Model Optimising and Housekeeping
I'd like to have new features in Anaplan where it will check your whole model and return the following: * Module/Lists which are not references in actions/dashboards and therefore can be removed without impact * Line items which are duplicated in other modules and are using the same dimensions (therefore duplicated can be…
History on Formula Changes
Similar to Cell or Module history, there should be an option to get on demand history on formula changes. An option in blueprint mode to select any line item formula and get history option should be added. This will be helpful to track formula change in multiple model builder environments.
Include Formula Change Detail in Model History
Currently the model history process only captures that a line item was edited but it doesn't specify if it was a formula change, applies to, etc... and it doesn't include what the formula is/was. This came up recently in trying to research what had happened with a formula that had previously been updated and it's otherwise…
Allow for 'Invalid' formulas during model changes
When model building often we get requirements that require changing the dimensions of a line item / changing hierarchy levels etc. Basically things that will break existing formulas. To make these changes to an existing model I'll laboriously go about copying formulas that will break somewhere else, carefully making a note…
Built in notepad/clipboard
Hi Anaplanners, This time i am coming with an idea of having a kind of manageable clipboard/notepad built into the development UI. Performing development work i usually have some additional tools like notepad or excel opened on side to able to store formulas or mappings that i want to use in next few mins (example is a…
Time Subsets
I would like to see shorter time periods that we could control for example rolling 90 days, 16 weeks etc. Realizing there would need to be some sort of trigger of control set a start point. A potential user story I need to be able to solve is: I plan by month but need a 90 day outlook As part of that 90 day outlook I need…
Remember formula bar settings in new modelling experience
It'd be great if Anaplan could remember formula bar preferences either globally at an account level, or by workspace. At the moment, you will perhaps prefer to set the formula bar to the side view, with a specific width, and when re-opening a new module it will be reset to below the data and at default height. This means,…
Two Ratio summary - Different for Line items and Time.
Hi Team, Can we have to different Ratio summary for both line items and time. it will be helpful in few scenarios where we have to calculate ratios have to be calculated differently for line items and time. Thanks, Manjunath
Show Precedent Line Items
Excel has a great feature that shows dependent and precedent cells for formulae. For those that do not know, here is a screenshot of trace precedents in action: The blue arrow is indicating that Profit is dependent on Costs and Revenue. This is a great visual way to show how cells affect one another. Whilst Anaplan…
Number Formatting Precision / Stop dividing by 1000
I would like to propose a feature to instead of dividing by 1,000 to show items in thousands or 1,000,000 to show numbers in millions, that this is handled by the number formatting. This is a little used feature in excel where you can apply a format to a cell with the value $32,500 to display as $32.5. In this case the…
Time Subsets
We would like the ability to create time subsets for more granular time ranges (days, weeks, months), that may not match the current model Time Scale of Years, Quarters, etc.
