still includes all columns regardless of filters. I don't know if the issue is resolved yet but I logged it a few months ago.

  • Totally agree.

    In general, it will be great if we can edit an export action just like an import action.

    Currently I think we can only edit labels for the export action? Often times I need to recreate export action

  • @StevenK yeah,the issue is solved ,actually,need reset the filter when choose "Tabular Multiple Columns" format in CSV。 thanks a lot .

  • Hi everyone, I think this topic is very important too. Do you know if the issue raised from @Vamsi_Kaki in point 3 is solved? Seems to me that is not yet. Do you have any update?

    Thank you!

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