Add a seperate role for End User Page Builder

We have a challenge that our end users cannot share (publish) views / reports (pages), because the risk is too high to assign the current Page Builder role to them. The Page Builder policy allows actions that could be detrimental to our business (I aware of recovery options but we prevent issues rather than resolve them).  (The current Page Builder role is however correct and needed for our Admins). 

This is frustrating for our users, as each one needs to go build the same page if it is a requirement from management to see data presented in a certain format / order, and these are also changed quite frequently. This means they waste valuable planning time replicating what someone else has already done.

Add a role, where the policy allows the options per Resource Type, to be changed (checkbox or dropdown) and where users with this role, can only affect pages published by this role (ie not affect pages published by admins).

Add a role, where the policy resource type options is set by Anaplan and where users with this role, can only affect pages published by this role (ie not affect pages published by admins).


  • Blocks in red indicate changes from current policy
  • Updating and deleting a page, widget, template and page artifact should only be allowed where those were created by the same role (End User Page Builder vs Page Builder)

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