Model Integration details
Hi Anaplanners, I would like to know what are the different ways to fetch information about the integrations (versions, type of integration etc) that are present in my model? Are there any direct API calls using postman or I can find this information somewhere in the model itself? Regards
Adjusting CloudWorks Integration Schedules for Daylight Saving Time (DST) Using Postman
Intended Audience Level of Difficulty: Intermediate Requires familiarity with APIs and Postman Resources Required: Internal Expertise: IT Developer / API User Tools Needed: Postman, CloudWorks Access Requirements: CloudWorks, Postman, Anaplan Integration Admin Estimated Level of Effort (LoE): Low Approximately 1-2 hours…
Adjusting CloudWorks Integration Schedules for Daylight Saving Time (DST) Using Python
Intended Audience Level of Difficulty: Intermediate Requires familiarity with APIs and python scripting Resources Required: Internal Expertise: Python Developer / API Expert Tools Needed: Python, CloudWorks, Code Editor Access Requirements: CloudWorks, Anaplan Integration Admin Estimated Level of Effort (LoE): Low A few…
Cloudworks API: Change Schedule
I'm working on a script that would update integration schedule. In future my target is to have a script that would move all my integrations + integration flows +/- 1 hour on DST changes. For updating integration shedule I have sent PUT request to endpoint…
Get self-service and lower cost of ownership using CloudWorks
Now that Anaplan has rolled out CloudWorks, more clients are asking about how to leverage it as the main data integration tool for their Anaplan platform. After years of implementing Anaplan at a partner firm using mainly Anaplan Connect for integrations, I have been pleasantly surprised at how CloudWorks performs and how…
CloudWorks Integration with BigQuery: Understanding the Error Message Table
Hi Team, In the official documentation under "Google BigQuery Permissions" I found details about creating an optional error message table with the following structure: integration_id run_id run_date error_code error_message failed_row While the documentation outlines the table structure, it lacks details on how records are…
Integration via Amazon S3
Hi, I created a connection via Amazon S3 without any problem, the status is "Connected", but I don't manage to select a file when I try to create the integration : Thank you in advance for your help. Best Regards Alex
皆さん、こんにちは! Anaplanカスタマーサクセスの藤﨑です。 Cloudworksを用いて各データストレージサービスとのデータ連携を設定する手順、特にデータストレージサービス側の設定手順をメインに取りまとめた資料を作成しました。 データ連携の検証を行う際にご活用ください。 ※あくまで疎通確認の意味合いでの検証手順です、本番運用時は社内セキュリティポリシーなどを踏まえた適切な設定を行ってください。 ■データ連携設定手順 〇Amazon S3側の設定 IAMユーザーの作成 アクセスキーの作成 バケットの作成 〇Azure Blob側の設定 ストレージアカウントの作成 コンテナーの作成 SASトークンの作成 〇Google…
Data Source or Target issue
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone else has encountered an issue with Data Source or Target not working correctly in CloudWorks. For some reason, the Data Source or Target list is diminished for all administrators/integrators in the Workspace. As you can see on the screenshot below, there's a list of few items and then…
Issues with PlanIQ and Selective Access Enabled on List Hierarchies
Hi Anaplan Community, I am facing an issue when running PlanIQ and selective access. Specifically, I have activated selective access at the G3 Region level, which also applies to G1 and G2 lists. I run PlanIQ at the C3 Region - CARE ID level, but with integration admin and top-level list access provided to the user running…
Cloudworks Data Encryption
Referring to Anaplan CloudWorks guidelines (published in May 2023) :“Your cloud sources (such as AWS S3, Azure Blob, and Google BigQuery) must be accessible via public APIs. Make sure your data is not encrypted or compressed.”“CloudWorks supports these file types: csv, csv000, xls, txt, xml, and pdf.” Is there any plan or…
Incorporate daylight savings in Cloudworks time zones
Now if I select London time zone in Cloudworks schedule, it will not automatically change the time in accordance with daylight savings in UK, forcing us to adjust the schedule manually. The same goes for other countries with daylight savings. It would be great, if daylight savings were added to Cloudworks schedule time…
Ability to re-order integrations and flows in CloudWorks
Please provide the ability to re-order integrations and flows in CloudWorks to group them by type or model. We have more than 100 integrations and it is becoming difficult to manage.
