2024 Anaplan ジャパン ユーザー会 Spring 開催のお礼
この度はご多忙の中、「Anaplanジャパンユーザー会Spring」にご参加下さり、誠にありがとうございました。 年に2回「Anaplanジャパンユーザー会」を行なっており、次回は11月の開催を予定しております。 改めてご案内致しますので、お時間ございましたら是非ともご参加頂ければと存じます。 今後ともお付き合いのほど、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Earn 200 points! Blog opportunities for Community Bosses
Hello Community Bosses! We’re working on the Community editorial calendar for June and beyond, and would love a few volunteers to take on some specific topics. Blogs are worth 200 points, and are usually 800-1500 words. Drafts are due 2-3 weeks before the go-live date. Please let me know if you’re interested and I’ll…
Boîte à outils : Fichier pour estimer le volumétrie d'un modèle
Bonjour, Dans le cadre de la méthodologie de projet 'The Anaplan Way', une phase revêt une importance capitale : la première phase "Pre-release". Au cours de cette phase, il est fortement recommandé de procéder à une estimation de la taille du modèle. Cet exercice est crucial car il oriente notamment le choix de…
Meet Our Members
There are so many extraordinary members in this group that we thought it was important to create a space for you to share a little more about who you are and all the exciting things you are up to! We know introduction threads can get a little awkward, so here are a few questions to help you get started: * What brings you…
Call Anaplanners France S4E2-Mars 2024-Part 4
Jérémy HERVAULT – Expert fonctionnel Anaplan & BI, AVRIL et Didier LE COADIC, Responsable Comp & Ben, SOCIETE GENERALE – nous ont fait part de leurs expériences de mise en place et d’utilisation d’Anaplan pour le Suivi et le pilotage de la masse salariale. Jérémy et Didier ont présenté les objectifs et le périmètre des…
Call Anaplanners France S4E2-Mars 2024-Part 3
Jérémy HERVAULT – Expert fonctionnel Anaplan & BI, AVRIL et Didier LE COADIC, Responsable Comp & Ben, SOCIETE GENERALE – nous ont fait part de leurs expériences de mise en place et d’utilisation d’Anaplan pour le Suivi et le pilotage de la masse salariale. Jérémy et Didier ont présenté les objectifs et le périmètre des…
Call Anaplanners France S4E2-Mars 2024-Part 2
Jérémy HERVAULT – Expert fonctionnel Anaplan & BI, AVRIL et Didier LE COADIC, Responsable Comp & Ben, SOCIETE GENERALE – nous ont fait part de leurs expériences de mise en place et d’utilisation d’Anaplan pour le Suivi et le pilotage de la masse salariale. Jérémy et Didier ont présenté les objectifs et le périmètre des…
Call Anaplanners France S4E2-Mars 2024-Part 1
Stephen McMahon, Anaplan Business Value Strategy, a exposé le programme Value Capture et les différentes manières dont Anaplan crée de la valeur. Stephen a mis en évidence les raisons pour lesquelles il est important de définir, suivre et communiquer les améliorations du changement, grâce à la mise en place d’Anaplan, sur…
Upcoming Anaplan Platform Release Webinar on April 30
Hi Community Bosses, We are excited to invite you all to our upcoming webinar on the latest Anaplan platform feature releases. This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your colleagues to hear from our Anaplan Operational Excellence Group (OEG) who will give a live demonstration of the most recent platform features,…
Great spot by Andrew...
@andrewtye on the ball as always
Assign Landing Pages are here!
Thanks @andrewtye for noticing. You can now assign a landing page to users in the UX.
[Recording] April 2024 Anaplan Support Session with Community Bosses
Hi Community Bosses, We held an Anaplan Support Session with Community Bosses today! For those who were not to make it, I wanted to share the recording below: Recorded session: https://anaplan.zoom.us/rec/share/Q6JiHRPhV-QGaG8qiCb-pJjamtq2oNwOS0NqnuUDUExkqK3yJ4jxKYCFm_H2t_lJ.Q3EbfYQk5M1nWMQ3?startTime=1712156460000…
New Webcast Series for model builders and end users
Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce we are starting a new webinar series, dedicated to helping model builders and end users be equipped and enabled to configure and deploy the newest platform releases! A number of people will be presenting from our Operations Excellence Group, among others, to provide a "how-to" and deep…
Anaplan Customers in Brazil
Hello, I work for an Anaplan Implementation partner with connections in Brazil, we are working on building a client base and I am interested to know how many companies in Brazil are using Anaplan. I don't need to know who they are, just an indicative number of Anaplan adoption in Brazil if anyone has any information on…
Quarterly Meeting for Modelers
Highly recommend that you all go. Perhaps we'll see the new modeling interface? I've seen some screenshots and they are incredible looking. Here's the linked in post from @KirillKuznetsov https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7179394367797768193/ And here is the link to register for the event!
