Create a Formula to Reference a User's Model Role

Dynamic cell access can be extremely challenging with long user lists, especially if you want a user's read/write abilities to be dependent on their model role. If we were able to reference a user's model role via a formula, we could create role specific criteria for dynamic cell access.

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  • @rachel_goering 

    We are currently investigating various enhancements to the user list, including subsets and possibly creating a roles list, similar to users which will allow DCA by role

    Would that satisfy the user case?


  • @DavidSmith Yes, that would satisfy the use case. Is there an estimated release date for those enhancements?

  • I wish I could have add 1000 kudos!


    @DavidSmith really looking forward to that! 

  • @rachel_goering 

    We've still to do the investigation so a little early for estimates

    That said, it is unlikely to be this year, but it is high up on my priority list


  • @DavidSmith this sounds great!! would make creating User access much easier and complete

  • Adding this functionality would be fantastic and would greatly simplify DCA management as well as user access/security management which are audit-able and recurring reviews at my company! Excellent suggestion @rachel_goering!

  • This would be so great!!!

  • Always looking forward to more user management functionalities!

  • To add on, we need some flexibility w.r.t read access - We have a use case, where we want to give read access to certain locations but allow users to filter the locations(multi-select scenario) based on a flag - Due to read access, they can't select the flag against the location and it is set to false for them. 

    There shall be flexibility where we can bypass the default access for a line item/module. 


  • @rachel_goering great idea! DCA has been a very useful addition to how users interact with the model, and this will only expedite the time set it up and will increase the use of DCA by making it a simpler process.

  • There is a strong use case for role-specific DCA, especially if a large number of line items are involved. I would be very interested in hearing when this enhancement becomes available.

  • Very excited to see this is being considered and is an active development priority.  Managing DCA at a discrete user level while at times helpful can also be hugely painful or require workarounds to leverage non-native user/role lists to create more manageable work groups.  

  • Strongly agree and greatly look forward to user management enhancements.

  • Another vote for this functionality.

  • @DavidSmith  Can we expect it this year? 🙂

  • Hello,

    Has there been updates to this ? i would like to know how to get a users role to give them DCA depending on that?

    if so please be so kind to link any news or articles that could help.

  • I am also looking to grant DCA per line items to a Model Role. Is this delivered or on a roadmap?

  • Re-upping the conversation on User list (and associated items) functionality inclusive of, but not limited to:

    Sub-setting User List

    User Roles being "reference-able"

    User Selective Access being "reference-able"

    Roles List

  • Any update on this? Thanks!

  • I would love an update on the status as this could be leveraged in many of our use cases.

  • This is a needed feature that would simplify model complexity and improve user adoption. Is there any updated timeline for release?

  • This is so needed. I am surprised there is no update. IMO security & tenant administration enhancements are bottom of the list in Anaplan's roadmap.

  • Hi,
    I need a role based DCA, when I create a user based DCA for 1 case it takes 25% of the total model size which is compared to the price of workspace not acceptable. As I can see this is a topic for a long time already and nothing happend so far.
    It would be great to get some positive news for such basic features instead of AI…

  • Any updates on this, please ?


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