Relabel the time dimension
As a model builder I want to have the ability to relabel the time dimension using a specific property/alias so that I don't need to create extra complexity and I can use all the benefits/functions of the time dimension to meet the users's requirements.
I will know this is successful if I could rename FY18 to YearXX and Jan1 to Month1, and so on.
Benefit : Adding extra lookups/modules doesn't always meet the visualisation requirements and adds complexity. Also, it will be possible to use the time dimension and all its functions even in situations where, for example, there is a strict requirement to "sanitise" the time dimension making it generic.
I would like to upvote this idea. I have a customer that uses a Feb - Jan fiscal year. They label the fiscal year based on when it starts. We are presently in FY 19, which started in Feb 19 and ends in Jan 20. They would like to label Jan 20 as Jan 19 so they can see all of the months in the fiscal year with the same year on it. There is a related topic, and i will upvote that as well.
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Bump. We need this!
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A great idea - this would life easier in no end of ways.
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@Manuela_Apostol , @usman.zia , @Yugnesh.Patel , @MagaliP , @Rich.Buttivant sorry for the sneaky tagging. Have you seen this sort of requirement and finding the workaround not ideal ? If you agree this would be helpful...could you help with your kudos ? Feel free to do the same with me, whenever needed!
Alessio Pagliano
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@usman.zia , thanks Boss! That Community Boss badge works very well : you made the kudos jump from 6 to 16 ๐ Nice!
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HI @Alessio_Pagliano.,
This is quite an interesting topic but I have mixed feelings about it and I don't see immediately the added value of this enhancement. Is true that is not always possible to use TIME and are some challenges we face as model builders, though the workaround with creating Time Dimension List is at hand and there are not many disadvantages. I would like to know the opinion of our community guru @DavidSmith
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@Manuela_Apostol Thanks for the mention
Using dummy timescale is an obvious workaround, but I think the "re-labelling" concept is something much wider. There have been a number of similar posts, but for me, the ability to have aliases for all lists would be of great benefit; not just for time
So a Display name concept for all lists, time, versions, modules etc
this would allow total flexibility, dynamic labelling as well as dealt with the language support challenges
It is an idea I have and will discuss with our product team
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@Manuela_Apostol and @DavidSmith , thanks for your comments.
David, while you discuss this with the product team, would it be possible to obtain an update on the Versions list ? Subsets/Production data and selection as format would be quite helpful. There are a few ideas for this, all asking pretty much the same - I'm assuming this is the "master" idea ?
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Yep, I had a discussion last week and we have another next week to discuss these topics.
You'll appreciate the number of conflicting priorities we have, but I am pushing the case
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Thanks @DavidSmith , much appreciated !
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This idea is a request from one of our customers for more date formatting options within the Anaplan platform.
Currently, we have no control over the formatting of a date formatted line item apart from the browser locale setting which displays the date in a form of 13/07/2019 or 07/13/2019.
The request is to have more control here to allow formats such as those listed below to be possible:
Monday, 13th Jul 2019
13th Jul 2019
13th July 2019
Key ask is to be able to see the month in a text based format rather than numerically natively in the platform without having to invoke workarounds of splitting date into numbers and then recombining into text strings.
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you might want to add this post to the following thread
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I would like to upvote this idea. We use the date format of 17-Jan-19 throughout our work and would like to be able change all our dates in our Anaplan solution to this format.
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I would like to upvote this idea. We use the date format of 17-Jan-19 throughout our work and would like to be able to change all our dates in our Anaplan solution to this format.
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In addition to relabeling months - it would be good to relabel the quarters as well. Relabel the roll ups by Season (retail).
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Would also want to be able to rename to "Period 1" or "P1" and opt to show/hide the year. Will significantly reduce some models' complexity and remove many stories from backlogs.
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Upvote, upvote, upvote! Great way to display data in the lingo that customers/users are used to.
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I'd like to gauge the views of people on this thread on a narrower consideration around Time period labels. While we understand the drivers for a more flexible scheme, e.g. to provide 'aliases' for Lists generally, we have feedback that some customers have specific concerns around the 'FY' prefix used in the labels for aggregate time periods, e.g. for 'Q1 FY19' or 'FY19'.
In cases where customers would rather not see the 'FY' prefix used (e.g. because their model doesn't actually represent a fiscal year), would the option to use a 'CY' prefix instead be of value?
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This is great idea, also would like to upvote!! my core customer really need this enhancement. I think we should have options to adjust local customer business practice.
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We need this function. Please, please, please...!
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So is this abandoned or was it rebooted because of the recent status changes ?
I want to upvote that idea as well.
Not a dealbreaker, but the aliasing of time dim would be a good "nice to have"
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