Scheduling process
i have csv file that I want to load Every day. is there a Possibility to Scheduling process, Instead Run it manually every day?
User Given a Wrong Name
When a user is added to Aanaplan, by use of their email, a first name and last name are also separately added. It is possible to input these names incorrectly spelled, by mistake. Users might also request a change in name, for either first name or last name. Is it possible to edit these fields once then have been input?…
same employee working for both company
Lets take an example , An organisation(ABC) HAVE 2 companies,one is USA(USD) and another in Singapore(SGD). An employee Alex is working for Singapore(currency SGD) company.but he is olso doing some contributions for USA.But he wont get USD and olso he is not eligible for extra payment,he will only get Basic Salary in SGD.…
Speed up Internet Explorer
How can you enjoy a faster experience with Internet Explorer?
Access to a Workspace
Can Support@anaplan.com give me access to a Workspace?
Sign On Issues
Why do I get an error when logging in?
Matrix Security in Anaplan
Dear Folks, I have requirements to set up a Matrix Security in Anaplan. The requirement is for a particular User has access to Department 12, For Area Code KR and for Magazine ATR only, same person has access to Department 13, for Area Code SG and for Magazine AEE only and finally the same User has access to Department 93…
Security for Dashboards
Is there a way to limit access to Dashboards separate from access to the Modules that feed those dashboards? For example: I have a module that lists the sales for 10 stores. I want to create a separate dashboard for each store so when they log in they can only see their store's dashboard and not have access to the module…
Model to Model Data Management
ALL: Aside from exporting and importing data between models in a given workspace, is there a plan or functionality that I cannot find that would facilitate, say the use of a model for HR planning (costs, FTE, etc) back to a Income Statement or Consolidation model? Any mechnism in a web format that would support cross…
Platform Security
Dear colleagues, I got interesting security questions from a client. Could you help? Here they are: 1. In the event of a request under the Patriot Act via the US office would Anaplan hand over the data to the US authorities? 2. What systems and processes are in place to ensure no one except the client's personnel can see…
Set Date by Time Zone
I'm based in the UK but all the dates in Anaplan come up in the US format mm/dd/yy rather than the UK format dd/mm/yy. Is there anyway I can change this? Using a UK computer, however, when I type a date into Excel it comes up as dd/mm/yy as a default. Do you know how I can check?