Further help, with what should be a simple lookup



I have a ranking module as below


This shows the top customers and some data changes ranked, also there is an image for each customer

Now I have a module where I need to store the top 5 customers images to feed a business report


A simple lookup in Excel, looking up 1 ,2,3,4,5 etc but for the life of me i can't figure this out.




Best Answer

  • pyrypeura
    Answer ✓

    Hi @DeveloperCYT ,


    If you have 1 to 5 module dimensionalised by list that has items Image 1, Image 2... I would recommend adding codes for those items. The codes would be 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.


    Then you could create a line item called 'FINDITEM Image' in ranking module. Formula for that module would be FINDITEM(Image List, TEXT(Min Rank) . Lastly you can in the 1 to 5 module get images for top customers with formula 'Ranking Module'.Image[FIRSTNONBLANK: 'Ranking Module'.'FINDITEM Image']


    Hope this explanation helps.


    Best regards,

    Pyry Peura



  • @DeveloperCYT 


    You need to share the dimensionality of your target module.

  • @DeveloperCYT 

    Hopefully, your image is in a system module. If that's the case, I would recommend a simple LOOKUP function. You also need to make sure your image line item is formatted as TEXT (link).

  • Why do you need a separate module at all? Seems like you can just use a filter to filter your original module where Rank <= 5.