Ability to select Variance or Variance % by Line Item in Reports
In Reports, you can select a Variance column that either does a normal Variance (Q2 - Q1), or a Variance % (Q2-Q1/Q1). We want to be able to have some Variance and some Variance % in the same column. Need to be able to select, by Line Item, which type of Variance to use.
Highlight Selected Cells in the Grid
Currently when selecting cells within the data Grid, boarder line is so thin and not clear. Please consider provide highlight effect or coloring on selected cells like example below.
Standardize Selector Filter on NUX
The Line Item /Hierarchy Selector gives different selection in regular Worksheet Grid vs Additional Insight Card. Worksheet selector provides filter capability and selector in the Card does not. Can Anaplan add the filter capability and standardize selector behavior across NUX?
Highlight cells, line items, modules Referenced by a Formula
Reviewing and debugging formulas can be difficult and time consuming. This exersize could be made much easier and quicker by highlighting all the line items, cells, modules etc. referenced in a formula. (i.e. similar to when one clicks inside the formula editor within MS Excel, all referenced cells are highlighted with…
Total positions for nested dimensions
Please add option to change Total positions order on rows/columns when nested dimensions are applied. Currently it can only be applied towards single dimension. When adding at lease two dimension, order becomes "Before" by default and the following error is returned when trying: "Cannot group totals on a nested axisSetting…
Conditional Formatting on List item (in addition to line item)
Current conditional formatting is based on line items, in addition to this we like to have such possible for list items as well. E.g. highlight particular products, customers or months. Conditional formatting on line items should still be possible in addition and if for a cell both formatting (based on list item and line…
Use ChatGPT's API to produce commentary and send it back into Anaplan
I've love to see some more native API's to connect Anaplan into ChatGPT API to be able to generate commentary. This would be an application similar to CloudWorks or PlanIQ that allows you to configure certain fields to be selected and then a certain style or questions can be asked to ChatGPT to produce the commentary based…
CloudWorks Integrations & Processes General Columns
I don't want to waste the space to create an extensively long name to identify what Model my Integration corresponds to, especially when we add many new integrations. Can you please add the Workspace and Model to the columns available when looking at Integrations so I don't need to click into every single one to check…
NUX (User Experience) Worksheet filters -- PLEASE include "ANY" filter
This request was initially posted in October 2020 in the following post: Worksheet Filter AND / OR logic — Anaplan Community It's only received 16 upvotes and I'm posting this here to bring attention to this major gap between the filtering options in Classic Dashboards vs. the NUX Dashboards. As shown below, classic…
Management Reporting Additional Insights Formating
Use of additional insights in Management Reporting is great - having dynamic commentary boxes is what we're using is most for. But feedback from end users is that they would really like to be able to more dynamically format the text like you can with a text box. Don't want to have to give "page builder" to every user as…
Add Collapsible Sections within Additional Insights
When utilizing Worksheets, end-user take advantage of the Additional Insights panel to display related information to the main report. But for clients who want to display a lot of things on one page, the Insights panel gets really lengthy and hard to navigate. Currently, we are trying to utilize text cards to group and…
Make personal pages more stable rather than relying on cookies
Currently, if a user makes modifications and saves a personal copy of a page, and then clears their cookies/history, those changes will be lost. The personal copy will look exactly like the base version of the page. This is problematic because many times when resolving technical issues with their browser, they may be asked…
Management Reporting - Variance Calculation Enhancement
Really great being able to do variance / variance % but being able to do other simple calculations - addition, etc would really add something extra to here. It's probably already on the list somewhere @sprender but just wanted to raise it up just in case!
Number Scale Line Item Format
Similar to how we select on the KPI cards front end. Numbers get very clunky and unreadable in Anaplan after they get into the millions of dollars or units. You can create a formula and do this calculation manually for every line item today, but that is very tedious. Maybe it needs to be a master line item module display…
Column settings update
Currently, column setting is only allowing to select 1/2/3 lines for label height. It would be great to have the flexibility in setting the pixels rather than selecting 1/2/3 lines (which can also be adjusted by dragging the column height similar to row width).
