Monthly ending balance of a module with a weekly time scale bring to another module with monthly sca
Hi appreciate if someone can check and give some directions. Thank you. I wrote.. IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.First Week of Timescale? THEN PREVIOUS('INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory I need to extract only monthly endling inventory balance to another…
L1 Model Building - 6 Modules 6.8.2 (Adding Formula)
Good DayI am struggling to ascertain what I'm doing wrong as the training module informs me that I need to add the following formula: "CODE(ITEM(G1 Region))". However it is giving me the below error message. Please assist. What am I doing wrong? Please see the print screen in the attachment.thanks
Missing Training Badges on my Profile
Dear support, why I don't have on my profile all the badges like Level 2, Anaplan Way if I am already certified on those training? Thanks in advance Jose.
SYS07 Location Details module
Hi there, I'm working on level 2 model building and uploading location file into SYS07 Location details module, however the "Code" is not picking up. Can you please let me know why this is the case and how to fix it? Thank you, M
Level 2 Sprint 3 Stock Exception Review Dashboard Help
Hey! I've been trying to figure out how to create the 3rd grid for the Stock Exception Review Dashboard. This is the view with creating a grid that shows Safety Stock Flag Count by period at the SKU level. I was thinking I need to create a new line item with a lookup, but thinking I'm over complicating things! Any…
Level 2 Sprint 3 - Activity Review INV01 Line Item
Hello, This question is related to Activity: Review the INV01 Line Item Formulas and Summary Method settings. Here is my screenshot: My numbers do not match the numbers in the training. I went back and checked the data I loaded was correct and it is. I’ve rechecked my formulas and I’m not able to find any issues with…
Level 2 - Sprint 3 INV 01 - POST AND OFFSET
Hi 1) I am trying to get some sense on POST and OFFSET with the following 2 line items: a) Confirmed PO Delivery = OFFSET(PO Submitted, Final Shipping Time Weeks, 0) b) Confirmed PO Delivery Test = POST(PO Submitted, Final Shipping Time Weeks) and appreciate explanations on it. 2) If testing above, for Confirmed PO…
Learning Histroy Recorded on Personal Email Account
Dear Community, I joined the Community using my personal email account before my current financial analyst position. I have completed level 1 and 2 training with the account and I am now working towards obtaining the Model Builder Certification , which requires work experience certification. My question is: would it be an…
Level 2 - Sprint 3 - INV01 Results Differences
Hello - Is it normal to have small discrepancies in numbers, between my results and what's in Review the INV01 Line Item Formulas and Summary Method settings. In the attached screen shot, I have not accounted for the different summary methods yet. Example (Submit Purchase Order Receipt check box is selected): - Beginning…
Cleared the exam but was not able to get one answer in Activity related to calculating expenses by region and role Can anyone let me know what was the correct answer or whom to contact for the same
Extra Help - Publishing Charts to Dashboards
Use the screenshots below as a guide for completing the column chart in Publishing Charts to Dashboards. Start by opening the module that contains the data for your chart. In this case, open the Corporate Expenses module.Pivot the view to arrange the data for the column chart. In this case, Time should be in Columns. This…
Level 2 Sprint 1 - Course Content
Hi there, Having a small issue with the course content. I was mid-way through the course last night and clicked the "Return to the learning centre" assuming this saves my progress. Now, if I return to the course content, the link is now taking me straight to the Sprint 1 exam. Does anyone know how I can get pass this?
