Different Formats within same Line Item
Consider a P&L view with Line items (Revenue, COGS, Profit etc ) as rows and Line Item Subset (Q4'19, Q4'20, Growth %) as columns. You want to see quarterly numbers as number (ex: $10.9) but growth rate as % (ex: 5%) but on the same line (say Revenue). Its a fair and common ask. But Anaplan doesn't provide a easy solution…
Box and Whiskers Plot using Combination Charts
It would be a wonderful addition to the new UX, if the combination charts were allowed to be used with many different parameters which cater to many statistical methods such as box and whiskers plot which would allow to plot IQR (Inter Quartile Range), MAX and MIN of the entity as per traditional plot of Box and Whiskers.
Synchronization of list clusters
It requires two clicks to sync all dashboard elements (graphs, tables etc.) to the selection, when using a pivot that has two or more lists clustered on one axis. This can cause that an inexperienced end-user may look at the wrong information, because he or she forgot to select the second list item. To avoid this, Anaplan…
Export multiple modules into unique file
As a Model Builder I want to create a Process to trigger multiple Export actions at once, each export linked to a different module. However, the Process generates as many files (csv, Excel, txt,...) as the number of Export Actions within the Process. It would be better if the Process could generate a single file (CSV,…
Run export from source model to target model
At the moment in order to transfer data between models manually it is required to open the target model and pull/import the data from there. Having the additional functionality of running an export from the source model to the target (pushing the data instead of pulling it) would enhance the user experience in some…
Selector in OLD/NUX
In old I have a selector with several assumptions. Based of the selector my P&L is recalculated. I love that in OLD. In NUX this is not available, then I cannot use NUX because of that. I can't precalculate everything just for NUX. It cost too much space and I want to consume that data on the fly.
Change "Use Top Level as Default Page" to pick list of list members instead of boolean
Request: Under General List, change "Use Top Level as Default Page" from a Boolean to a picklist from the list's members. Apply this selection to all dashboards/module as the default view. Retain the option to change the default page under the dashboard "Selection Option" of the Edit view though. Benefit: While the Top…
Default Synchronize Selection to Match Default Page Selectors
Setup: There is a summary table by region on a dashboard and a detailed table by accounts on the same dashboard which is synchronized on the same list. The summary table has a default page selected which is the Top Level. The detailed table default currently shows accounts belonging to the first item of the hierarchy only,…
Conditional Formatting for Fields in NUX
I've been finding the lack of conditional formatting for fields is a turn off to clients and has a meaningful impact on the user experience in the NUX. Overall, I like the migration to the NUX and think it's a positive direction to go. But that said, fields really need to have the same formatting capabilities as line…
Error message generator
Hello, could we have an optimized error message log solution during building process which notifies us of the error? The current blue text box is an absolute time killer during development which could last up to 5 minutes. Bet regards Kristina
NUX - Migrate all previous formatting functionality from Classic UX to New UX
Hi All, I am having a bit of trouble sorting through all of the various ideas relating to NUX and formatting, so I have a simple request to migrate all previous formatting functionality from Classic UX to NUX. If this is the plan for the roadmap, then having an idea of timing (or even that it is on the roadmap) would be…
Anaplan Model Calendar - Roll-up Weeks to Months
Anaplan's model calendar rolls up days into weeks and months into quarters but does not roll up weeks into months. As a result of this, June 2020 has 5 weeks: w/c Jun1, Jun 8, Jun 15, Jun 22 and Jun 29. However, w/c Jun 29 has 2 days in June and 5 days in July - and the entire week gets included in July instead of June.…
Labeling import prompt for end users
With the current import process, when users are prompted for files, it simply says 'Upload a file for input into [insert module name(s)]'. It would be helpful if we could associate which file is used for which action as the end user selects the file. Example: uploading 2 files into the same module, with different…
Deactivate Pop-up window when process in NUX is triggered
As a normal End User without Workspace Admin / Page Builder rights I would like to start a process that consists of multiple actions without having to confirm "run process" in an additional NUX pop-up window. This is only required when the process contains an action for which a file upload is needed. This functionality…
Excel Add-In: Possibility to display name or code for list members
I would like to have the possibility to extract different attributes for a list member in the worksheet via Excel Add-In (rather than just the name), in the same way the direct export from Anaplan allows: display name, code, parent, etc. Few examples where I find this functionality useful: reconciliation process after a…
