Anaplan Data Orchestrator (ADO) - Usage Values Missing
As an Integration Administrator (IA), I would like to view my ADO usage not just in % terms but in value terms, So that I can plan my ADO Storage and Tables consumption reasonably, if my tenant is going to have limited numbers on those two usage categories. Currently it is not transparent to me as an IA on what is the…
Export roles for UX REPORT pages
With following API : https://us1a.app.anaplan.com/a/springboard-definition-service/apps/{appId}/access It is possible to retrieve the roles only for BOARD and WORKSHEET UX pages. We would like to have also the REPORT Pages retrieve thanks to this API. It would help to have an overview of all roles assigned to all kind of…
Cloudworks - Flexibility to choose date of every month when frequency is hourly
While creating an integration with frequency to run hourly ,there is no option to select "date of every month ". If there is a requirement to run an integration every 2 hrs in a day from day 1 to day 12 of month then we have to create numerous integration to achieve this .If above feature ,replication of work will be…
Visibility to view which integration & process is part of Integration flow in cloud works .
This will be helpful to view which integration & process is part of Integration flow in cloud works. Maintenance and audit will be easy .Right now have rely on eyes and memory . Also there is no visibility to see the schedule of all integration all together .
Add more options for Large Read Requests in Transactional API endpoint
We are running different large read requests using the Transactional APIs to ensure 2 things : Quality Insurance : Allow the different teams to secure models changes against regressions by extracting and comparing 2 models datas from different modules that can be picked up from anywhere on the model depending on impact…
Importing in Deployed model (Change data Source file)
I have an action import in deployed model to load the changes in the list and before, I able to manage data import sources to have a new source data file and it run successfully. But now I having problem in overriding the existing source data. when I try to manage import it says this "Deployed mode is enabled and you…
CloudWorks: Stop hiding flows if model is archived or stop a schedule if flow was hidden
When a model is archived all related flows becomes hidden. If, for testing purposes, there was a schedule set, it keeps running (and failing) in the background even though administrators are no longer able to see or change the flow. One can always bring archive back and stop/change the flow, but it would be much easier if…
Include the Internal (Full Access) Cloudworks account in Users for easy permissions management
I have recently learned that the reason some of our Cloudworks integrations were not running properly is because the Internal (Full Access) account used by Cloudworks was not assigned the appropriate list-level security. The following Anapedia article describes the requirement: Internal (Full Access) | Anapedia The idea is…
Export the imports from the imports tab
Context: We have about 200 models with a lot of integrations running between the models. We want to be able to map how models exactly are connected by mapping exactly which interfaces run between models. We managed to create a report showing these interfaces but only with an ID of the import and not with the name. Idea:…
CloudWorks Enhancements
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Can we add few more functionalities to CloudWorks like ability to Rearrange the columns, ability to reorder Integrations…
Display photos in Excel format from Anaplan link
As an end user, I have pictures URL in Anaplan that are displayed well in the App. Sometimes, I need to export my datas and I would like to display the photos in Excel and not the URL link. Solution : Add a display feature when I export my data on how to display my URL in my target file
Cloud Works integration
I apologies in advance if this idea has already been posted🙂. In Cloud works if we delete any integration by mistake is there any solution or process for reverting it back again or to see what we have deleted and revert it back .
Import action between models not pulling through data
Hi All, I am currently having an issue with one of my import actions. I am pushing data from a saved view in one model, into a staging module in another model. I've checked the filters, mapping, and more and they all seem to be correct. However, when I run the action I am met with this prompt It shows that the import is…
Excel Add-In - Allow user to specify browser used for SSO authentication
Allow user to specify which browser to use as an option in Authentication settings for facilitating SSO sign on — even if default is embedded browser, having the flexibility to select a different option such as updated browser / default system browser will help instances where organizations restrict older browsers from…
Cloudworks Reporting
Would like to see Cloudworks report detailing active integrations and their schedules
Integrating POWERBI to Anaplan
Hi Team, It will be helpful if we have a connector / integration enabled to get the data from PBI to Anaplan. Thanks, Aish
Current Page Filter of Export Action
My customer has 18 projects to manage with Anaplan. I created an export action with "all pages" settings for my customers' backup purposes. One excel sheet, one project. Because it's difficult to save all past data in Anaplan, they need an export button to download all necessary data. Even though each 18 project needs to…
"Error parsing key for this row" enhancement
Currently when importing some transactional data into Anaplan we will occasionally get "Error parsing key for this row" for rows where bad data might be present (or data might be missing) The error is often overly vague and requires us to compare the failed row to one that's previously processed correctly. The errors often…
Current Date Update
Is there any other way that we can update the current date with out using cloud works, Anaplan connect, or any middle ware ETL tools. Through the anaplan system i need to update it not manually and not by uploading the excel file