Dark / Light Mode for Model Building
Anaplan's rebrand / new UX design has just been released, and it’s blindingly white. Brighter than a supernova. Meanwhile, the brilliant idea of Dark Mode has been marked as "not planned." Under this new design, Dark Mode is needed now more than ever. Please reconsider before we all develop permanent squint lines.
L3 User Story 2.4
Hi Community, In L3 User Story 2.4 requires the comments to be seen by others. Who should see the comments? That Country Sales Manager's ? and do we have to create a link or add an line item for comments associating with all accounts and then publish it do UX so end user can add comments along side of the accounts…
UX Grid Filters: After initial filter is applied, how do I get subsequent filters to reduce options?
I am working with a grid with a large amount of data. After an initial filter is selected and the end user moves to further filter the data with a second filter, all available options are still shown. I was expecting to see the options in the second filter truncated to just the options possible after the first filter. For…
Filtering a Custom Report Based on User Selection
Hello, We have a series of reports that we want users to have the option to select a Year over Year comparison (such as 'FY25B vs FY25A' in the dark blue) and the corresponding light blue to be filtered. Below is an end result of one selection: If a user were to select 'FY25A vs FY24A' the result would look like this: This…
Bulk deletion of comments on Cards
Hi Community, We have got this requests from our stakeholders if there is option to clear out the comments they have entered over the cards month on month. But we wanted to check here, if there is a bulk delete option to clear these comments when we shift from one month to another.
Cloudworks Integration Flows in UX
At the moment, we are able to add Cloudworks Processes to the dashboards and the addition is great. Could we do the same with the Integration Flows? I see multiple benefits from this for several customers and I do not think that the implementation would be too different from what is currently in there. Is this currently in…
Are we able to indent bullets in a text box in the UX?
I am trying to type out a list of instructions using numbered bullets. The instructions will end up being about 10 steps so they will be numbered 1-10. I want to be able to add sub-bullets (a,b,c, etc) under instructions but I can't figure out how to indent them. Does anyone know of an easy way to indent the bullet points…
Quickly add/remove/change models for pages that are linked to more than one model
Currently in the UX manage models area, you can quickly change the model connected with a page if that page is only linked to one model (green X). If that page is connected to multiple models you can't (red X). Propose increasing functionality to allow quick add/remove/change options in the UX manage models area. We…
Text card - enable rich text - data loss
Hi community I had a field text card published on a page. This card had multiple paragraphs written on it. When I enabled "Rich Text" for the card, all text after the first paragraph disappeared. Is this a common /known issue? Thanks
Compare value on current logged in user email
I have a module with historicals captured by different users via another Model. My module has one line Item which has the email ID(Customer Email) of that particular user, however this module is not dimensioned by Users. For this module i only have one dimension which is basically the Index for the records, rest other data…
Synchinga selected list item with Page Context Selectors
As an analyst, I want to be able to have Page Context Selector automatically selected when I select a specific Line Item value in the grid so that I can do analysis in an intuitive manner. It's bothersome that I must scroll the page to change Page Context Selector when I want to drill down a specific line item in the grid.
Page-levelfilter on detail data
As an analyst, I want to be able to filter detail data of all card components, including charts and grids, just as we can do for dimensions using Page Context Selector. In the current specification, Page Context Selectors apply to all card components in the Page while a filter on detail data applies only to a specific…
UX source model auto updater
Author: Abhishek Roy is a Certified Solution Architect , Sr. Platform Architect at Equinix and a member of their Anaplan CoE team. This article primarily covers a less explored API functionality that the Anaplan UX is based on and adds an element of automation and easy configuration to the otherwise manual time-taking and…
2.4.8 Activity: Create Detailed Demand Review UX Page
Hi I'm stuck at this activity where im unable to use the override checkbox in the UX page, but it works fine at the module view. Can anyone please let me know what im missing here, as i have reviewed the access driver module activity. Thanks & Regards Fardeen
Mmt Reporting - Allow multiple concurrent Page Builders
In mmt reporting we have been having version control issues if saving a page whilst multiple people are editing. Ideally is there a way having multiple people editing at the same time? Alternatively is possible to lock the page while one person is making changes and state who is in there making the changes. (Should be able…
Management Reporting Spell Checker
Would it be possible to get a Management Reporting Spell Checker feature like what Microsoft apps currently have for commentary boxes.
Approach for managing conditional formatting colors in one place
Thought I'd drop this here in case it's helpful to anyone. Business Need To promote a consistent user experience and an intuitive application, we want colors to be used in a consistent manner across an application. We also want it to be easy to quickly and easily change those colors in the event of: Changes to user…
Selective Access on Flat List Subsets
Currently, selective access write permissions must be granted to a parent item for end users to modify an item's subset membership. In the case of a flat list, the items do not have a parent, which means users cannot modify the inclusion of these items in the subset. This has created challenges within my organization, as…
UX obstacle course or scavenger hunt
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: As an end user, I want to upskill in UX pages in a fun gamified way such as an obstacle course or scavenger hunt, so that I can be…
UX Format an item, is there a limitation on the number of rows that can be formatted?
I have a quandary. I love the new UX formatting options that were released to add scaling to the line item format being displayed within a card. This is super helpful to create more dynamic user experiences on the fly. However, I noticed a quirk where the formatting is not being consistently applied when there are multiple…
New UX - Conditional formatting multiple line items the same
Hi, I have a dashboard with 20 columns, all of which share the same complex conditional formatting rule that consists of 12 midpoints. Setting up one column takes a little time, and I need to repeat this process for all 20 columns. It would be really helpful to have the option to apply a formatting template to multiple…
Ability to Create Multiple List Items in Forms
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Currently in UX, users have to create list items one by one, which can cause a significant amount of extra work over time. How often…
Workflow - Add Machine task on Reject
As a workflow builder, I want to have the possibility to add a machine task after a reject, so that I can run a process or write data. For example: A Decision task can end on Reject. Afterwards, it should run a process/task, specifically designed for rejection (Import Item, write task, run Anaplan Process). This…
Mmt Reporting - notes commentary boxes
In management reporting it would be really useful for end users to have the ability to make notes for presentation - similar to the notes function at the bottom of PPT slides that allows users to add a commentary that doesn't appear in the presentation/pdf version.
Management Reporting - Undo/Redo buttons
In management reporting can we get an undo button? Allows you to undo accidents made during editing
Management reporting commentary boxes - size by version
In management reporting is it possible to link commentary boxes to versions? e.g. Version A may have lots of commentary about revenue and very little on COGS, Version B has little on Rev and lots on COGS - this will make our report spacing look awkward.
Mmt Reporting - Allow grouping of cards
In management reporting, when you highlight a group of cards and then stretch them to fit the page, they can become overlapped, would be good that when you change the page size it changes accordingly or when you change dimensions of cards they also act accordingly. Similar to the 'group objects' in paint.
Mmt Reporting - defining card position
In management reporting can we define the position of cards e.g. option to enter x mm from top left / top right, similar to PPT positioning?
Mmt Reporting - Availability of Grid card templates
Any grid card saved template cannot by used on a Mmt reporting page. Is it possible to have templates tat are shared between dashboards and management reports?
Mmt Reporting - Ability to define height and width of cards
When updating cards in management reporting is it possible to dictate the size of the boxes (similar to PPT), page builders need to stretch dimensions rather than keying them in directly.