New UX Idea - Apply one more model source to all pages of the app at once
One of our model a dev and multiple prod models linked to a single dev via ALM.
We have developed New UX App based on dev with a lot of pages in it.
My aim now is to apply all prod models we have to this app, but the existing procedure is not effective for this idea.
I want to have ability to add new source to the excising app globally without need to select each page one by one.
Per each page i will have to click at least 8 times which is too big waste of time.
I wrote a script to do this, given two lists, one of source models, and one of target pages. PM me for more info 🙂
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Also had this problem. It was really exhausting to add all needed pages to each model!
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Definitely needed. @kevin.cho I will contact you re: the script, if that's ok :-)
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Agreed - not having this function blocks use cases we where we need to cut a version of a model for scenarios/other modelling (creating an app copy and updating over a 100 page sources, one at a time, isn't really a viable option).
As a result, these models need to stay in classic for now.
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Just leaving this here - the call to update this via the API is:
request body is a json payload with structure:
pageModels is an array of objects with modelId and workspaceId as keys
updated_model_payload = {}
updated_model_payload['pageModels'] = [{'modelId': '{your_model_id_to_update}', 'workspaceId': '{your_workspace_id_to_update}'}]
updated_model_payload['isAlmEnabled'] = TrueisAlmEnabled allows multiple models to be set. If you only need one, then you can set this to False.
Request headers is at minimum Authorization with AnaplanAuthToken - similar to other Anaplan API requests
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Hi @kevin.cho - thank you for sharing this information.
Took a pass at this and was trying to set it up on the postman call to update an App for enabling Multi-Model on a pair of standard/deployed models.
Ended up with 401 Unauthorized. (Already checked that I am able to run regular API calls to the Model)
Can you confirm if the page id is being taken from the App URL?
Eg: - If below is the URL for a page I am currently viewing
Is the Page ID f378b8cf-a337-4ae5-a81a-ca2b03e76546 ?
Here is what I had configured in the POSTMAN - I also suspect the Body itself might have an error.
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Yeah your body is formatted incorrectly. My example above wasn't meant to be copied directly, you need to pass a json payload instead. My code was just ripped from my existing Python script.
These curl statements might help explain it cleared
curl --location --request GET '{app id}' \ --header 'Authorization: AnaplanAuthToken {{token}}'
To update pages:
curl --location --request PUT '{page id}' \ --header 'Authorization: AnaplanAuthToken {{token}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "pageModels": [ { "modelId": "{model_id}", "workspaceId": "{workspace_id}" }, { "modelId": "{model_id}", "workspaceId": "{workspace_id}" } ], "isAlmEnabled": true }'
You can import these curl statements directly into Postman and then update the {parameters} as you wish.
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Hi @kevin.cho - thank you for the response and the cURLs - I did import those and updated the params too.
It is working and I was able to run them! Thanks again!
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Hi @kevin.cho - just out of curiosity - I was trying to implement an automation idea of getting all the list of page id's for a particular app and then get them updated in a cyclic fashion.
One edge case that comes to my mind is most apps will have a combination of Hub / Spoke Pages. In this case - have you explored any segregation logic that will ensure that only the intended pages we want to update are taken in the cyclic update.
App has 4 pages - 2 pointed to DH Dev and 2 to Spoke Dev
I update my logic with the WS & Model ID for DH Dev and DH QA and the app id
- Logic first fetches all the pages for the app id passed - 4 pages received
- Segregates only page id's that are currently pointed to DH Dev so our operating pool is now - 2 pages
- Now the logic for the springboard should only take those 2 pages and get them updated to DH Dev and DH QA
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This should really be an out of the box functionality. Does anyone know if it's on the roadmap ?
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PS The out of the box functionality should also allow to remove models as source from one, more or ALL pages , in bulk.
This is to prevent this issue :
causing the "Manage Models" functionality to stop working
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