Poll: April 3, 2024 - Anaplan Support Session with Community Bosses
Hi Community Bosses, Hope you’re all doing well! Last week, @KirillKuznetsov suggested this great idea for us to host a session with Anaplan Support team: Fantastic idea, Kirill! He suggested we meet with the Anaplan Support team so they can share their experience of working with Anaplan users/modelers, as well as the team…
New stuff!
Hope you've all seen show/hide on grids plus cascade in Management Reporting is now live. Remember seeing the first being mentioned at day 2 of UK Connect last year and have been looking forward to it's arrival. The 2nd, once I'd figured out how to make it work, is going to really minimise effort across a number of our…
Webinar: How to Build Management Report Pages in Anaplan
Hi everyone, I'm at Houston Christian University. We partner with TruEd on building out our Anaplan database. I'm constantly looking for webinars to learn and improve and wanted to share their upcoming workshop. It's titled "Tru Consulting Workshop: How to Build Management Report Pages in Anaplan"; scheduled for April 4,…
I did not already see a place for this so figured we could have this as a place for all to go through and provide introductions. If you're new here, we'd love for you to introduce yourself to us and others in the group! If you feel comfortable, start by sharing: Where you are based? What brought you to the Higher Education…
2024 Anaplan ジャパン ユーザー会 Spring 開催のご案内
この度弊社では、ユーザー会を実施する運びとなりました! 2024 年 5 月 24 日(金)にて、100名規模でのユーザ会を予定しております。 同じ業界、同じ業務で Anaplan を活用いただくお客様同士でご交流いただくことで、 日々の Anaplan のご活用及び運用における示唆を得る場としていただければ幸いで す。 ご多忙の折とは存じますが、何卒ご参加賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 お申し込み:https://forms.office.com/r/EyUdwUq37B 締切日:2024 年 5 月 10 日(金) 定員:100 名(1 社あたり 2 名様のご参加をお願いいたします)…
ESG Assets for demo
Are there ESG assets (ex. GHG assessment, reporting ESG, ...) which can use for demos ?
Modeling for self managing teams.
#Anaplan software modelers have the awesome opportunity to support collaboration within self-managing teams. Giving them more time to focus on the joy of their work. Check out the myriad tasks of this nursing team in Frederick Laloux‘s timeless text, Reinventing Organizations: “Within Buurtzorg (which means ‘neighborhood…
Where can you find model building inspiration?
What inspiration can #Anaplan model builders draw from Robin Wall Kimmerer and Brandy Tuttle about including DEIA and ESG metrics in their work? “The ancients carry teachings in the ways that they live. They remind us of the enduring power that arises from mutualism, from the sharing of the gifts carried by each species.…
ウェビナー : Anaplan advantage - Anaplanの優位性
オンラインセミナー 概要 日時: 2024年4月11日 (木) 14:00-15:00 場所: オンライン Anaplan advantage - Anaplanの優位性 このたび、プランニングソリューションの導入を検討されているお客様を対象に、Anaplanの優位性に関するオンラインセミナーを開催します。 Anaplanの提唱するコンセプト「コネクテッド…
Idea for a session: Anaplan Support
Hi all, I have got an idea. What if we organize a meeting with Anaplan Support team representatives so they can share their experience of dealing with Anaplan users and modelers and we could share our feedback? Please share your thoughts. I can help to lead this @becky.leung
February 23rd Model Builder Forum Follow Up
Hi everybody, Following the Model builder forum on Friday February 23rd, I wanted to provide a build along example that is more specific to higher education. I have put together an example of position planning as it relates to budget development and split funded positions and recorded a video walking through it (here is…
Are there any Anaplanners around Tampa ?
AND IF SO would you be interested in getting together for a User Group Meetup ?
Poll: March or April 2024 Community Boss Meeting
Hello Community Bosses! I hope you're all doing well, and happy first day of March :) I'm planning for our next Community Boss meeting and wanted to check your availability for this month and next. I know that March can be a busy time for some of you all including vacation time and work priorities. I wanted to do a poll to…
Accounts ESG
Do you know if exist a list of accounts with an ESG use cases ?
NEW EVENT: March 6th - In Person Only
Hey everyone, We have an in person even on March 6th starting at 1pm with a very special guest @andrew_martin_1. The event will be centred around his article (which I know you'll have all read already) regarding model improvements. Register: https://events.anaplan.com/modellersforumemeamar2024