CloudWorks - Ability to add up to 50 steps to the Integration flow

As a tenant administrator and model builder, I scheduled 39 CW processes during the nightly integration. It's pretty hard to schedule them separately one after another, so an integration flow would be a lifesaver, but now you can only add 10 steps to one integration flow, so the new mechanism doesn't solve the problem completely, because I need to create 4 integration flows with 10 processes inside and I have to schedule them one after another, considering possible delays or server errors that might happen during any of the integration flows. Please give me the option to add up to 50 steps or more if it technically works consistently. Then I will be able to do overnight integration in 1 go, which will be easier, more reliable, and faster.

8 votes

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  • +1 Integration flows should be infinite as long as they resolve.

  • more and more Cloudwork will evolve into a serious integration tool :)

  • golosov
    edited March 2023

    That would be great)

  • Not yet there, but we've expanded the no. of steps per integration flow to 20 now.

  • That's good! When do you plan to expand the no. of steps again?

  • Infinite wouldnt be possible as infinite isnt something that exists in information technology. Even the big cloud computing platform have hard limits to their cloud services.

    But more steps for integration flows will be more

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