Bulk Copy Action
I am aware that I can add Bulk Copy as an action via Action in Model Settings Bar however to set this up I have to select the target and source version/list member. Is there any way to set this up so that I can select the target and/or source when the action is being run?
Issues with time selector for NUX dashboard
Hi, I can't figure out why the time selector keeps snapping to FY23 when I toggle on "sync on selection" and "sync with page" on card. I've gone through all other cards on my page and switched them all to FY24. Some will stay on FY24, others will revert to FY23 once I toggle on the sync selection options.
Selective Access Issue : No access ERROR even when there are items being granted access to.
Hello I am struggling with an issue of regarding selective access. So there is hierarchy Region O1, Countries O2, Entities O3. Selective access is enabled for this hierarchy. There are two dashboards. D1 with view Line items in rows and time in columns and O3 in page selectors. D2 with view O3 in rows and Line items in…
Hide Column Headings for Grid Cards on Board Pages
Would be great to be able to hide column headings on board pages - sometimes need to have two tables that have the same line items / time periods but I don't want to waste page space on duplicating them. Or the very least be able to "shrink" the top row like you can for columns.
Display ad Filter on Gantt chart
Hi, I am trying to create a gantt chart to track the progress on the staffing of position within a workforce planning model. I have create a module with a start and an end date. The module only has Position dimension. Issue #1 (picture 1): The graph does not display well. We can see yeas and number 1 to 9 (which I have no…
How to apply Conditional Formatting on multiple line items using one rule
I found this cool hack to apply similar conditional formatting to multiple line items by using just one rule! Generally, we need to make a line item for each conditional formatting or add one rule each line item which gets very tedious when there are more than 20, 30 of them. Here’s a simple yet effective hack to make this…
New UX Import Dashboard Feature - Enable/Disable Pivot Default
Hello, My team and I are in the process of migrating hundreds of classic UX dashboards to the New UX. I've noticed that while using the "Import Dashboard" feature, the dashboard that is imported to the New UX does not factor in the existing pivot setting that was set in the classic UX, and instead defaults to disabling the…
Calls Anaplanners France S3E1 - Sept 2022 - Part 1
Dihya et Richard ont lancé la saison 3 brillamment. Ils nous ont emmené à la découverte (redécouverte pour certains) des différents lieux où se cachent les trésors d’innovation mis en circulation sur ces douze derniers mois. Nous nous sommes ainsi enrichis de nouvelles connaissances nous permettant d’adapter et/ou…
Call Anaplanners France-S2E2-Part 2-Oct 2021
Dans ce call du mois d'Oct 2021, Richard Saint-Julien (Avant-vente Anaplan) partage des bonnes pratiques pour réussir une Expérience Utilisateur, et poursuit la découverte de Management Reporting. La vidéo et le support en pièces jointes.
Dashboard Design (350)
Overview This class’ intention is to focus on the process of conceptualizing and designing dashboards that are relevant and useable for the end user. Dashboards provide the needed focus on the output of the model, which is important for good model design. You will find this class useful if you want to understand how to…