5.04-05 Pre aggregate in the source
Wherever possible, aggregations should be done in the source system. This is likely to reduce the size of the import file meaning faster imports
5.04-04 Only include the fields that are needed
Use the Ignore field if there are any unwanted fields in the source data
5.04-03 Data or Time period should not be part of the unique row
Consider what actually makes the row unique; include only attributes in the key, not data fields or dates Related to Rule: 1.05-11 Do not embed Numeric values or Dates within the Code of a list Best Practice article: Data Hubs: Purpose and Peak Performance
5.04-02 Create separate files for attributes and data
The data file should have the key and values based on the dimensions. Non dimensional data should be in a different file Related to Rule: 5.04-01 From source system, create a code defining all attributes Best Practice article: Data Hubs: Purpose and Peak Performance
5.04-01 From source system, create a code defining all attributes
Ideally, this would be a separate file that is unique vs. using the same file for the transactional load Exception: 5.04-01a Code is >60 characters: If the code is >60 characters, you will have to use combination of properties Related to Rule: 5.04-02 Create separate files for attributes and data Best Practice article:…
5.03-01 Remove unwanted sources
For one off imports, or when source models are no longer required, delete the source model to keep the list tidy
5.02-02 Keep actions in a process to a minimum
Each action in a process triggers a recalculation so try and minimize the number of actions
5.02-01 Naming Convention
Use "friendly" names for user facing processes. For data hubs or administrative processes use numeric prefixes to signify the order of the processes Related to Rule: 5.01-01 Naming Convention Best Practice article: Naming Convention
5.01-03 Keep User actions (in general) to a minimum
Critically review the need for user driven actions, consider the effect on user concurrency. Attempt to use formulas instead. This may need additional modules, but the user experience could be improved as a result
5.01-02 User Facing Actions in a process
Import and Export actions need to be republished if modified or replaced, whereas Process Actions are always consistent with whatever is held within the Process, making management easier Exception: 5.01-02a Numbered list actions: Actions involving numbered lists (Create, Assign, Copy Branch and Delete Branch) cannot be…
5.01-01 Naming Convention
Use numeric prefixes to signify the order within the process (e.g. 1.1 Import Products, 1.2 Import Product details). There is no need to include the technical module name in the description Related to Rule: 5.02-01 Naming Convention Best Practice article: Naming Convention
4.03-06 Avoid filtering on Nested Dimensions
If possible, try and avoid filtering on nested dimensions. Try and pivot the view differently. If this is not possible, ensure the filters are efficient Related to Rule: 4.02-01 Use efficient filters Best Practice article: Filter Best Practice
4.03-05 Use User filters to provide dynamic reporting
Create filter modules dimensioned by the users list to support dynamic filtering of module data Related to Rule: 1.03-02 Performance and size can be dependent Users list Best Practice article: Increase end user adoption with smart filters
4.03-04 Filter Selections in order of size
If using multiple conditions in a filter, include the conditions in order of list size with numeric conditions last
4.03-03 Use time filters on all dashboards
Do not use show/hide function for time; these are static. Using the Time Settings module makes the filtering dynamic when the model calendar changes Related to Rule: 2.01-07 Time Settings Module
4.03-02 Keep Filters in separate modules
Try and keep filters in separate System modules. They can then be reused for different modules Relate to Rule: 2.01-15 Filters in separate modules
4.03-01 Use efficient filters
For most efficient performance resolve filters to a single Boolean condition for each axis Related to Rule: 4.03-06 Avoid filtering on Nested Dimensions Best Practice article: Filter Best Practice
4.02-15 Limit modules with many formatted list line items
Too many list formatted line items displayed on a dashboard can adversely affect performance especially if the lists are large. Try and limit the number of displayed line items in a single module; split them into separate modules if necessary
4.02-14 Enable Personal Dashboards
Use Personal Dashboards to enable users to personalize the views of the data Related to Rule: 6.04-03 Master Dashboards Best Practice article: Personal Dashboards - Tips and Tricks
4.02-13 Store image URLs in a separate module
Keep all of the image URLs for a list in a separate System module. Be mindful of the correct dimensionality Related to Rule: 2.01-04 Use the D.I.S.C.O. Methodology for Module Design
4.02-12 Avoid using Delete action buttons on dashboards for end users
End users could potentially delete historical data, so keep the list element maintenance separate as part of the administration process Related to Rule: 4.02-11 Publish Process Actions instead of Import/Export Actions
4.02-11 Publish Process Actions instead of Import/Export Actions
Import and Export actions need to be republished if modified or replaced, whereas Process Actions are always consistent with whatever is held within the Process, making management easier Relate to Rule: 5.01-02 User Facing Actions in a process
4.02-10 Turn off the Module name
Use dashboard text to describe the grid, rather than display technical module names Related to Rule: 2.01-01 Naming Convention Exception: 4.02-10a Space Saving: If screen space is at a premium, heading text can take up more space than desired, but do consider the overall user experience and don't clutter up the dashboard
4.02-06 Deep Level hierarchies
Create a separate dashboard with selection modules to keep the main dashboards clean. This also allows for more efficiency navigation up and down the hierarchy tree
4.02-04 Add Page Selectors rather than module selectors
Use separate page selectors rather than module page selectors, especially if the dimensions are repeated in multiple dashboard elements Related to Rule: 4.02-05 Turn off module page selectors
4.02-03 Consider the screen size of the end users
Don't build based on your screen size. Consider the smallest size that users will be viewing the dashboard and build to that size. You should change the screen resolution to double check how the dashboards will look for the end users Related to Rule: 4.02-02 Avoid horizontal scrolling
4.02-02 Avoid horizontal scrolling
Try and avoid the screen scrolling horizontally. It is better to fix the grid and scroll within the grid Related to Rule: 4.02-03 Consider the screen size of the end users
4.02-01 Back to front design
At the beginning of the design process, take the user stories and the UX Principles. Start with the end in mind Best Practices article: Designing Dashboards
3.10-04 User Feedback
Interview users for the initial check in, talk them through your ideas and pages during your building process. Afterwards, you can interview them, or have them use the system and watch them as they do. See where they get stuck or are having troubles and make adjustments to suit their needs
3.10-03 After Go-live
Check in after Go-Live to make sure everything is working well for them