Show whether a line item is used in an action

I'd like ability to see, in blueprint mode for a module, whether a line item is used in an action. This, along with an existing Idea requesting to see if a line item is used as a filter for a Saved View, would significantly speed up model clean-up time

45 votes

In Review · Last Updated


  • This would be useful also to check the action after changing the name of a line item, as the action does not seem to be always updated for the mapping.
  • Status changed to: In Review
  • Status changed to: In Review
  • Second this.

  • Today we have in the Module list a TAB named Line Items and in Blueprint mode at end of display a column called 'Referenced by' which only lists another module + line item.

    What is needed is on the model line items tab and in blueprint mode additional columns of Referenced by View, Referenced by Action (such as used in import export spec either as source or target or used in a delete action, etc).

    This would enhance ability to delete unused items freeing space.

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