UX: Card Title and Link to Page
I think it would make a lot of sense for the 'Title' of a Card to be separate from the 'Link to Page' on a card. When my title is just a title, then there is no confusion to the end user. When my title becomes a link then it is not intuitive for the user to understand where the link is going to take them. For example, as a…
Increasing the width of Page Selector Dropdown box on Classic
Hi, We have composite lists which are combination of SKU/Stores, Styles/Market Channels which have long names. When we have the combination lists as page selectors on the classic dashboard grids, the user is not able to see the label of combination list to choose from. Is there a way or future plan to be able to resize the…
New Modeling Experience - Enhancements to Syntax Highlighter / Formula Editor
The syntax highlighter in the formula editor (new modeling experience) is good for simple formulas but in general too basic in comparison to the A+ plugin or any standard syntax highlighter used in coding tools. As a model builder I want to have the following additional features in place - see IF THEN ELSE with line breaks…
Ability to restrict Delete and Change Parent in a New UX worksheet - Parity to Old UX Issue.
In the classic UX, I can allow users to add items to a numbered list in a module and can control if they see delete and move. In the new UX in a worksheet if the user has access to the list they see all options Add Multiple Lines, Delete and Change Parent. I want to restrict this to only Add.
New UX: Type Directly in Text Field Card
When modeling in the New UX, I've saved a few card templates for the various types of text I plan to use in my designs. Saving a template card means I've gone to the trouble to do all the work upfront, presetting all the formatting the way I want it to be. However I still have to enter the card's edit mode just to actually…
New Color Palette
We have been using the same old color palette with very few options of color in the classic UX or modules. Similar to the CF provided in NUX, can we also get the same option in the modules which will help us if we are using saved views in the pages as we can't NUX CF in that situation?
Ability to apply validations to list fields when using a Form
Currently only able to apply validations to text fields only when using a form but would be helpful to also apply to list formatted. Thinking would be key lists that are part of a form such as cost center or product would be mandatory for submission.
Ability to have multiple sort dependencies
A description of the enhancement requested: Hierarchy multi-factor sort - allow admins to easily set complex / multi-factor sort within hierarchies (sort parent by A and child by B) A story for why they want the enhancement (specifically how would it help their business process): Pre-setting a complex sort saves users time…
Percentage data labels on the stacked column percentage charts
On the pie charts you can choose to show the data labels as a % rather than absolute figures. It would be very useful if this feature was also implemented on the stacked column chart, seeing as you can choose to stack the series as a % view already, just not the data labels themselves.
Use Non-numeric Value to Drive Conditional Formatting
Ability to use a non-numeric value to drive conditional formatting. Ex. I have a text formatted line item where my values are Red or Green. For my values to set the condition, I can have text = "red" or text = "green" rather than having to create an additional line item that that resolves to a numeric value for my…
Improove NUX landing page for APP with pictures/icons or mooving categories
Today, NEW UX landings APP is not verry user friendly. We would like to move the catagory and be able to add picture/icon or move catagories. We would like also to be able to have different landing page by user role like in old UX.