New UX: Context Aware - Board and Worksheets PDF Exports
Currently Management Reporting has the ability to export in bulk for static context selectors. It would be a huge improvement for both Management Reporting and Boards if we have the ability to export PDFs that are context aware. For example, if I have a a set of cards on a UX page and I have items in that list (1-5), then…
Line items
Hi Anaplan Team, Model builders could work more quickly and efficiently if we could display the list of filters and import actions. When we attempt to delete a line item, Anaplan shows the referenced line items, but it does not indicate which line items that specific line item is using in filters and import actions.
Default number format for line item
As model builder I have to change format settings for each number-formatted line item individually when it's created. Would be nice if somewhere in the system I could setup default number format to be applied automatically when new line item is created. In example below you can see that once created a line item has the…
Exact time in CW process details
I am a CW integrations Admin and have built CW integration between different models that runs every night. I have a lot of processes so I can't put them in one flow. Also I have some processes that should run in parallel, so I left them out of flows and set their own schedule. Setting up the runtimes is very time consuming…
Change Model There Colour
It would be useful to be able to set Production Models header or background colour to something different to Test or other non-production Models. During development activities switching between models in different browser tabs and windows can lead to changing a formula in the wrong model. I've seen in other Finance Systems…
Ability to view Totals for selective access enabled list items
Users would have the provision to view the totals of the list items they have access to in a particular hierarchy even though the selective access is enabled
Users at tenant level
Hi Would be nice to be able to export users data at tenant level, just like you can do at model level: Also would be nice for system to synch with Admin Access Control>Assignments and Users e.g. if one disables a user in Admin section, the user does not appear in Assignments list. Below user is disabled but still appears…
List Filter
Admins and users should have a list filter option to avoid creating separate filters.There should be a list filter that allows admins and users to filter list items without creating a separate filter.
Description Box on Worksheet Primary Grid
Currently Description Box on Primary Grids of Worksheets are not available and these description boxes are available only on Boards. It would be great if we can add these small "i" icons aka description boxes on Worksheets as well because there is no other way to write certain text that would have helped end users
Building Box New UX - warning icon
Sometime we get a little info icon in the bottom left corner indication we can’t do the function or something wrong. Unfortunately it doesn’t tell us what is wrong. Tried right and left clicking on it and nothing. Are we able to make it bigger and be able to pull back why we are getting it? We get this function in building…
View more decimals precision when hoovering/selecting a calculated cell
Hi all, It would be great if in the UX, an end user would see all the decimals precision (not only the decimals precision as set in the number line item formatting) when (s)he hovers over a calculated cell or when selecting a calculated cell. Currently when a calculated field is referring to values from other line items…
Return counters on Profile activity screen
The new interface of the Community platform misses counters of my kudos, resolutions, upvotes, and other KPIs. I'd like to have a transparent picture of my activity and how far away I am from the next badge for Upvotes for example
Current Date and Time Stamp in Anaplan
Hi everyone, is it possible in Anaplan to retrieve the current Date-Time information, with Timezones? So that we can create custom process logs that also shows TIME Stamps, without having to go through an API integration? This would be a very useful feature that will: Avoid us to schedule daily processes via Anaplan…
Ability to Comment Code
The ability to put comment blocks and indents within your formulas, so as to allow model builders to better document and format their code within the models for readability and understanding purposes. This will help align Anaplan's language back to the basic features all other development languages used in an enterprise…
Planning Gross Margin % and other Ratio metrics at levels above the bottom level
Pretty much everyone would agree that Gross Margin % (GM%) is a REALLY important metric when planning your business. It’s a key performance indicator for healthy past performance, and a key driver for future investment decisions and performance management. Employees are frequently bonused on revenue and margin goals – so…