Boolean with summary : "all", true for parent with no child?
Why is a Boolean line item with summary set to ALL true for Parent even when there are no child items? I noticed that a boolean line item was true for a parent in the hierarchy automatically if summary was set to ALL even if it had no children. Why is this so? I thought if summary is set to ALL the parent would be true if…
Ability to auto-name PDF based on context when exporting from Management Reporting
When exporting a PDF - the name is always the name of the page as it appears in the app. It would be good if you could configure this so that it recognises the context of what you were exporting, but could supplement this with text. E.g. if you were exporting a board pack, you could select the context of "Europe" and…
Improvement of Report page: add a slider to the Insert data menu
Hello, All! I have an idea that will speed up the process of developing the "Report" page. In the "Insert Data" menu field, you need to add a slider to quickly scroll through the line items. This will greatly speed up the process of creating dynamic text fields, because now it takes a lot of time to scroll to the end of…
Split table on two pages in management report
I am creating a management report and want to show a slide/page with a table. Is there any way to split the table (either manually or automatically) on several pages/slides if the table is too large for one page?
Conditional Formatting Update - Applicable to Text shown
Similar to how conditional formatting works within Excel and an enhancement to the functionality within both boards, reports to be able to alter the font colour along with the border/background colour. Having this would allow reporting to be taken on a level.
New Experience (Report) Cannot copy paste and not available for calculations
Is it possible to enable copy paste in the report? And activate the calculation when you want to block cells?
Management Report Variable Font Sizes in rows and columns
Customer request for enhancement to be able to change font sizes for items in rows and columns in grids and tables for all page types. For example in an income statement, the ability to increase font sizes for summary items such as NET INCOME or FULL YEAR in rows and columns respectively so that these items stand out more.…
Management reporting- Labels on Pie Chart
Would it be possible to change the make up of a pie chart in Management reporting, so that when you add a label it doesn't put it outside the pie chart or at least the option to have it inside or outside the pie chart please. When you add a label to a pie chart, it takes up so much more room on the report and creates a lot…
Anaplan Chart Updates
Was there a recent update to charts that makes the "stacked" option apply to all data within the graph? Previously, the stacked option only affected bar graphs but now it affects line graphs as well. Can an option be added to choose which elements of the graph we want stacked?
Hi Team, Is there a way to fix the LIS Indention of those identified as Parents, other than unticking the parent button in the source module, please? Please see screenshot for the sample indention being mentioned. Appreciate your assistance. Thank you, Elaine
MR question
Hi Community, I have a bit of a problem with my MR the filter was resolve by comments from BrunoRodriguez but there is still some issues present. Requirement: When user select Dec 22 on the page selector, the graph should show Dec 22 Nov 22 Oct 22 and Sep 22. It is always current time and previous 3 mos. Example: this one…
Management Reporting - Ideas
Within Management Reporting, it would be nice to have: Font Styles The ability to upload images from your computer More shapes Ability to change formatting within a referenced variable in a text box (this would probably be difficult but maybe a preview of the variable could show and then you could format that text)…
Management Reporting: Be able to centre data as a global setting in tables
Within Management Reporting you're able to centre data at a line item level (see below) But not at a global level (see below) Would be great to have these aligned.
Copy a slide from one management report into another
Duplicated a board or worksheet is very helpful, it would be great to be able to duplicate a slide from one management report and move it into another management report (section of the app).
Adding page numbers and text in the footer of slides in reports
Similar to PDF, would be helpful to add page numbers and text in the footer section of each slide. My managers use the web based report functionality but they get confused on which slide they want to provide feedback for. My apologies if this already exists but I have searched to no avail.
Throw some shapes in Management Reporting!
Very excitingly you can now throw shapes in Management Reporting. All sorts too... No longer means having to do workarounds for coloured backgrounds! Plus I noticed that there's now more precision with the cards themselves and you're able to see relative numbers to other cards - helpful when you want them all the same gap.…
Variance Analysis for Profit or Loss
Hi Does anyone know how to create Variance analysis. I use reporting tool (Insert Calculations) but Varian (%) doesn't seem to work for all type of costs, for example revenue is favourable if actual revenue is higher than budget but if cost is higher it should be unfavourable. Variance % doesn't give the right calculation…
Alternative Uses for the Management Report UX Page
Introduction With the addition of the Report UX page type, it is now possible to create highly formatted, customized slides to deliver key insights and clear reporting to your organization. As with many Anaplan features, our customers always come up with innovative ways to use this feature and this post will look at two of…
Introducing the Shape Card to Management Reporting
The next step in the evolution of our Management Reporting look and feel! Check out the this video to see how to incorporate the new Shapes card option into your report!
Within Excel Add-In having an ability to customise elements on the fly
I'd love to this feature become available is an ability to create individual dimensionality intersections, similar to that of TM1 or Jedox. This is where the various element intersection points can be typed into the excel sheet and so long as that sheet is connected to Anaplan, will pull the data into Excel. This is also…
Insights and inspiration! Two "5 mins reads" for those interested in data and application challenges
In the last couple of months I have really enjoyed working with @PeteD on a couple of different articles on topics that we think resonate across all industries, lines of business, and basically anyone trying to navigate the modern data and application landscape. In case you missed them see below for the links to check them…
Maximising Value Through Management Reporting - event May 26th
Sure to be a fantastic session with Master Anaplanner and Community Gury(!) @andrewtye from Aviva - Join on May 26th at 2pm for some genuine insights and ways to add value - directly from an Anaplan customer. Sign up here!
Research Findings: Presentation Table formatting in Management Reporting
In December 2021, we asked for your help in understanding your experience using some recent additions to the formatting of presentation tables in Management Reporting, specifically the ability to amend the styles of headers and data, line item summaries and time summaries: We were looking to understand: * Adoption -…
Yet to migrate to the UX?
I know some of our community have yet to make that transition from what we call Classic Dashboards to the UX. Check out this community article on the value of using the UX. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Plan-better-faster-Migrate-to-the-UX/ta-p/125819
Management Reporting Get Started Guide
Download and add this deck to your Anaplan toolkit to help kick off your Management Reporting adoption. Enjoy!
Upvote here if you like the idea of Management Reporting Exporting to PPT!
See this article on Idea Exchange if you like the idea of being able to combine the power of Management Reporting in Anaplan with the output of MS PowerPoint - could be a fantastic addition to the offering.
Call Anaplanners France-S2E2-Part 2-Oct 2021
Dans ce call du mois d'Oct 2021, Richard Saint-Julien (Avant-vente Anaplan) partage des bonnes pratiques pour réussir une Expérience Utilisateur, et poursuit la découverte de Management Reporting. La vidéo et le support en pièces jointes.
Join us – Everything you need to know about Anaplan’s Management Reporting functionality!
What is it: An event showcasing Anaplan’s Management Reporting functionality that allows users to create formatted, customizable reports that highlight key insights that empower business leaders to make more informed decisions, fast. When is it: Thursday 21st October 2pm BST How do I register? Clink the link here to…
Thank you, Modelers Forum!
Thank you to all our forum members who attended yesterday's session with @Paul and I - we hope you enjoyed it and took away some food for thought. Special thanks also to Stephen Brook from the Product Team for leading the discussion and providing insight on the current and future potential state of Model Management. Watch…