Formula Editor with AI suggestions
As a SA, when we perform the model review, one of the most common issues are badly written formula. MAT analysis does provide a list of potential issues. It would be nice to add another button in addition to apply as Suggest, so it can warn the users when they try to create complex formula. Even better, given the vast…
Make the 'Referenced By' section of a Module Blueprint CLICKABLE
I want to be able to do the following: * Open a Module in Blueprint view * Scroll to the right to see the 'Referenced By' field of a Line Item * CLICK on this field and have one of two things happen:* If there is only one Line Item in the 'Reference By' the module with that Line Item opens (in Blueprint Mode) and (bonus…
number settings
Currently number settings can be done only at Line item level. It is cumbersome to repeat number settings across all lines in the modules in a model. Like Time and Version settings, can we have the option to set up Default Number Settings at a model level. Similarly, Rounding of numbers can be set up a default across the…
Allow for Copy/Paste of 'Reverenced By' to work in 'Model Search'
The new 'Model Search' is awesome! I use it all the time! I have noticed that it cannot handle a few search prompts. One of them is if the user pastes a full reference for a Line Item. An example might be 'CALC Store O4 Month Results'.Store Hours Threshold Pasting this in Model Search produces no hits. But the ideal result…
Increase 1 million list item limit for Order list action
Requesting to increase the limit of 1 million list item count for Order list action. Currently we will get the following error when list item is over 1 million: Cannot Run ActionThe number of items in the list (1000001) exceeds the maximum allowed (1000000)
Improved History Granularity in History Report
Description of the enhancement requested: When the client exports the history they want to see the details on who changed the Formula, as well as having an ability to filter out the needed modules, lines, etc. The output is there but they want to be able to filter it online as it is close to impossible to do in…
Quick Summarise Data
One question I always ask myself when exporting data from Anaplan into Excel for further analysis is why am I feeling the need to do this and what improvements could Anaplan make to negate the need in some instances to export data to excel. I believe adding some fairly simple functionality to quickly summarise data by a…
New Formula Editor - Positioning and Default Setting
For the New Formula Editor is it possible to: 1. Be able to dock it at the top and left of the screen as well as the bottom \ right 2. Set a default so that each time you expand into the new editor box it opens to the left\right\top\bottom depending on your setting, or if a setting is not possible then have it default to…
Allow the Modules List to be searched with fuzzy logic, the saem as the Model Search function
The new fuzzy search method available in Model Search is excellent! I use it to rapidly jump to another module. But we still must use the modules tab to copy modules. I now find myself trying to use fuzzy logic when using search in the modules tab. Could we please get this implemented here?
Order List Action for End user
Hello, do you consider enhancing the Order List Action functionality by making it accessible for the non-admin users? It would be really great the end user to be able to apply such an order whenever he consider it useful. Thank you Best regards Kristina
Designate a dummy module as a Group, show alternate formatting for clearer model building experience
Similar to how you can set a line item to different formats to help readability and organization, I would like to have similar functionality in the module view window. Organizing the module view in a similar way would be really helpful as module count grows in large models. Currently the "best practice" is to create a…
Tree View Available even if we have large lists
Hi, Tree View have to be available even if the list is large. Anaplan could show it on different pages. It's a big limitation to the client if they can't see the tree view list.
Display a list of existing saved views when using "Save As"
When a model builder selects "Save As" in a module, it would be really helpful to see a list (dropdown?) of saved views already available for that module. This would help * When a model builder is trying to overwrite an existing saved view; they wouldn't have to type out the exact view name character-for-character, instead…
Ability to designate modules by their specific role in DISCO
DISCO is helpful for model builders to use as they build from scratch, or even getting up to speed in an existing project. I think Anaplan should have a way to designate which part of the DISCO framework each module is being used for. (similar to "Functional Area") While there is the "Functional Area" column that could be…
Module with only Non-Actual Versions.
Suggesting the ability to have a module that only applies to Forecast/Budget versions as its used predominately in Forecast assumptions. Saves space and enables users to add in Forecast assumptions without having an unnecessary Actual dimension.
Set Anaplan Import Source via URL
Currently, when creating an Anaplan to Anaplan data import, the process of setting the source is somewhat tedious - it requires specifying the workspace, then the model, then the source type, then finally the actual source. However, with the recently released feature that an Anaplan Model URL specifies an active…
Enhance "Delete from List Using Selection" by accepting filters in combination with Users list
As a model builder, I would like to have the possibility to create an action with the option "Delete from List Using Selection" by using booleans line-items in combination with the Users List additional the List where it is needed to delete the elements. Currently, when trying to build an action "Delete from List Using…
Enhanced Hotkey support across Anaplan
Some users prefer mouse, while others prefer hotkeys, and some like a mix somewhere between. Curently Anaplan feels 95% built around mouse-users, while keyboard users have a very low number of hotkeys to fall back on. Anaplan users would get a lot benefit if the platform considered hotkey use cases to be equally as…
Module Selection for Line Item Subset With >1000 Modules
We have encountered a bug where if there are more than 1000 modules in a model, the panel where you select a module(s) to assign to a line item subset does not work. There is a workaround available (provided by Anaplan support to us about a year ago) where we can look at the web-page elements and find the code for the…