Academy: Model Building Level2, sprint 3, Lesson 3.5.5 question
I have a question for Model Building Level2, sprint 3, Lesson 3.5.5 and the product SKU by Distribution Center panel on the Distribution Center Summary UX page (in My Pages). I got it working, but I want to know if there is a better solution as my screen layouts are slightly different to the prototype. I used a grid and…
Level 2 Model Building - Sprint 1 - Activity: Set Up Import from Source Module
I'm completing the Level 2 Model builder training and I'm having an issue with the Activity: Set Up Import from Source Module, Sprint 1. When I import the saved view module I'm only getting the fields Code, Country. I should be getting Code, Country and Distribution Center. It's not showing up though and I'm not sure why.…
Level 1 training after new UX introduced: 14.6.2 Activity: Add Page Selectors to Dashboard (optional
Instructions: Add Location and Product Page Selectors On the Revenue and Margin DB classic dashboard: Add Location and Product page selectors under the dashboard title observation: Although a Margin and Revenue DB was created in Level 1 Model Building before the introduction of the new UX... I did not see in my post new UX…
Level 3 Model Building Sprint 1 - 7.1 User Story 1.6
In SYS02 Account Details module , i dont have data in Segment Line Item...Am I missing some data Loads(Files) here... Can Someone help me figure it out. Thanks in Advance 🙂
L2MB Sprint 1 part reconciliation with shows an example process that loads all flat lists of a hierarchy-to-be and then loads related system modules to that module, and then asks the student to take note of the order. follows a parallel process, but the example does not load all lists, and then all modules. I recommend that either the order of…
Level 1 FP&A Model (Old UX) required for Level 2 Conclusion
Hello All,Greetings!!I have finished Sprint 3 of Level 2 Certification in the Old Ux.The Conclusion exam of Level 2 on old UX requires connecting to the Financial Planning & Analysis Model which we designed during the Level 1 certification. Since I don't have that model with me (removed by our administrator due to space…
Lesson 6: Module Creation - Drop Down Added
I'm currently on Lesson 7 and have just created all my modules. When I open up module, it doesn't look like the completed training (I've included a screenshot). In my modules, the first main page has zero information but there's a drop down at the top so I can pull up a specific item. In the completed training, it doesn't…
Target mapping for imports into a model
Hi, I really do not understand target mapping when importing data for a model. Is there anyone who can help me with understanding this (may be with an example, since I am that much lost with this topic). Thank you
7.2.3 - Errors While Mapping
Hello Team, I'm struggling mapping for 7.2.3 Activity: Import Data into Employee Details Module - I received the attached error and also included the details of how I mapped. Can you please assist? Thanks!
Level 2 Conclusion : Connecting to the FP&A model
Hello - How do I connect to the FP&A model ? I am not sure if I missed reading about this. Can you please provide guidance on this ? Sunil
Leve 1 Model Building - Lesson 4
If you incorrectly map an import into Anaplan, is there a way to delete it?
4.2 List Subset - Advanced Topics
I watched the '4.2 List Subset - Advanced Topics' video and am trying to apply what I see there. There is a Boolean Line Item called 'Defined in Active Subset?' that is supposed to have a formula like this: But when I attempt to enter this formula I get this error: I understand the error. But it seems to say that the…
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 reorder flag
In Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 Module Line item - reorder flag has 2 different formulas one using ending inventory other one with suggested amount which one to follow?
Adaptive DBSCAN achievement
I am doing the DBSCAN clustering in python. I want to achieve an adaptive way to return the number of clusters by self calculating its eps and Minpts parameters. Below is my code. import math import copy import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN def loadDataSet(fileName, splitChar='\t'):…
Error message when trying to complete Level 1 MB lesson 6.8.3
Hi Team, I get the above error message "Code' is not a valid name, 'Code' clashes with 'CODE' which is reserved for system use" when trying to complete tasks in lesson 6.8.3. Please can you guide me on how to correct this. Also, when the exercise mentions the dimension to add, I am confused on when to add it to rows or…
L2 - Sprint 3 - INV01 Inventory Ordering Volume Module line item formulas
Hi, I am not getting the correct results of the below line items, kindly help me to validate the below formulas: 1. Forecast Demand : 'DEM03 Demand Forecast'.Final Forecast 2. Shipping Time Weeks: 'DAT02 Shipping Metrics'.'Shipping Time (Weeks)'[LOOKUP: 'Temp - P2 Product', LOOKUP: Shipping Method] Thanks!
Level 2 - Sprint 1 - Missing Continue Buttons
I have just started Level 2 - Sprint 1. It appears that there are currently no "Continue" buttons. (I have gone back and checked the Introduction section and that has the same issue.) If I go to the next section ("1.1.4 Delete from List Using Selection"), there is currently no material, just a blank screen with the heading…
Level 1 Model Building Exam-Model Building Activity 6
Hi, I want to see if I'm on the correct track for writing the formulas needed for Module REP04 Employee Expense Summary. IF Employed? THEN Salary [LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role LOOKUP: "SYS08 Employee Details'.Region] ELSE 0 Please let me know if heading in the correct direction. Thank you