Show Reset Page button next to the Context Selector
The Reset Page button provides more functionality and is useful for our Users. However, it is hidden in the more options accessed via '…'. It would be great if it can be exposed next to the Context Selectors Ability to hide the current Reset button to avoid confusion.
Option to Zoom in and out of the Anaplan Modelling screen
When to view numbers or check closely some numbers it would be great to have the option of zoom in and zoom out on the Anaplan window page for all the modules, list and tab would be very helpful to the modelers
Option to select multiples users in the Users tab
To replicate a users rights to new users , it would be great to have the option to select multiple users via filter so that the required 2-3 users can be in view on the page and copy paste can be easily done. Also option to filter users name alphabetically would be beneficial
Update export actions created from a saved view when saved view is modified
I think the title says it mostly, but to be clear I'd like to be able to do the following: 1. Create a saved view of a module 2. Create and export action using the saved view as basis 3. Modify and re-save the saved view (i.e. add a new column, change the filter etc.) 4. The export action should update itself based on my…
Formula Break-Down Without Space Penalty
Currently, to adhere to best practices it is beneficial to break out parts of a complex calculation into separate line items for logic traceability and audit-ability. However, in many models we're constrained by space and can effectively reduce space (especially in large multi-dimensioned modules) by combining logic in…
Changing the Source Model at an APP Level
As part of ALM functionality in New UX, we have an option of changing the source model at the page level. This is a great feature to begin with but we need more robust features on this. Scenario 1: Consider having 100 pages in an app and all of them coming from the same source model, you wouldn't want to change the source…
Function to change the size of cards in UX
When the graph is not large enough, the item display on the axis disappears. Plese add a function to change the size of cards in UX, like the function to show/hide, filter,etc. by end users in UX.
Subscribe a report for monthly or a quarterly update as per need.
Anaplan is used across board for S&OP or FP&A or both across multiple organization , we also use it for dashboarding and for conducting monthly S&OP meetings. As a Senior leadership i should have an option to subscribe my S&OP or FP&A report. SO that i can see that every month on 20th or 25th once all the executive…
Locale Change
THe basic functionality which i feel Anaplan lacks is selection of Locale and change of Locale . For example, if User logins into Anaplan and Selects the Locale to be French/ German/Spanish irrespective of the Location he visits he sees both Master Data and the Heading of Anaplan in the local language. This will help…
New graph options in Anaplan
Hi , I am writing to vet my idea of upgrading existing graphs of Anaplan. I feel that current graphs are basic and sometime restrict the use of Anaplan or does not allow end user to perform necessary analytical inferences. I think so Anaplan should bring Graphs like "Tree Map" , "Ribbon Charts", "Geographical charts". This…
Cancel a code change to avoid waiting
When we do a code change and the code has an error, we can wait for several minutes on some models when we understood that the code contains an error. It would be good to have the ability to cancel it using [Esc] button or something to avoid waiting.
Track Filter dependencies
Filter dependency should also be considered in module to not miss any referenceability.. this will help technical team immensely!
Source Model view model labels
In the Source Models view, when you change the name of a model being sourced, the name change does not carry through to the Source Models view. This can cause confusion. Can we have the Source Models view reflect the updated Model names being sourced.
multiple developers are working on different enhancements to the same model
We have two approaches to manage scenarios where multiple developers are working on different enhancements to the same model, and we need to push their changes separately into the production model: 1. Rollback Method: After completing a build in the development model (in standard mode), the developer meticulously documents…
ALM syncing when multiple developments are happening
We have 2 developers working on the same model in different modules. One has completed his changes but the other is not ready to sync. Unfortunately you have to sync the whole model, and this means partial changes would then be synced. If the first developers' changes are urgent, waiting for a major change to be finished…
Show History for Line Items (Formula, etc)
Anaplan allows users to quickly see cell change history for a given cell, which is great. As a model builder, I'd love to have a similar functionality to easily Show History for line items - formula changes for sure, but ideally also changes in format, dimensions, and summary methods, along with the name of the user making…
Ability to use oAuth2.0 authentication for GCP via CloudWorks
Do we currently have any workaround available to use OAuth2.0 authentication to Google Big Query rather than Service Account key? There are lot of security constraints involved around using service account key. Please share your insights.
Password Complexity
My company has a default minimum password length of all services of 12 characters, and ideally 14. It would be great if we could parameterise the password settings in Anaplan to force use to use more characters than the current 8 minimum. The current view is that an 8 character password can be broken in 8 hours, a 14…
Model history api endpoint
As a integration admin, i d need to be able to access to the model history through an api endpoint and in the model This is required in order to - listen to models actions and check if / whenservicess outside anaplan should be triggered - extract for audit purposes the history of anaplan model and expose it to auditors or…
Log Function
Regarding the function marked in red in the attached capture, which allows users to set the Show/Hide permissions for each user via checkboxes, I understand that there is no log function that allows us to check WHO set the permissions, WHEN, and HOW. We would greatly appreciate it if you could add such log function.Thank…
Drill down on information like pivot table in Excel
Like a pivot table in Excel, I want to be able to click on a cell to move to a UX that displays related information for that value, etc. for drill down on information.
Allowing to open Archived Model together with the production model
Hello Anaplan Product Team, This Idea has been generated out of discussion, where we were trying to open the Archived Model and the client was having only one WS, which was full. At that point an Idea generated to allow for opening the Archived Model along with the Production model. As of Now, Administrator has to archive…
Line Item Name Changes
Hi, it is very helpfull to give option bulk line item name change in one go. i have many modules where i want to change line item name change im doing one by one very difficult.
NUX Dashboard Column Charts - Change default legend label "Series 1" when no value returned
The scenario is that we have created a stacked column chart which was synced with context selector or a filter that we added to the module. If the filter (or context selector) returned no value, an empty chart would be displayed with a default legend label “Series 1” on the dashboard. This default text displayed on the…
Dynamic page selector filters, depending on other selectors
Description: As a page builder, I would like to filter page selectors with a line item, which has dimension of other page selectors. This filter should filter page selector based on what's chosen in another page selector. Example: Forecast input dashboard, products and customers are page selectors. Each customer has own…
Use Different Color in all Chart options - Value based(Smae line item value)
Currently we can choose single color in Graph or Chart for the same line item values. I have received customer feedback that this should be flexible as they would like this to see Negative value to in different color than positive values, and color changes for increase and decrease of value in same line item, say for…
Cancel current task/process if estimated processing time more than 2min
My idea is to have some sort of dialog window that will pop-up as warning that current change will take more than 2 min or so. Case: For example, I'm building a module and at some point forgot to add matching dimension to bring up a value from other module. Following two would of happen: 1. I am lucky and Anaplan gives an…
Set Diagonal rule for cell
I want to be able to set a diagonal rule for a cell. It would help with display formatting, etc.when cell contents are invalid.
Display who is editing and viewing a UX page you are in
It would be helpful to display who is currently online and indicate which users are viewing or editing a grid within a dashboard and worksheet for a selected context that you are also in. If a user enters input in a different context, at least inform you that they are on the same page. This function is similar to other…
Request for addition of function to jump to module used in calculation
When jumping to the referenced module, I copy it and paste it into the search box. Since it is a time-consuming operation to perform many times during construction, we would like you to add a function that allows you to jump immediately to the referenced module.