Bulk PDF Export
We have received a requirement to do bulk export from Management Reporting for all the intersections available. At the moment, we can only do for one intersection and it takes a few seconds for the pdf to be even available for export. Would be great to have this capability to do bulk pdf exports.
Do we have workaround for management reporting context selectors filter/show-hide?
Hi all, Do we have any neat workaround for either filtering/using show-hide on the context selectors in the management report type of page? There's a list with parent members, where I want to hide the parent members from the page. Thanks for the help in advance!!
Management report should support more dynamic layouts (e.g. filtering on columns to display)
Below is an issue which is stopping me from using Management Report (UX Page type = Report). The issue is that once a card is published to the page: * Dynamic columns are not respected if based on a filter there should be more columns than initially published, it won’t show * Dynamic columns are not respected if based on a…
Filtering a Custom Report Based on User Selection
Hello, We have a series of reports that we want users to have the option to select a Year over Year comparison (such as 'FY25B vs FY25A' in the dark blue) and the corresponding light blue to be filtered. Below is an end result of one selection: If a user were to select 'FY25A vs FY24A' the result would look like this: This…
Mmt Reporting - Allow multiple concurrent Page Builders
In mmt reporting we have been having version control issues if saving a page whilst multiple people are editing. Ideally is there a way having multiple people editing at the same time? Alternatively is possible to lock the page while one person is making changes and state who is in there making the changes. (Should be able…
Management Reporting Spell Checker
Would it be possible to get a Management Reporting Spell Checker feature like what Microsoft apps currently have for commentary boxes.
Approach for managing conditional formatting colors in one place
Thought I'd drop this here in case it's helpful to anyone. Business Need To promote a consistent user experience and an intuitive application, we want colors to be used in a consistent manner across an application. We also want it to be easy to quickly and easily change those colors in the event of: Changes to user…
Mmt Reporting - notes commentary boxes
In management reporting it would be really useful for end users to have the ability to make notes for presentation - similar to the notes function at the bottom of PPT slides that allows users to add a commentary that doesn't appear in the presentation/pdf version.
Is there a feature for Dynamic page numbering in Management Reporting?
Is it possible to get dynamic page numbering in Management reporting (similar to PowerPoint functionality) based on ordering of slides? Currently the only way we have found to update slide numbering is to add a manual text box to each page in the report.
Management Reporting - Undo/Redo buttons
In management reporting can we get an undo button? Allows you to undo accidents made during editing
Management reporting commentary boxes - size by version
In management reporting is it possible to link commentary boxes to versions? e.g. Version A may have lots of commentary about revenue and very little on COGS, Version B has little on Rev and lots on COGS - this will make our report spacing look awkward.
Mmt Reporting - Allow grouping of cards
In management reporting, when you highlight a group of cards and then stretch them to fit the page, they can become overlapped, would be good that when you change the page size it changes accordingly or when you change dimensions of cards they also act accordingly. Similar to the 'group objects' in paint.
Mmt Reporting - defining card position
In management reporting can we define the position of cards e.g. option to enter x mm from top left / top right, similar to PPT positioning?
Mmt Reporting - Availability of Grid card templates
Any grid card saved template cannot by used on a Mmt reporting page. Is it possible to have templates tat are shared between dashboards and management reports?
Mmt Reporting - Ability to define height and width of cards
When updating cards in management reporting is it possible to dictate the size of the boxes (similar to PPT), page builders need to stretch dimensions rather than keying them in directly.
Mmt reporting - greater formatting variety for text boxes
Highlighting, bolding, underlining text, adding text commentary & re-ordering pages without entering edit mode. MR Contributors can apply formatting to the page, but without it being a page edit - this would allow users to replicate standard mgmt. report deck production (highlighting/bolding etc. of key points). This would…
Mmt reporting - new user role for management reporting contributors
Is it possible to have different types of page builder access? End users may want to move boxes around depending on commentary - ideally we would not want to give them full page builder access. New user role, like page editor, but is only applicable for Management Report pages
Mmt Reporting - End User Ability Review Text Box/notes
In management End User Ability to make notes/review feature like what Microsoft apps currently have. This will enable users to comment and query with other users in one place. This is currently possible in dashboard pages
Can i export a dashboard in pdf from the mobile app?
My client uses Anaplan on mobile devices. Is there a feature to export a dashboard screen in the form of a pdf? I am not referring to Management Reporting slides. I am talking about plain simple dashboards containing grids and charts, designed specifically for the Anaplan mobile app. When you try sharing the page, it goes…
Ability to change the font colour of the data labels for each series.
For better user experience, are we able to change the font colour of each of the series in a chart.
Non-Fixed amount of Columns in Report Page Table Cards
Creating executive slides in management report pages sometimes requires dynamic column numbers, and not a fixed number of columns. Currently if a Table card is published on a Report page type, the column numbers appear fixed. This can be problematic when a grid needs to display a varying number of columns depending on…
Synchronize Line Item Subset based on Line Item in the UX
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: The line items which the LISS were sourced from are not sync in the apps or UX pages. This is confusing for our users where some…
'Rich text' enhancement in Anaplan Management Reporting
The 'rich text' feature in Anaplan Management Reporting is really helpful as it enables users to format their comments (bold, italic, alignment etc). However, it would be ideal if we also have the ability to select the font size and the spacing between each bullet points
Anaplan Reporting Page: How can we keep line item filter for hierarchy filter selection?
i have made a line item filter with formula= RANK('ROTD - 3M', DESCENDING, SEQUENTIAL, TRUE, 'text l4 n 3lag') which gives me as shown in pic - 2. the second line item filter with formula = RANK('ROTD - 3M', DESCENDING, SEQUENTIAL, TRUE, 'Lag 3') which is the 4 line item in from the pic above. 3. Now in reporting page when…
Ability to format numbers by multiplying 10000 in the Board/Report eg 0.03% to 3bps with suffix
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: For management and board reporting, we need to present % variances into bps (a unit of measurement equal to 1/100th of 1 percent). We…
Ability to input text commentary with text formatting options in Management Reporting - New UX
While working on a project, a useful implementation emerged. Currently in Anaplan, via Management Reporting, it is possible to create documentation that cannot be customised by the user. In fact, the end user using the system can only look at the data and comments previously entered by the Page Builder. We tried creating a…
Combining line item number formats
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: For certain reporting elements I'm finding that I have to change number formatted line items to text to get the right prefixes and…
Export from Management Reporting page for a Table which needs scrolling
I am publishing a Table in management reporting slide which is dimensioned by a list (having 100 items) and 2-line items. Now when the table is published, to see all the values of the list items I need to scroll in the table, which is perfect. But now, when I am taking the export of the slide from management reporting -…
Document print by dimension
The document UX allows a user to generate a pdf with the current selection criteria. Would it be possible to print all reports by a selected dimension. ie. I have a number of businesses in different regions, and want to print all businesses in a region into a single pdf. This would allow our business to generate packs of…
Remove Gaps Option for Continuous Bar Chart Visualization
Background: A continuous stacked bar chart is a powerful visualization used across multiple industries to represent data with seamless bars. This visualization helps in identifying patterns and trends more clearly without the distraction of gaps between the bars. Request: I am requesting an enhancement to Anaplan's bar…