NUX - On and Off Toggle for Chart Line Items Fading When Cursor is Hovering Over Them
My users have complained about the functionality in the NUX where when you hover over a line item on a chart, all the other data fades into the background. I can understand how this feature could be useful when trying to look at a chart, but when giving a presentation (especially virtually), it would be nice to be able…
NUX Cards scalability
Hello, based on my experience and being excited for new UX improvements (especially in terms of visualization where AN still lacks behind many other software) I would suggest to address the issue with the non-scalability of the cards in the NUX. Is this something to be addressed in future releases? Best regards Kristina
Current Version included as production data
I think the new feature of being able to adjust the version settings in a deployed model is great. I will apologise in advance if I have missed something, but think it would be a good idea if the current version checkbox can also be updated in a production model as this currently feels like a gap. I may want to remove some…
Layered Dashboards
Purpose: to separate Image and Text fields from modules and line items on a dashboarding grid, this should include an option to "Send to Back" * An option to Copy text fields (size and dimensions) would be great for consistent looks and would save time from tedious aligning. * This will allow a more organized and free form…
Create Lists for the Tenant rather create Lists for a Model
At Anaplan we promote a DataHub model. This is the central model to create/manage Lists, to import data into and to transform this data, to have the Lists and transformed data imported into the relevant models. As for the Lists, rather creating the Lists in each model and to have a process to update these Lists across…
Group/Ungroup Hierachy Items in Module
Not sure if this has been posted earlier but it would be awesome if we have group/ungroup feature in Anaplan on dimensions within a module. Basically Tree View of Modules which will help in grouping & ungrouping of list items based on the parent nodes. This should be applied only if the list is in rows or columns
Nex UX - Compare more than one data series in a Scatter Graph
Currently I can only compare one set of data in the Scatter Plot graphs. However, it would be useful to compare different data series, as that would allow me to plot different trendlines and compare the expected performance of different scenarios. Otherwise the functionality of the new tool could be very limited.
NUX - Card Configuration - Multiple item selection
As a page builder, I would like the ability to select multiple items in the card configuration. For example, to change the below items from line to column, I have to click through each item individually. I work with customers that have charts made of hundreds of items. If they need to edit the chart, they would have to go…
NUX Export Labels
In the current UX, you can include property labels when exporting. I would like this feature to be available in NUX as well.
Specify Resulting Value for COMPARE Function
It would be helpful if the COMPARE function could be modified to specify different resulting values. Currently, the formula returns 0 if there is a match and -1 or 1 if there is a match. Ideally you could specify any values, but returning 1 if there is a match and 0 if there is not a match would provide a useful…
Ability to automate exports to PDF
As a model builder I want specific export to PDF to be saved in the list of exports so that a process can be created to group them together and run specific export to PDFs from dashboards in one go. I will know this is successful when I will be able to create a process and group a series of PDF exports together, which can…
File Import Issue due to Control Panel Local Language Setting
Some users in Europe are facing issues importing offline excel file into Anaplan. Currently we have a workaround for this issue. If user changes his Format setting in Region and Language to “English”, then the upload is successful to Anaplan. Users have to change their local language setting every time they need to upload…
Paste more than 10,000 cells
The limit of only being able to paste 10,000 cells is too small. Ideally it would be 100,000 to cater for larger data sets
Gantt chart: bars height determined by a Line Item
As a Page Builder, I want to have the possibility to make the height of the bars of the Gantt chart dependant on a numeric line item (KPI). This should also appear as additional information of each bar when you hover the mouse on it. This enhancement will enrich the information and the use cases covered by the Gantt Chart.
