UX Page description
I would like to be able to add description to the pages the same way as i can do it for an app. This field have to be available on pages screen as a column It can be available for editing at Page settings screen
NUX Forms: Exception handling when duplicate code entered
When using forms to add to a list (where the code can be entered), users can accidently re-enter an existing code which triggers a model roll back, as it's considered a duplicate. There's also no notification the model is rolling back so it looks like the app is spinning its wheels. This leads to confusion and potentially…
Dependent Context Selectors Workaround?
I need to enable dependent context selectors. For example, different Stores sell different combinations of Product Categories: Store A sells Widgets and Store B sells Widgets and Oodles. Using context selectors, I want the Widget manager to switch between stores, but only see Widgets in the Product Category selector. I…
End Users being able to see all Users in a User dimensioned module
When you've got a module dimensioned by users only if you're a workspace admin can you see the whole list - not very helpful if you're pushing out user-level DCA to end users to manage themselves. Now I can have a separate "user list" that's can be interacted with but it should be the case that end users can see the whole…
Ability to delete dashboards that are linked to archived models
It would be great if we could have the option to delete dashboards that are linked to archived models. Once the model is no longer in the workspace then we do not have the ability to clean this app up. This is becoming an issue when copying apps between workspaces where not all source models/ dashboards are required in the…
PlanIQ Backtest data automation and Backtest data should come for all Actual periods
PlanIQ Backtest data automation and Backtest data should come for all Actual periods as we import data let's suppose of 60 months for forecasting of 3 months then Backtest result come out for only past 3 months not for 60 months
Unable to see PlanIQ accuracy % for any algorithm run
As we are able to see the Metrics for Error, we also need the Accuracy % as well to know how best it forecast for future
PlanIQ Data Collection Scheduler
Need PlanIQ Data Collection Scheduler as if the months of actual data increases we need to rerun the Data Set once again by going to PlanIQ section
Add user model role and selective access changes in Hypercare report.
It would be good to be able to view user model role change logs in Anaplan Hypercare report. This is usefully for system and SOX audit to identify users that have gained access to Full Access role which is generally considered Privilege access.
Duplicate a list
Ability to duplicate a list
Add Anapedia results for a global search
As Anaplan Community User I would like to see Anapedia result when I search somethings on global search bar. With the new UX of Anaplan Community site we lose the quick search on Anapedia.
Have categories be hidden if user does not have access to any pages in the category
It would be useful if the categories in the categories in the new UX would automatically be hidden if the user has no access to any of the pages in it. This way, if you have a category such as "Executive Reports" that you want to limit access to only a few users, the other users would not see the category name.
Ability to Toggle Between Whole Numbers, Thousands, or Millions across all Dashboards
It would be beneficial for our organization to have easy ability to toggle between showing numbers in millions, thousands, or whole dollars depending on the task they are working on (detailed budgeting vs sharing numbers with leadership). We realize we could manually build in this functionality, but it would be nice if…
Assign action in NUX – the ability to review already assigned elements only
Context menu of Assign action in Classic UX allows users to see all the list elements already assigned to the selected parent element in one place - the right panel (Screenshot 1). This view is very convenient for many users. At the same time, in the Assign action menu in NUX already assigned elements are displayed…
Outlook Email to Create Item in Anaplan
It would be cool if we could take an email and create an item in Anaplan. If we use anaplan for tracking defects/bugs and enhancements but users submit an item via email, having an item created could be a nice feature. I have done this in the past with integrating microsoft forms with Azure DevOps but that took workflow…
Increase number of integrations for Cloudworks
Increase the limit for Cloudworks integrations & integration flows from 500 to 1000.
Model copy & archiving before any synchronisation
Before any synchronisation, the model should be copied and archived automatically so if something wrong happens we have a back-up. Benefit: not loosing all your data when you have synchronised after having changed a list from structural to production
Be able to have multiple imports of saved view to module
As part of the model cycle have an import which takes from model A and imports to model B but for the first run it's only half the line items and then for the second run it's the whole set. Essentially the second half of metrics are in flux and the end users don't want them updated. What we have to do is go in and adjust…
ISNUMBER function
There is currently no way no easy way to identify whether data is numeric or not. The workaround for X is to check the following set of conditions: NOT (VALUE(X) <= 0 OR VALUE(X) >= 0) Currently this is certainly not a consistent approach and there is always a risk that the comparison operators ("<=" and ">=") will start…
Ability to run actions from 2 models in one UI/UX Page/One clickable button
Even though UI page can support two models. It doesn't provide the synergies/benefits I'm looking for. For example: I have a data hub model and a separate dev model. I want the data to flow from datahub to dev. Currently, I have to go to one UI page to upload the file and then visit another page to copy the data from data…
User Input NEW UX
It would be great if Copy Down and Copy Across was available for the New UX. The interface can be a bit slow compared to entering data into classic modules so having this functionality may provide some improvement in this area.
Improve Drill down functionality to display the right figures
Issue : Drill down functionality doesn't display the correct value when using SUM. Let see an example : Drill down display the wrong result. Expected : Displaying only relevant data that contribute to the result (30 in my example)
Add a new Referenced Field in the blueprint
There should be a referenced field in the blueprint screen that allows the user to see where filters are being used in the UX. Also, where the module is used on the UX
Format of blue box outline
We want to format the blue box outline that appears when I select an individual row or column or cell. (for example, line thickness, color,etc.) Thanks!
Copy Process, actions of imports, exports, deletes
Hi Anaplan, I miss the functionality where you can Copy whole process in Action tab, also the imports, exports, and delete actions. When you need import data from different model, just only you need to change the source, when the rest is the same. BR Robert
Automatic sort on Individual Waterfalls based on Context selector
A user has requested that waterfalls charts have the ability to sort non-total waterfalls in either ascending or descending order. Image 1: Standard waterfall from card, with no adjustments. Currently, to order waterfall charts, the line items in the custom view need to be reordered manually by the user. This can be…
Automatically generate Keys for Importing fact data into Data Hub module
Importing fact data into "flat modules" in a Data Hub is challenging when your data source is unable to provide a single unique Key to act as a List Item. That work ends up taking place between the extracted data and the import into Anaplan and oftentimes involves concatenating Key columns into a single column, sometimes…
Export User Access with Display Names of Selective Access Lists (if Numbered)
If in the system Selective Access is set to Numbered List, when you export User Access list, all items are shown as #NAME instead of display name. Currently, on quarter basis we are preparing current user access lists to provide to responsible people. An it takes a lot of time to manually replace #NAMES with Display one,…
NUX Drill-Down side panel: hide or fold the Formula section to end users
When we drill down from a grid, if there is an underlying formula included in the path, the corresponding level will also show a “formula card” in the side panel above data. Since this formula is irrelevant to end users which may cause confusion, it should not be visible to end users. So, proposing potential solutions that…
Set links and description in headers
We want the header to have two abilities. 1.End users can open a linked UX page set in the header when they click on the header. 2. The description set in the header pops up when the end user hovers over the header. Thanks!