Model Archives : Automation & Tenant administration
Hello ! It would be great to have automatic quick-wins regarding Model Archive Management ! ALM & Archives : When we need to move a large number of developments (or time management switch) into production, we always try to do a "Copy & Archive" first. However, this task is manual and potentially error-prone. It would be…
Cloudworks or Anaplan APIs: Automatic Archival Process
As a Model Builder or Integration developer, I would like to have the ability to have an automated process via Cloud works or ALM APIs to archive production models on a specific time cadence. By either exposing this functionality through ALM APIs or via Cloudworks, it will remove the admin work to archive models on a…
CloudWorks: Stop hiding flows if model is archived or stop a schedule if flow was hidden
When a model is archived all related flows becomes hidden. If, for testing purposes, there was a schedule set, it keeps running (and failing) in the background even though administrators are no longer able to see or change the flow. One can always bring archive back and stop/change the flow, but it would be much easier if…
Cloudworks - Flexibility to choose date of every month when frequency is hourly
While creating an integration with frequency to run hourly ,there is no option to select "date of every month ". If there is a requirement to run an integration every 2 hrs in a day from day 1 to day 12 of month then we have to create numerous integration to achieve this .If above feature ,replication of work will be…
Visibility to view which integration & process is part of Integration flow in cloud works .
This will be helpful to view which integration & process is part of Integration flow in cloud works. Maintenance and audit will be easy .Right now have rely on eyes and memory . Also there is no visibility to see the schedule of all integration all together .
CloudWorks: Duplicate an Existing Integration / Process
Could Anaplan's Product team for Cloudworks enhance it to allow customers to copy an existing integration or process? … This will make it easier to copy existing connections, and then modify them for the purposes of the new integration (for instance, relink them to different Azure Blob directories, etc) This would save…
What are the limitation of Cloudworks Integration?
Hello Community, I am new to the Anaplan cloud works. I just want to know what are the important points we should keep in mind, while creating cloud works integration. some where it is mentioned that per tenant the limit of integration is only 500. What does that mean? after 500 do I need to purchase any subscription for…
How to Configure Salesforce for Integration with Anaplan CloudWorks
The integration between Anaplan CloudWorks and Salesforce will no longer be offered as a part of CloudWorks. We are focusing our efforts on Salesforce integration in the Data Management System (DMS) due to be released later this year. Please check back with further updates.
Include the Internal (Full Access) Cloudworks account in Users for easy permissions management
I have recently learned that the reason some of our Cloudworks integrations were not running properly is because the Internal (Full Access) account used by Cloudworks was not assigned the appropriate list-level security. The following Anapedia article describes the requirement: Internal (Full Access) | Anapedia The idea is…
Can't add new CloudWorks Connection
I'm working with a new client, and I can see CloudWorks, but whenever I click the drop-down menu to connect to a service, it appears empty. I assumed it wasn't a permissions thing because I can access the UI. Anyone seen this before/
Automate start of Workflow with Cloudworks
Currently Workflow has to be started manually. Would like to schedule a Cloudworks task that would initiate a workflow
Integration - Constraints on Data Volumes/Frequencies
Are there materials regarding constraints around data volumes and load frequencies for the various Anaplan Integration options? Any user feedback or limitations that you have seen? Thank you
Cloudworks process from different model in NUX Page
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: We have one core model with multiple deployed models and so when we create a Cloudworks process, it's one by model deployed. When we…
Cloudwork Data source file from subdirectory in S3 bucket
Hi, We tried to connect data source in subfolder of S3 bucket, through existing cloudworks connection with same AWS S3 bucket. However, no luck so far even not able to see the sub-folder or the csv file under the sub-folder, in the cloudwork setup i.e. link data source in process. Not 100% sure if couldworks is able to see…
CloudWorks AWS S3 file list
It would be great if once you have input S3 access credentials and established the connection, CloudWorks would present you with a list of available files to choose from, instead of having to input the filename. Furthermore the ability to reselect the file to be imported by the connection will speed up integration admin a…
Cloud Works integration
I apologies in advance if this idea has already been posted🙂. In Cloud works if we delete any integration by mistake is there any solution or process for reverting it back again or to see what we have deleted and revert it back .
How can we use OAuth integration with Cloudworks and BQ
We are evaluating Cloudworks to integrate Anaplan with Google BQ. Our security team advised that they prefer OAuth-based integration. I could not find documents on how Cloudworks can use OAuth. Can Cloudworks use OAuth ? If yes, where can I get material to understand how to use Oauth with Google and Anaplan using Cloudwoks