Anaplan Certified Trainer workshop for Level 1 Model Building
We’ve been in the process of revamping our Anaplan Learning Journey, which can only mean one thing - new workshops! The Instructor-led/Virtual instructor-led version of the Level 1 Model Building training program has been revised to utilize Anaplan’s User Experience (rather than classic dashboards). If you are new to the…
The Anaplan Way Handout
Download our two-page handout on the approach to and benefits of The Anaplan Way:
Partner Presales - 5/23/2019 - London, UK
The Anaplan Way - 8/28/2019 - City, Somewhere
Level 1 Model Building - 6/27/2019 - Cityville, Nowhere
The Anaplan Way - 5/22/2019 - Paris, FR
Anyway to properly alter current list used for a model?
I've gone through 102 Certificate and found that List created previously was not properly configured. e.g. Top Level Item and Parent Hierarchy After some alteration and re-import the list it ruin my total model and need a re-build from scratch. Any suggestion?
Model Design course?
When do you offer Model Design classes?
299 - FP&A Case study Access
Hi, I have completed the pre-requisites for 299- FP&A case study. I have completed the 102 and 201 certification. Kindly provide the access for the same ASAP. Username: ARUN2001 E-mail Id: arunabh.talukdar@enquero.com Thanks, Arunabh Talukdar
Certificate of 299
Hi Team, I have completed my all levels of Anaplan certification including 299 with my previous organization, but I don’t have the certificate downloaded offline. Can you please help me getting my certificates for the same. my personal email id is : "ramjeegupta.02@gmail.com" Please Let me know if any other details are…
Sort Options
Summary: Learn about the options and shortcuts for sorting data in a module or on a dashboard. This course will take about 5 minutes to complete. Click to launch course!
certificate for 299
Hello All, I have completed my all levels of Anaplan certification including 299 with my previous organisation, but I don’t have the certificate downloaded offline. Can you please help me getting my certificates for the same, as I need to showcase them in my current organisation. I can provide my user details with which…
Where do I register?
How can I register for one of the Certification courses?
New to Anaplan
Hi All, My organization has recently bought a contract with Anaplan, we intend to use it to replace our Excel/Access based Territory Management process. I am on the "Process & Tech" team (read: I am a world class excel/access geek) that updates, improves, the soon to be defunct process, but also means that I am going to be…
Is The Anaplan Way required?
Are we required to use The Anaplan Way methodology?
Optimizer Overview
Under Optimization Exercise Model>actions>Other Actions>supply network(optimizer)>problem We have a choice between Linear programming and Feasibility Programming. I'm not quite clear about the functionality/working of Feasibility Programming and what would be the appropriate Use Case to test it.
List Vs Modules
Hello, Can anyone explain the difference between Lists & Modules and members & Line items with an example of each?
List Hierarchies
Can someone explain two ways to open a list in Anaplan?
Switchover - what is switchover?
Could you please explain what the switchover function is and when should it be used? I was not able to find any article on switchover in Anapedia.
Do model builders need to complete the certification update?
I just want to build models, not lead projects. Do I still have to complete the certification update?
Model Schema Documentation Platform
Hi all, Just finished my Anaplan training and starting the FP&A case study. I am drafting the model schema and would like to do it electronically. Any best practice for which platform to use to document the "model schema"? I was going to use excel... Thanks, Brett
Extra Help - List Subsets
Use the screenshots below as a guide for importing the Employees.csv file at the end of the List Subsets lesson. Open the Employees E2 list, select Tree View, then click Import.In the Select Source dialog, click Upload New File. (If you have previously attempted to upload Employees.csv, remove it from the list before…
Introduction to User Experience
With the Central Library and Engine parts of the model complete, it’s time to turn your attention to the end user experience – a critical piece of the overall model. However messy the behind the scenes pieces, the User Experience, or UX, must be neat and effective for your end users. After all, they are the entire reason…
Introduction to Modules
After building the model’s lists, it’s time to build its modules. Modules are the workhorse of a model. As you learned in The Building Blocks of Anaplan, the Engine contains modules that hold the data and calculations that you need to do your planning, and they reference the dimensions (time, versions, and lists) created…
Extra Help - Downloading Course Models
Follow these steps when downloading the models for Introduction to Model Building. * Confirm that you have Workspace Administrator status for the workspace you will be using. If you can see the Model Settings tab (looks like a gear) when you open an Anaplan model, then you have Workplace Administrator status. * Click the…
Basic Steps to Building a Model
Download this handout for future reference or to get a high level overview of the process you'll go through in the Introduction to Model Building course.
Introduction to Lists
As you learned in The Building Blocks of Anaplan, lists are a key part of the Central Library in an Anaplan model. Along with Time and Versions, lists provide the dimensions that give meaning to the data you include in a model. Lists are critical in Anaplan because they help define the structure of the model. A single list…
Interactive PDF Checklist
Download this interactive PDF checklist to track your progress through the course lessons.
Variable line Item.
Hi All, I have a Situation where value needs to be changed after a period of month. TimeValue17-Jan1017-Feb1017-Mar1017-Apr1517-May1517-Jun1517-Jul22.517-Aug22.517-Sep22.5 Here value is changed after every quater only for a line item i.e increased by 50%. Regards, Nitika
Model Roles vs. Selective Access
Model Roles and Selective Access are both used to restrict access within an Anaplan model, but they are used in different ways, as you learned in the prior two lessons. When choosing between establishing a Role or establishing Selective Access in your model, consider the following: * Who will need access to the model? *…