Jump to specific page based on list property (similar to 'dashboard driver' in Classic UX)
Classic UX has the very useful feature where the 'Open Dashboard' action can be configured to point at different dashboards depending on a property in the Driver list. It would be massively useful to migrate this to 'New' UX, so that the 'Link to a page' setting could be similarly configured to point at different Pages…
New Modeling Experience: Undock tabs to be presented as another window
In the newest release new modelling experience UI was added, but it lost one feature I find very convenient having in Classic UI. When you perform Drag-n-drop on a certain tab in Classic you could see a floating window with the chosen module/dashboard in it. Please add this feature in New UI as well. Thanks, Kirill
Dependent Drop Down on Multiple Criteria
It would be very helpful to be able to create dependent drop downs based on multiple criteria. Currently you can do either hierarchy levels or list properties but to help users filter more dynamically and spend less time scrolling through long lists, we should be able to make a line item drown down dependent on multiple…
Mobile New UX - MAILTO Functionality
As an executive end user, I need the functionality to be able to notify other end users via email from the mobile app. Currently, when I look at the page where I am able to send an email on the desktop version of Anaplan in the mobile app, the link to send an email is grayed out and unable to be interacted with (see…
More control over the display of row headers in New UX grids
Allow customers more control of the row headers in New UX grids allowing them to perhaps toggle indentations from lists with parent levels and perhaps allowing them to personalise these by using different indentations, changing the colour of text, allowing bold text etc. This would allow the customer the ability to…
NUX Open Home Page after opening an app
Hi, in User Experience we can build really nice Home pages with navigation buttons. This is great start for Users in their planning experience. However, I would like to be able to select that this page is opened when I open an app. So the idea is similar to landing page in classic environment. This could be great…
New Ux: Copy and Paste Grid
I would like the ability to copy and paste an entire grid like you can in the classic UX. Although we primarily plan in Anaplan, there are many times where we copy and paste grids into google sheets for ad hoc work. It was very easy to copy and paste the entire grid in the classic view. I know you can export into excel but…
Ability to Repoint the Pages before Archiving the Model
When the Prod model needs to be archived all the Pages associated to that model vanishes. Idea I am proposing is to allow admins/page builders to repoint the pages before the model gets archived. Current workaround is that we create New Prod before Old Prod is archived and then repoint the pages from old to new Prod. But…
More Control over the axis scale label on charts in the NUX
Description of the Enhancement: I want to be able to control how the numbers on my chart to appear e.g. 1M or 1 000K If I resize my chart bigger than the default size, numbers such as 1 Million instead appear as 1 000K. This is the current view when I resize a chart: I would like to be able to control whether the numbers…
Allow tabs to be scrolled
Basically what the subject implies. Would be great to scroll between tabs in the UI using the scroll wheel (similar to google sheets).
Line chart and Combination charts to allow independent data labels
Line chart and Combination charts to allow data labels to be added on a line by line not all or nothing
Personal Pages NUX Control Worksheet Context Menu
This request refers to a previous request "NUX Control Worksheet Context Menu" at: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/NUX-Control-Worksheet-Context-Menu/idi-p/79215#comments The ability to turn off the list edit ability in the NUX was delivered in Oct 2020. This is a very welcome enhancement, but an incomplete…
Enable hierarchy filter on dimension with selection applied
Hi, Currently the hierarchy filter does not work if a selection (e.g. levels or specific elements) is applied over the dimension. While this would be useful in some cases with a high number of levels in the dimension or in the case you only want to show specific elements of that dimension and it's parent. Thanks,
App Categories to reflect uses cases / processes from Honeycomb
I mentioned that customers started to tailor apps towards individual roles or sub-processes within a use cases. This means, there may be 5-6 apps connected to one model containing the end-to-end FP&A process. Personally, I really like this approach because it sets the focus on the business objective. The app for "Capital…
Formatting time: Period instead of month
Would be great if a customer could choose how to format the months not just Jan 21 but P01 21 or P1 21 or P1 FY21. Now the period notation is only possible when selecting "13 4-week periods", but not if a customer selects any of the other option, like a month model or a week model with 4-4-5.
New UX - add option to select between "and" and "or" when filtering
As an Anaplan User I would like to filter with "or" option also, right now only "and" is available. It's critical for text and number formatted line items. In Classic view there is an option to select "All" or "Any" when filtering: Thank you
Mobile app
I have a number of use cases that I think would be good for more portable version of Anaplan (e.g. a mobile app). For example, the field sales team, warehouse employees.
Change workspace on Mobile App
The mobile app is currently lacking the functionality to change workspace and defaults to the last active workspace used on the web browser. There needs to be the ability to change workspace from within the mobile app without having to log into the web browser.
Data input option in mobile app
Hi, Mobile device app should have the option to input data. At the moment you can't interact with the model because the app is only read only. Without entering data or be able to run a process from you mobile device the app has a limited use. Ruud