Notification when a user is added as Tenant Admin
As a part of security, Shell would like to see Tenant Admins notified via email about their access level. This will be key feature that will help keep people notified internally and to ensure logs can be reviewed for security purposes.
Enable Specialized Layout / Filtering in UX that Avoids Using Booleans
Planners and managers contribute to the planning in multiple ways in Anaplan solutions, entering numerical values, text entries, boolean business decisions like yes/no/approved… etc. Such users have contribution licenses to have the right to use Anaplan and contribute accordingly. Some other users are intended to be…
Enable Highlighting / Selecting / Copying Row labels in UX Grids
Some customers have raised a request about being able to highlight/select/copy the contents of a grid row's label. For instance, in the screen shot below, the grid's row labels include Bookings, Pitch Rate, Revenue, Payroll, etc. If a user clicks one one of these row labels, it doesn't select that particular label, rather…
Make Grid Line Color Editable/ Invisible
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Currently, there is no option to edit grid lines. I want to be able to make grid lines invisible or chaange the color of the grid…
Numbered list - list formatted line item copy paste
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Users unable to copy the display name and paste for numbered list list formatted line item. The known workaround is to use the # ID…
Anaplan Add-In Grids Upgrade
Being able to pivot/filter the add in grid without references to that grid getting removed. When I create a retrieve using the add-in and link to another excel tab (formatted for distributions to our leaders) and then alter a dimension using the pivot/filter function it will remove the references on the summary page. In…
Management Reporting - Undo/Redo buttons
Raising for @EmmaPF In management reporting can we get an undo button? Allows you to undo accidents made during editing
Product Enhancement Idea - ALM for Pages - Restriction on Source Model Selections
As a workspace administrator/Page builder/Tenant Administrator, I would strongly recommend ALM for Pages functionality to limit the selection of source models to ONLY model pairs with active and valid ALM synchronisation links. So that Anaplan eliminates the possibility of allowing users to set completely different models…
Management reporting commentary boxes - size by version
Raising for @EmmaPF In management reporting is it possible to link commentary boxes to versions? e.g. Version A may have lots of commentary about revenue and very little on COGS, Version B has little on Rev and lots on COGS - this will make our report spacing look awkward.
Management Reporting - notes commentary boxes
Raising for @EmmaPF In management reporting it would be really useful for end users to have the ability to make notes for presentation - similar to the notes function at the bottom of PPT slides that allows users to add a commentary that doesn't appear in the presentation/pdf version.
Management Reporting Spell Checker
Raising for @EmmaPF Would it be possible to get a Management Reporting Spell Checker feature like what Microsoft apps currently have for commentary boxes.
Management reporting - new user role for management reporting contributors
Raising for @EmmaPF Is it possible to have different types of page builder access? End users may want to move boxes around depending on commentary - ideally we would not want to give them full page builder access. New user role, like page editor, but is only applicable for Management Report pages
Management Reporting - Allow multiple concurrent Page Builders
Raising for @EmmaPF In management reporting we have been having version control issues if saving a page whilst multiple people are editing. Ideally is there a way having multiple people editing at the same time? Alternatively is possible to lock the page while one person is making changes and state who is in there making…
Managementt Reporting - defining card position
Raising for @EmmaPF In management reporting can we define the position of cards e.g. option to enter x mm from top left / top right, similar to PPT positioning?
Managementt Reporting - Allow grouping of cards
Raising for @EmmaPF In management reporting, when you highlight a group of cards and then stretch them to fit the page, they can become overlapped, would be good that when you change the page size it changes accordingly or when you change dimensions of cards they also act accordingly. Similar to the 'group objects' in…
Management Reporting - Ability to define height and width of cards
Raising for @EmmaPF When updating cards in management reporting is it possible to dictate the size of the boxes (similar to PPT), page builders need to stretch dimensions rather than keying them in directly.
Management Reporting : Availability of Grid card templates
Raising for @EmmaPF Any grid card saved template cannot by used on a Mmt reporting page. Is it possible to have templates tat are shared between dashboards and management reports?
Dynamic page numbering
Raising for @JackCarlingVM Is it possible to get dynamic page numbering in Management reporting (similar to PowerPoint functionality) based on ordering of slides? Currently the only way we have found to update slide numbering is to add a manual text box to each page in the report.
Synchinga selected list item with Page Context Selectors
As an analyst, I want to be able to have Page Context Selector automatically selected when I select a specific Line Item value in the grid so that I can do analysis in an intuitive manner. It's bothersome that I must scroll the page to change Page Context Selector when I want to drill down a specific line item in the grid.
Page-levelfilter on detail data
As an analyst, I want to be able to filter detail data of all card components, including charts and grids, just as we can do for dimensions using Page Context Selector. In the current specification, Page Context Selectors apply to all card components in the Page while a filter on detail data applies only to a specific…