Button to Add another / new dimension after creating the module
As a model builder it would be nice to have a button to add dimension to the module and also to the line item after one has created the module. At the moment we can add the dimension to the module through the applies to section of the blueprint. It would be nice to have a window of dimension screen that is shown when we…
Context Sensitive Selection of Parent in Forms
As a Model Builder an Planning user it would be great if the Parent Selector of a Form could be context sensitive. Forms are used to create new Elements in a numbered list which often need to be dynamically attached to a parent. E.g. I want to create a new position ins a cost center looking at a specific cost center.…
Search Selective Access List
It would be SUPER helpful if, when giving a user selective access in the user section, that you could search for the list item that you want to give the user instead of having to scroll through a long list to find the item. I know this can be avoided by doing an import, but if you don't know the exact name of the list item…
Models topology- visual version
The idea is to implement a visual model's topology map. The initial idea is to build it like the module map available in the model that shows all module dependencies, but for models. Currently there is a possibility to find information about ALM models that are synced with another on the revision list and on the source…
Introduce sequential lists (Array or Linked list)
As model builder I would like to make use of sequential lists (Array or Linked list) to avoid circular references. This can be useful in many calculations.. Native functions like PREVIOUS() or NEXT() could only be applied on line items which are on the time dimension. Such functions should then also work for the sequential…
Conditional Formatting for Swtiched Over Cells
Using Native Switchover functionality when the forecast data gets overriden by the Actuals can we have a color code functionality which will highlight Actual Data in Forecast version. As of now it is just editable vs not editable.
Model copy not being logged in the source model history
When performing a model copy, it is logged in the model copy's history, but not in the source model's history. Nvidia requires any model copy taken to be logged in the source model for security purposes. Below is the history log of a model copy I made. It is logged in the model copy. If we could have a similar entry log in…
NUX delays in Syncing when updating Users assignments
Since NUX went live I have noticed the syncing time has increased. Initially when making changes to the Users Role via Assignments option, if you would lets say add Page Builders role to their profile, this would instantly appear in the Pages section on their screens. Recently these changes have been taken between 2-3…
Copy Line Item
As a user, I want to have the ability to copy a selected line item while in blueprint mode. This functionality would save time and prevent potential user errors/toasts. I will know this is successful when I have the ability to copy an existing line item and type the name in a dialogue box that is brought up after pressing…
Refresh Function in Excel Add-in should provide option to submit changes
Description: If a user changes data in a read/write view of data in Excel via the Anaplan Excel Add-in and then subsequently clicks on the "refresh" button, the Anaplan interface does not inform the user of any changes that have been made to the data before the view is refreshed. This results in any changes being cleared…
Ignore boolean flagged items/periods when using the AVERAGE function
Description: As a model builder, I would like to be able to include an additional parameter in the AVERAGE function which is to be used to exclude flagged items or periods from being included in the calculation of average values. Use Case: There are numerous circumstances where I have been required to exclude certain items…
Updating Hierarchies in the New UX
I have just discovered that the ability to update hierarchies from a grid published to a New UX Page does not seem to exist. This was a functionality that existed in the classic dashboards. It was a very useful feature to be able to move list items from one hierarchy branch to another and see charts and calculations update…
Log user access through NUX in the audit log
The administrator audit log today tracks when a user accesses a model, which makes it useful for monitoring both unauthorized access/incorrect user settings and model usage across the platform. However, it does not log when a user accesses the model through NUX (which is not logged anywhere according to the support). As an…
Excel add-in, Date time settings
Excel Add-In error: Refresh failed due to unexpected error. Found out that when the Excel template is created with Regional settings [ ex. decimal symbol as Dot / . ] is different from your system settings [ ex. Decimal symbol Comma / , ] then the refresh fails and shows up unexpected error. This is solved as soon as the…
Create and/or update a module view in the New UX
Description: As a model builder, I would like to be able to create a module view (or update an existing module view) directly in the New UX. I also want the current functionality (e.g. filtering, conditional formatting, etc) that exists in creating/updating a view in a module via the model available in the New UX when…
Batch printing, exporting, emailing of NUX dashboards and worksheets
Description: As an Anaplan user, I would like to be able to print, export, or email Dashboards and/or Worksheets in the New UX based on a selection of list items relevant to the the Board/Worksheet. This process should be able to be scheduled (e.g. daily, weekly, monthy at a set time) or run on-demand by the user. The user…