Data Tags as a comment feature for developers
Hi team, As a Model Builder and BAU Support Team Specialist, I am interested in documenting enhancements in our models. Using only the Notes feature as a commenting tool, it is getting really hard to track them all after a couple of years of the model being rolled out. At some level of complexity of the model, it is…
Creating a version with import action - access settings
Hi, When manually adding versions, you have the option to select access setting. By default, it is Write. See photo below. However, if you try to create a new version via import action, you can't specify the access setting. The new version created, has by default No Access. I wanted to automate the version creation using…
NUX: Differentiation between Summary Items and List Items like Old UX
In the Old UX, there used to be double lines to signify that something was a summary item. For example, if a module was dimensioned by quarters, the Years would have a double line (see screenshot). This made the data easy to understand. However, in the new UX, there is no native formatting that accomplishes this (see…
NUX Line Item selection on nested dimensions
Hi, I would like to be able to make a different selection of line items for different members of my dimension. This is something that is possible currently in classic interface and would be great if it's also available in NUX. Please see example below: Currently, I am able to make a selection, for US I want to see 3 line…
Fix screen formatting when scrolling to bottom of module
I am sure i am not the only one to experience this bug/issue. The problem when in Admin view or Classic UX: When scrolling to the bottom of a module (one large enough to require scrolling to see the line items at the bottom of the module) the bottom-most line items can not be reached using the scroll bar. To even see these…
Subsidiary views in NUX
Can the Pages in the New UX support the "unlocking" of subsidiary views display (and input) in a grid? In this example an input of projects and project properties is required, however a risk factor that is scenario dependent can be added. Currently this requires a new module and grid applying to all relevant dimensions,…
Simultaneous processing (multi-threading) of Anaplan actions
As a user and/or model builder, I want to be able to run actions simultaneously where possible to speed up the data processing and list maintenance actions. This function should also allow other actions to be run only after certain actions have finished running successfully. As an example, if I want to load trial balance…
add processId, actionId, fileId as columns in Settings (for API development)
This will speed up API development and runtime both. The API requires ID's as parameter, however Anaplan UI shows only the Name. When using API for sending data to Anaplan or triggering a process we now use the name for searching the id. Currently this requires additional looping in our API framework. If we know from the…
Restore Pages - NUX
Similar to manage app which can be used to restore deleted apps, there should an option to restore deleted pages in the NUX.
Curated tips section on Anapedia
I think it could be a good idea to have a curated tips section at the bottom of each Anapedia page. These will be things people have found work but are not specifically stated as working in the entry in Anapedia. These could then help for the basis for Updates to the entry in the future. These could be based on entries…
Ability to Define Custom Weeks pattern for Each Quarter differently in Model Time
Currently Anaplan allows only to select one Week Pattern from 3 available to apply across all quarters in a Fiscal Year Time Calendar (https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Modeling/Dimensions/Weeks_4-4-5,_4-5-4_or_5-4-4.htm) Example - Pick any one week configuration pattern from 4-4-5, 5-4-4, or 4-5-4 for all…
Custom Timescale Filter instead of Time Period Drop Down
Current Timescale Selection * Current UX: Selecting a year (e.g. FY20) in the page filter will will sync any worksheets to January - December. There's no native way to show something custom like the trailing 24 months. * Modules/Classic dashboards: manually show/hide dates, or apply a filter which you'll have to do for…
Default Export File Type to CSV
This one is simple. Anaplan's recommended export file type is CSV, yet the export dialog defaults to Excel / XLS. Yesterday we had an integration mysteriously run for 7 hours, later realizing it was because the export file type wasn't changed to CSV. Please allow model admin to set the default export file type to CSV. This…
New UX: Send Notification to Anaplan Roles/AD Groups
With the introduction of the new Notificaiton capability in the New UX (which works great when tested), it would be great to expand it to include 'Anaplan Roles' instead of Specific People in the email selection. Another far fetched expansion would be to integrate this with AD groups etc. to send notifications across the…
Display Name selection from the drop down - only filtering text and list formatted properties
Is it possible to provide a Display Name selection in the form of a drop-down for a Numbered list in the configure tab of a list? This addition would actually complete the configure tab in totality.