Higher Education—Managing Forecasts in Uncertain Times
Recent changes to all sectors of business and society in the U.S. have been swift and sometimes devastating. Colleges and universities, in particular, are experiencing a total collapse of their business models, rendering first quarter financial forecasts virtually useless. But institutions that use Anaplan Connected…
Connected Planning Supports Success in Uncertainty
COVID-19 has forever changed the planning landscape for organizations. In this blog series, we're teaming up with Anaplan leaders to share their perspectives on the long-term impact and new normal of business today. In this installment, Anaplan's Chief Planning Officer Simon Tucker shares his guidance and thought…
Is Anaplan’s New User Experience Right for My Organization?
If you attended Anaplan's CPX conference last year, you've probably already heard about and seen Anaplan's New User Experience (New UX). After seeing a demo or two of what is possible with the New UX, you are likely wondering, “what else do I need to know before implementing the New UX?” To help shed light on this, we've…
The Advent of Sales Planning Natives: Why “Set It & Forget It” No Longer Works
Generational studies and paradigms capture the interest of theorists, sociologists, and writers, and more recent research has examined implications of generational influences in workplace skills, motivation, and management. Several years ago, significant analyses were placed on millennials—more specifically, their…
The Anaplan Planual—A Sales Perspective
The Anaplan Planual is an incredible document, designed to ensure customer success. If you’re not familiar with this series of best practices, you’re missing out! Take some time to check out the Planual today. So what exactly is the Planual? It’s is a series of best practices developed by the Anaplan Operation Excellence…
How to Better Manage Your Enrollment and Tuition Forecasts
Ever-changing economic pressures and a shifting student landscape continue to cause significant changes and challenges for higher education institutions. Institutions have been affected by price sensitivity, increasingly limited state funding, greater competition for students, increased constraints due to shifting student…
The Honeycomb Effect: Beyond the Boundaries of Finance
Business disruption might not be new, but its ever-increasing magnitude and frequency continue to reach new heights. Because of this, our customers have already taken the first step in becoming more agile and delivering greater insight with the Anaplan platform. And just as disruption is nothing new, business…
Data-Driven Forecasting for the Holidays
During the holiday season, the ability to analyze and react to data effectively can be the deciding factor between having your shelves stocked or scrambling with inventory transfer issues. Historic data can provide the basis for true statistical forecasting, accounting for seasonality, and other retail trends. Cleansing…
Transforming IT Project Planning for CIOs
Project planning and tracking is something that falls under the responsibility of most Chief Information Officers (CIO). With many stakeholders, it is a cumbersome process to manage, is disconnected across cost centers and business units, and often does not generate insights at a meaningful level of detail. The Current…
Connected Planning Internship Program—Minneapolis
After a long winter season, there’s nothing like the energy and excitement of a Minnesota summer to lift your spirits. This year, Anaplan is stepping up its summer game with the introduction of the Connected Planning Internship program. This 11-week program is designed to help build the next generation of talented model…
3 Planning Tips from the Rebel Alliance
May the 4th be with you! In recognition of Star Wars Day, we wanted to share some insights on planning that we picked up a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. In this special dual blog post, we’re analyzing the successes and failures of both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire throughout “Star Wars: Episode IV…
3 Planning Tips From the Galactic Empire
In celebration of May the 4th (be with you!), we’re analyzing some planning-based highlights from arguably the most famous Star Wars film of them all, “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.” In this special dual blog post, we’re analyzing what worked, what didn’t work, and what can be learned from the planning successes and…
Strategic Planning Quiz
Now that you’ve brushed up on your strategic planning expertise, it's time put what you've learned to the test. We’ve created the ultimate strategic planning quiz featuring 10 questions pulled from the strategic planning articles featured on the Community Blog this month. Need a refresher on what was covered this month?…
Effective Collaboration: Planning a Foundation of Success
When it comes to achieving the best results, effective collaboration in an organization is not just nice to have; it’s a critical element for success. By definition, collaboration happens when people work together. Applied to organizational goals, and strategic planning strategies, effective collaboration can take this to…
Goal-Based Strategic Planning 101
Imagine you are the CEO of a new organization producing an up-and-coming electronic entertainment device which is quickly becoming the most sought-after item in the market. You’re a small, independently-owned company that has sold enough units in your short, twelve-month existence to keep your business operating with a…
Connected Planning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
The rules of planning are evolving daily. While we still steer businesses based on numbers, plans, budgets, and assumptions, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) developments, computing power, and data we are on the cusp of a major transformation in the way we operate our businesses. We are progressing from static, cycle…
A Good Plan: How Much Detail Do I Need?
In this guest blog series, Anaplan partner Spaulding Ridge will examine what they have found to be integral parts of a good plan: the level of detail, the process, the people involved, the timing, and pitfalls to avoid. What does a good plan look like? The core of planning is anticipating the future to the greatest degree…
Getting Better at Getting Ready: Scenario Planning for Competitive Advantage
What if you had, ready at hand, an instruction book that told you exactly what to do in the event of any kind of emergency? You would feel more prepared to handle whatever challenge comes at you, wouldn’t you? Maybe you’d feel more confident knowing you always had a "plan B." That’s what Scenario Planning is: an…
How Do You Plan? 5 Strategies to Increase Meeting Productivity
It’s only week two in the new year and meetings are already taking over our calendars as planning session after planning session is scheduled. With so many meetings in a row, it can start to feel like an episode of The Office where you’re caught in a Michael Scott meeting with no escape (or end) in sight. Not the best way…
Plan for Success in 2019: 5 Tips to Achieve Your Goals
The new year is the perfect time for reflection, evaluation, and planning for what you will accomplish in the next 365 days. Did you meet or exceed your sales goals, get in those steps every day, and remember to put down your phone more often? Did you take action to earn that promotion, join a volunteer organization, or…
Community Roundtable: State of Connected Planning, Part 2
Last week we spoke to four Community members to get their thoughts on the recent Anaplan State of Connected Planning report which uncovered leading planning trends in finance, supply chain, sales, marketing, human resources, operations, IT, and workforce functions. Today we’re publishing the second part of this…