Level 3 Sprint 1
I am at the part where i need to link the account to the country. I saw some post before saying the informationis in sys003 but my sys003 is empty. Did i miss anything?
How do i remove the time aggregration (h1, 2019, etc.)
Level 3 5.51 file not downloadable
I'm trying to download the file in the link below: When I click on the link it doesn't download a file but opens it as a new browser tab: Someone else previously raised a similar issue: When I click on the link I get the same issue, it opens the data in a separate browser tab. Is there somewhere I can download a csv file…
Conclusion of Level 2 Model Building DATA02 SKU Volumes module
hello I'm stuck in this . can anyone help me from Level 1 FP&A module we have G3 and P3 SKU as dimnesions where is when importing from supply chain module it has different dimensions . how to import ? supply chain module if i use DATA 01 begining inventory module as data source , can you help me in fixing the import as i…
- Import Data into DAT04 module
I was trying to import from data hub to supply chain model, but it was not working out,
Level 2 Sprint 3 3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review UX Page - SKU Product detail
While Creating UX page as per instruction I have problem with 3rd view How Can I get Stock exeption at product SKU level , where as my module has Product Family ? My Module is
Level 2 Model building - Sprint 1: flat lists vs system modules
Hi everyone, I'm confused about some concepts related to data hubs: -Why do we build both flat lists and system modules in the data hub? Is Anaplan not able to import from lists? -Why did we create a hierarchical list in the data hub when we were told it's best practice not to?
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View
The question dont know why it is empty Everything seems perfecrt but why there is only ZEROS ? Help please ?
Sprint 3 exam Doubt Country made in
hello for the exam question to find out stock expection for all the prodcuts for Mar 20 for countries . as per the data i have uploaded it shows me 14 and the list of the countires but in the options there are not more than 5 countires i dont know where i made mistake and i feel all my formulas are correcT . can anyone…
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module
Hello can anyone please help that formula for country made in is correct ?
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module ux page conditional formatting
hello I am stuck at this because I don't find the proper conditional formating option in custom view to create the above said condtion to highlight great than 0 ; what i have is to write min and max value
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module formula is wrong ?
hello I have put the formula for Safety Stock Flag Count but in the exam it says wrong when i pasted it . i dont why couple of times it got rejected ? any advice will be helpful
How do I convert the format from Text to List?
When I edit the format and switch from text to list, I get the following error message: "Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source." How do I fix this?
L2 Import Data into Historic Volumes Module - Ignored
Cannot import Historic+Volumes file into DAT03, records getting ignored every time. Here's my settings on the import: What am I doing incorrectly?
Level 2 Sprint 2
Hi I am trying to import from the DAT03 Module and my volume values are showing up as "true" - how do I fix it?
L3 Exam
When it says Data Hub Model. May I know which model are they referring to? I have downloaded one data hub and one sales planning in L2 one data hub in L3 Sprint 2. But i am not sure which sales planning model they are referring to. Thanks.
3.5.3 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary Module
my whole data is ZERO , can you check my formula is correct etc
Need help with Level 2 Sprint 2 -
I'm trying to create the module in the exercise and have selected the right dimensions per the below, however I am not seeing the product families.. only "Growth %" Why am I not seeing the Products from the P1 Product Family list show up?
l3 exam instructions
I have been following the instructions and when i download data from the L3 exams. it's in quarterly basis while in the existing data hub model / sales planing model (which i downloaded in L2) are all in monthly basis. Did I download the right or wrong thing or it's part of the test to convert those? Thank you.
L3 Sprint 2
Is this normal? All my data is empty
3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
Hello Can anyone help me how to get rid of the values in the line items in product SKU by Distribution grid ? i have created a saved view for distribution centres which is has values . but to get the final results to show only the dimensions without values how it is possible as per the requirements ? even if i turned on…
- Create Product Supply Manager Role
Hello can anyone help in saying the the logic how to apply these conditions ? first create the roles and give the read write access to the modules ? create access control module for products and SKU and map their names to it ? how ? im totally confused how to do the logic when to create access control module( DCA) and…
Reducing dimensions (show selected result)
I have a question on ways to reduce the dimensions to do reconcilation or filter result? For example, i have 10 dimensions (Lists and LS) in the final report that consumes many spaces (cells). The final report has only one single line item = value. Say I want to show the value of selected Cost Centers but not by filtering…
cant access after restoring history
after i have resorted to some eariler viersion in the history due to some accidently removing the dimesions from models menu of a model; now i have checked my pages and it is showing this can i know how to solve this ?
Begining inventory Sprint 2 and 3 level 2
Hello I was working on inventory module but somehow i did something and my nos got changed in the begining inventory . now it shows only the total sum instead of 13000 for nutzo bar en can i know how to rectify it ? i dont know how it got changed etc
3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review UX Page
Is that my output is correct ?
Territory & Quota Planning Application
Has anyone had a chance to analyze or purchase the recent Territory & Quota Planning Application? I'd like to understand: the level of customization available/required (depending on perspectives) cost of the application/licenses (i don't know the selling structure) how the implementation or configuration works if it's a…
INV01 L2 Sprint3 Shipping cost and final Shipping Cost formula
For Shipping cost i wrote the formula as : Final Shipment Amount / 1000 * 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Cost per 1000 Units'[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product, LOOKUP: Shipping Method] what should be the formula for final shipping cost ?