Understanding Anaplan's UX with analogies, FAQs and best practices
There are a lot of questions being asked about Anaplan's latest UX (formerly NUX) and its usage. Although there are fantastic recordings available on Community and enough material on Anapedia, the goal of this article is to provide valuable detail in the form of FAQs and analogies to support faster ramp-up for Anaplanners…
Master Anaplanners advice on using the UX
Many of you will have joined us throughout 2020 to learn about the UX. In this comprehensive article on the UX, hear from the best of the best as to their experiences, hints and tips on getting the most from THE User Experience. Enjoy! https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Blog/The-Master-Anaplanners-UX-Cookbook/ba-p/90711
Vidéo - Création d'un board sur la UX
Bonjour, Nous sommes ravis de vous proposer cette deuxième vidéo consacrée à la création d'un Board sur la User eXperience. Que vous soyez novice ou expert, j'espère que vous allez apprendre quelques nouvelles notions. Osez, testez, pratiquez, c'est le meilleur moyen d'apprendre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5iXQrv4mdU…
Collaboration comes to UX!
See UX thread for links!
Check in here for all the latest on UX development and features
How do I get a UX Research Superstar badge?
The Anaplan Community recently came out with many new badges to award and show appreciation to our members for their involvement. One of those badges—the UX Research Superstar badge—awards Community members for participating in research carried out by the User Experience (UX) team. At Anaplan, our UX team spends a lot of…
UX Live - our next workshop
Richard and I will be hosting another UX Workshop on Wednesday 4th November. If you haven't been able to attend before, or would like some colleagues to join this time, then click here to sign-up!
Using the U.S.E.R. Methodology to Move to the UX
Anaplan’s UX is a great feature that can be used to condense multiple dashboards into meaningful apps and pages. I see this as a huge improvement to users' overall experience of the product. By taking an example of a simple case study, I'll explain how to use the new U.S.E.R. methodology to move from Classic to UX. Case…
Anaplan’s UX: Changing the Way Companies Plan
"Hold on, I'll have to call you back. The model needs to update with those changes we just entered, and it's going to be a while before we can see the results." Does this sound familiar? Countless businesses across the globe are dealing with these inefficiencies within existing planning processes. This leads to untold…
OEG Best Practice: UX transition: Overview of the U.S.E.R. methodology
Looking at transitioning from Classic to UX? The U.S.E.R. methodology can be your guide in this journey. Follow these four steps to facilitate your adoption of the UX: Understand The goal with understanding is to build a vision for the UX in your company and empathize with users and address their challenges. This is…
NUX - Import Dashboard functionality is here!
No reasons now to not start that migration! Early tests show this migration tool to be very effective at transferring approx. 95% of a Classic dashboard's content. We will be covering this in our next UX Workshop on October 1st and a video will be available here in the coming days with a brief demo - so watch this space!
UX - Migrez rapidement vos dashboards "classic" vers les nouvelles pages avec 'Import Dashboard'
Une fonction simple permet désormais de récupérer vos dashboards existant en Pages dans vos nouvelles Apps! Parce que voir, c'est croire: je vous joins une courte vidéo vous montrant comment trouver et utiliser le 'Import Dashboard'. En moins de deux minutes, elle vous montre l'import d'un dashboard, et même comment…
Five Lesser Known Features of the UX
The release last year of the Anaplan UX was one of the largest and most eagerly anticipated product updates that Anaplan has seen. In the months since the first public UX release, we have seen hundreds of updates to the UX with extra features being delivered on an almost daily basis. Some of these new features will be…
July & August 2020 release info
Details of new features available in July/August 2020 including Hypermodel, UX, Notifications and Graphical updates. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Releases/July-2020-Releases-and-Sneak-Peek-at-August/ba-p/78852#toc-hId-1334952503
New Collaboration Capabilities
The Anaplan UX continues to evolve at a rapid pace and it can be difficult to keep up to date with all the latest features being made available. Check out the link below to see how the new collaboration capabilities can help support your business processes…
UX - Pourquoi avoir gardé les modèles en haut de la Home Page? Et comment les masquer...
J'avais eu cette remarque cet été de la part de @elisa.richomme, et c'est bien légitime. Car finalement, pourquoi insister autant sur notre nouvelle ergonomie applicative avec les Apps et les Pages si, lorsque les utilisateurs se connectent, la première chose qu'ils voient sont les modèles en haut de la page? La chose…
UX roles: overview
Updated July 31st 2020 Here is an overview of the different roles in Classic and in the UX. Tenant Admin Model Builder Page Builder End User Classic UX Disable and Enable Tenant users and assign Page Builders ✅ Manage Workspace users and assign Model Builders and Users ✅ Manage Model Security ✅ Build Modules, Line Items,…
KPI Only Showing First First Line Item in Module in Mobile App Instead of Line Item Selected
Hello, I experienced an issue regarding KPI's in the new UX. I have a module with a few line items dimensionalized by Version and another list. I published a few KPIs to a page on the new UX, each representing different line items of this module. I have selected the appropriate line item for each card in the Card…
Learn in the New UX with Level 1 Model Building
A lesson from the Level 1 Model Building course featuring new content and screenshots around the New UX. Today we will launch the updated Level 1 Model Building on-demand training. This is a newly updated course that includes the Anaplan New UX. For those of you just starting your Anaplan learning journey, please use this…
Capture New Data From Your Users with Forms
Creating new list items and capturing data against them forms a critical part of many planning processes, especially those that seek to democratize planning by engaging end users in a wider range of planning activities. Forms are a new input mechanism added to the Anaplan UX that allow you to create simple, intuitive input…
Anaplan's New User Experience Designed for Optimal Planning
Have you heard? Anaplan’s user experience is evolving. With a laser focus on the customer journey, Anaplan's New User Experience (NUX) is designed to make users’ lives easier by helping their business to run more smoothly and catering to better planning and decision making. The NUX is currently available in the platform.…
Is Anaplan’s New User Experience Right for My Organization?
If you attended Anaplan's CPX conference last year, you've probably already heard about and seen Anaplan's New User Experience (New UX). After seeing a demo or two of what is possible with the New UX, you are likely wondering, “what else do I need to know before implementing the New UX?” To help shed light on this, we've…
Recap: User Groups Live! from the UK
What a week! User Groups Live! (UGL!) wrapped up two successful, live-streaming events last week from the United Kingdom. Read on to catch the highlights and discover where you can catch the recordings from each event. User Groups Live! from York On Tuesday, November 12, UGL! streamed from the Anaplan York office. The…
Anaplan's New UX is in Open Early Access
Anaplan's New UX on a tablet and mobile. Anaplan is excited to announce the open early access period for the new Anaplan User Experience (New UX). Take a look below to learn more about where you can gain access to the Your New User Experience area of the Community, as well as all of the benefits and resources you need to…