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Hi everyone! Maybe somewhere there is already information on this topic, but… Before the site update I received two certificates: The Anaplan Way - OnDemand and (NMX) Level 1 Model Building, but now I don’t see them in the certificates tab. "No results found." Maybe I'm wrong and they shouldn't be there, but can someone…
hello I tried to finish the L1 training and in the 8.5.2 steps when I import the price book data in the anaplan model I saw values that 100x bigger than the original values in the csv file. like example csv file show: 0,84 in my model I see 84.0. not sure what cause this problem. is it coming from my local xls settings? if…
I have reviewed each step and I dont really know how to get the number of the example… here i have the example given: and here my results after each formula… I have used the next formulas: Percentage %: Initial Account Sales Target / Initial Account Sales Target[LOOKUP: 'SYS99 Lookups'.Target Year] Initial Account Sales…
Totally lost as to what the ask and action to take here is. Selective access, enabling the viewing and/or writing of information for lists is determined at the user level, so what has that got to do with Roles?
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I am at the point where I am comparing my INV01 data to the Anaplan lesson example and my numbers aren't matching. I have a couple of questions about INV01. For Beginning Inventory: My numbers are good until week 4. Then I realized that when triggered the PO Submitted boolean, it showed up in the confirmed PO line for the…
Could anyone help me with the questions below? 1. My Beginning Inventory is not showing correctly with the effect of ending inventory, it shows the same number, please see the attached screenshot. My formula is IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning…
HI My final figures for Forecast Demand in Inventory ordering s not matching with the one shown in training module LEvel2 sprint 3 .Please find attached the screen shots training and mine.i know figures are being pulled from DEM03 final forecast hence pls find below the blueprint view for the same too and let me know what…