Ability to copy/paste values incl. hidden decimals from Excel


When copy/pasting values from an Excel table to Anaplan, it only includes the decimals shown in Excel. E.g. if the value 0.5499 is in Excel but the cell in Excel is set to only show one decimal place, the value displayed will be 0.5. When copy/pasting to Anaplan, 0.5 will be used and not the full 0.5499.


This issue can of course be avoided by either uploading the file to Anaplan or by extending the number of decimals shown in Excel before copying. However, when not all linked models exist within Anaplan (yet) and when some of the input applied from Excel is not always positioned in the same exact cell, this becomes an annoying extra step to keep in mind for the end user and increases the chance of our models showing the wrong result.


Suggest to change this for both the old and the New UX so copy/paste from Excel includes all decimals, even if not displayed by default.

34 votes

New · Last Updated


  • Good suggestion. I ran into the same problem at a client where they needed 11 decimal points of precision on some of their variables in order to get their calculated numbers to match Excel exactly. Since this was part of their UAT, to compare to Excel, cut/paste was the preferred method, so we had to ask them to expand the decimal places inside of Excel before copying. Anyway, great suggestion.

  • Status changed to: New
  • Good suggestion. If you use the Excel add-in to send your data into Anaplan, the number of decimals displayed in Excel does not matter so that would be a simple workaround if you have to repeat this process regularly

  • @MagaliP: Thanks for highlighting this. However, we have had some challenges with the Excel add-in on our end so would be easier if it included the decimals in the normal copy/paste approach.

  • Hello -

    It seems like this issue has been open for a while. Any chance that we could have another look at it?

    Thank you

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