No of attempts for each of the level 2 Exams
Hi Members , How many attempts can be made for each of the level 2 ( Sprint 1, 2, 3 etc ) exams ? Thanks
Demand forecast populating issue
Hello Members , While in the " DEM3 Demand Forecast Module " I am facing an issue . By Applying the below formulae IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?'THEN 'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.'Offset Volumes for 1st Forecast Year'ELSE 0 I am able to populate " Base line forecast " for FY20 weekly . But I am not able…
2.3.10 Activity: Create Demand Forecast- Need Help
I'm not getting any values for my 3 line items after the baseline forecast. I cannot figure out why this is happening. I see growth percentages in my source modules, but they are not being carried over in my formula for my "DEM03 Demand Forecast Module".
Create DEM04 Demand Export Module
Hello, please help me define the summary methods of Demand Export Module to match my results with the correct answer from the course. here si my results The correct result is attached
L1 Training Video Example and the Importance of Denominator Choice
The User Story for L1, slide 8.7.4, Challenge #1 (Catering Analysis) provides the SUM Demo Model and asks for a list of goals scored summed by each player's favorite breakfast, in order to plan the menu. Summing the goals as requested by the assignment reveals that the players who chose Cold Cereal collectively scored 4…
TAR01 Detailed Sales Targets
I am struggling with LI "Initial Account Sales Target" any hint please. Also could be please confirm rest line item is as expected.
Level 2 - Sprint 3 -
Can anybody let me know if the below attached screenshot is right with regarding its format?
8.8.2 Activity Add Formulas to Country Margin Report
Hi Community ! 😊 So Im completing the training and Im suppose to have the same page as my screenshot below : But Mines Turned out like this : Some help would be appreciated Thank you in Advance ! @Akhtar.shahbaz Im not sure if I should change it back to sum But i dont think so .
Help on 8.5.3 import data volume inputs module
Below Im trying to map everything out. Im currently trying to complete the activity. I looked over the instructions this is my screen shot : But I have Volumes on the other tab The product code is not showing as an option just saying the word column.... @Akhtar.shahbaz Please and thank you 😄
DEM 03 Baseline forecast formulas
Hi, I am trying to write formulas for this activity: Here is what I am doing: But the results are nor correct, How should I change the formulas and/or summary methods? Thanks
8.2.2 Add volume input modules
My dates are not showing. It is only showing Jan Instead of the training screenshot . Its suppose to look like below: @Akhtar.shahbaz @ryan_kohn Please and Thank you
- Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module- time mapping problem
Hi, I am trying to Import from Data hub. This is my mapping: And I got this error message: Any guidance regarding this? Roya
Level 2 Model Building (Sprint 1) - Activity 1.3.3
In the level 2 - 1.3.3 activity, am i importing the files correctly? For example, when i import the county flat list, the directions tell me not to appoint a parent. So I proceeded per my screenshot below. is this correct?
Import Shipping Expenses into OTH01 Module
I have been trying to import for the shipping cost line item in OTH01 Non Employee Expenses Module and still getting code error. Help me in figuring out what is wrong?
Level 2 Sprint 3 Module INV01 : Formula for Shipping Method
Hello !!, @Misbah I have been doing Level 2 Sprint 3 - INV01 Module and stuck on formula for Shipping Method as i am getting multiple type of errors while doing LOOKUPs. In order to populate values for Shipping Method Line Item, I need to look into SYS07 Module(Distribution Center Details) for Default Shipping Line item…
L1 MB: Lesson 6.6.3 Add Formulas to Time Settings Module
Hello, Formulas was updated in the Time Settings module as per below instructions. But in grid view I notice my module is missing check marks in FY19 (Actual Period), FY20 & FY21 (Forecast Period) columns which is different to the example module. I've gone back to the instructions and the formulas and formats are the same…
Lesson 9.2.5
Hi all, I am trying to input the formula in unit price % in rev05. I am getting the error "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result". However, when I input the formula in unit cost % in rev05 it works just fine. I have went back to look at SYS04 and SYS06 formats/formulas and haven't…
Level 1 Activity 5
Getting an error for dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result.
Level 1, 9.2.5 Activity: Dimension Error
Hello, I'm working on Level 1 Model Building (9.2.5: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module). When I try to enter the LOOKUP formula for the line item 'Unit Price %' in REV05, I get the error: "Dimension of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the result" I verified that in REV05 the "Applies…
3.3.6 Activity: Test the Shipping Cost Formulas
The Final Shipping Time Weeks is right? Why is it not 1 in my module?
First day of the week for fake week
Hi, I have calculations in a module with time day and the calendar type is calendar month. I have created fake weeks and needs to calculate first day of the week and last day of the week. Havent found a good solution for that. Does anyone have an idea?
Level 2 Sprint 3 activity 3.4 & 3.5
Hi, So while creating these UX pages I noticed my conditional formatting and and my chart as well is starting from week 5 onwards and not from week 1 , I don't understand the reason behind this , can someone explain , what I might be doing wrong .
Calculation Error
I am trying to calculate the phone costs for a department in December 2020 and medical costs for a department in December 2020, as well as fiscal year totals for certain departments. Been on this for 2 weeks now. The formulas I am using in REP04 are producing numbers, but they are incorrect. Here is REP04: It draws from…
Level 1; Course 8.5.3 - need assistance mapping volume into module
I’m having issues mapping out the attached file; any assistance would be appreciated!! Thank you!
L2 Actions at beginning of Sprint 3
As I start Sprint 3, the first activity was to create a new Action and place it into Process 9. I am looking for validation that my action tab looks correct or was I supposed to add the import volume growth rates to process 9 as well? I vaguely remember specific instructions to make this one action into its own process. If…
Level 1 4.6.6 Activity: Import Data into P1 Product Family List.
Hi you amazing community 🙂 When I import the data for P1 list and map it, I either get an error that family name doesn't exist (chocolates doesn't exist), or CH maps under chocolate, etc. There's also no option for parent mapping. My grid doesn't look like the training instructions and I'm stuck. Thanks so much in advance
- Check Your Work
The method and Shipping Time weeks are not getting populated in my module. I don't know why? Help me resolve this?
- Create Planning Period Filters
Confused on which Line Item I'm building a formula for, I'm assuming both. Also this is the formula I used to so that the weeks in that month are selected as well when you select the month are as follows. Please advise. MONTHVALUE('SYS00 Time Settings by Month'.Planning Period Filter), Kind of confused why would not want…
Level 2 - Sprint 3 -
Let me know, if what I did is right or not Create a Filter You will need to create two Boolean-formatted line items in the SYS01 Time Settings by Week systems module: * Line Item Name: First Week of Timescale? * Use this Boolean-formatted line item to select the first week of the timescale. * End users can manually select…
Level 2 - Sprint 3 -
Can I get help regarding this? This line item needs to display the value from the Beginning Inventory line item in DAT01 Beginning Inventory module for the first week of the year and the Ending Inventory from the previous week. The syntax of the formula should be written: If it is not the first week of the year, then use…