New UX App Page - Move / Delete List Items from Page Action Forms + Conditional Formats
My user's primary use case is for sales planning activities. When it comes to carving segments for the next FY giving them freedom to modify the current hierarchy list items is convenient. In the old UX, dashboards allowed them to move list items up/down and delete. Losing this feature in the NUX renders the uplift useless…
New UX Word Wrap | Wrap on Whole Words
The new word wrap in a grid/cell functionality is terrific. However, there is one super upgrade that would make the experience even better and that is if the wrapping occurred on whole words. Right now half the word is on one line and the last half is on the next line.
New UX: Nested list of Categories in Navigation header and App page
Would be nice to be able to add more than one level of category for Pages in navigation. This is how it could look like. In the example below I have a Category called "3. Procurements" which has quite a few pages which essencially consist of sub-groups: CAN, PET, CAP, etc. On App page it can look like this:
Permit users to store rich text
Our requirement is for a team of users to edit text narrative for report pages, without being able to modify the overall page layout or content other than their text card. Option 1: Currently one needs to be a Page Builder to enter rich text on text cards. Provide an option for (non Page Builder) users to enter rich text…
Allow the Page Builder to create and store filters on a Worksheet and then use them as selections.
The Page Builder would: * Click the Filter on a Worksheet * Add various selections and see the filtered results * Click Save Filter and give the Filter a name (similar to saving a card template) * Now they would have the ability to Add/Remove these Saved Filters, similar to adding Quick Links * Each added Saved Filter…
UX Export having the same export options as Export from module in a model
Hi, as above it would be good if a user on the UX was presented with the same Export options as a user exporting from a module in a model.
Expand the Description field in the Card configuration (New UX)
In New UX the Description field in the card configuration is too small, so I can't see the full text, so I need to use an external text editor to check it.
New UX: Allow show/hide selection at page level in Pivot Data window
As a Page Builder it would be useful to be able to apply a show/hide selection to an item on pages during the configuration of a card on a board. This would be done in the Pivot data window within the view designer, as it is for items on rows and columns: This enhancement would allow users to hide line items that are…
UX: Change available hierarchy levels on global page selectors if used as a dimension
Currently I can change available list items and hierarchy levels for global selectors which are used as page selectors in a published module only. In the example below Plant list is used as a page selector and avalable to Filter and Show/Hide items listed in the selector. Although, if I would like to enable Materials level…
New UX: Set a Default Source Model in each Slide / Dynamic way to refresh source Model
It would be useful to have an option to set a Default Source Model in each Slide of the Report allowing users to reconcile data between 2 or 3 models in a single Report without the need of reselecting source Model in each Slide again and again AND/OR instead of opening multiple Reports side by side and do reconciliation.…
Allow the Page Builder to select if a Card will show in the Mobile App or not
There are situations where certain cards are used purely to get other cards to be properly aligned. There are other cards that make sense/are nice in the desktop experience but are extra/noisy in the Mobile experience. The request: give the ability for the PB to uncheck a switch/slider. The result would be that the…
New UX - ‘Publish selected line items to dashboard’ on Cards
Hi, I’m wanting to add a card on the below Worksheet in the new UX, and I’ve got 2 questions/enhancement suggestions. Firstly, when I’ve pivoted my saved view to how I want to show it in my card, I only want to see the text box, and in my saved view, I’ve reduced the left hand column, to 6pixels in length, but when it…
Report Page : Add Hierarchy filter
Hello ! We would like to produce dynamics benchmarks with the new report It could be powerfull if we have the hierarchy filter option in context as it already exists for boards.
New UX - Add Collapsible Cards on Boards
It would be great to be able to add collapse cards on the boards - similar to Additional Insights- . It will allow the view to be clean but will also house the information to be accessible without going to another page. Boards are especially helpful when displaying charts and key KPIs and being able to house the supporting…
Interaction between 2 cards in NUX
Hi, I think it would be useful if we could sort cards simultaneously. Specifically, to sort a table and a bar chart at the same time. For example, I have a table of countries (list) with their price and volume values ( line items). A bar chart is used for visual presentation of this data as well. If I sort (from highest to…
New UX Idea - Line item list selector expand width of the selection window
It will be very convenient to setup width value of a window where user selects a list item. Or to make it always be as wide as the longest list item name plus width of tabbed white-space due to hierarchy visualization. This is how it works in Classic UX: New UX is shrunk too much. The same problem appears in fields: Yes,…
Optimize NUX Pages - Title
Whenever the Title of the card is input, it eats up a lot of real estate vertically as it pushes down the card contents. Can this be optimized so that the real estate can be put to better use.
UX idea: Pictures on published actions and processes
To make interface more user-friendly I propose to add ability to appy some images instead of action labels. Currently you can use emojis instead of an action label. But this means you are limited by existing emojis and they also can look diferent on different browsers and devices. Would be nice if we could choose an image…
Background Color of User Input Fields on New UX
Hi, I recently received feedback from the users that the input fields are not very distinct from the calculated fields on the new UX. Conditional formatting can help us change the background colour but I fear it can confuse the user if there is another genuine Conditional Formatting on the same line item. It would be…
Report Page - Table formatting options for font size and colors
Enable increasing the font size of tables in a Report page similar to font size in text card. On placing a text card next to the tables card, the font size in tables are very small in comparison to other text. For better readability, it would be great to have this feature enabled. Adding colors for text would a "good to…
New UX Report Page: Add Guidelines
Please add ability for page builders to add vertical and horizontal guidelines to report pages. Objects (tables, KPIs, text, etc) should snap to these guidelines. Similar functionality exists in programs such as Microsoft Publisher and Adobe Illustrator. This would be helpful in creating 'pixel perfect' aligned reports…
New UX: Add functionality to hide top level in list when it's used as line item in grid
When a list formatted item with a top level is used as a line item in a grid, there is no option to hide or make the top level not selectable without completing a workaround. This request is to add an option to hide top level or make the top level uneditable/selectable on new UX page.
Report Page - Set Context for the Columns on a Table
The new Report Page is great, but having used it for a few days I notice that I am unable to set the Context for the dimension that is on the Columns of a Table. This is possible on a chart, but not a Table. Hopefully just an initial oversight.
New UX Report: Add Snap to Grid
On report pages, please add a snap to grid feature. Objects placed on the report page should snap to the page grid. Please add a toggle to allow page builders to overlay a grid when editing a page. Finally, please give page builders the ability to change the size/spacing of the grid.
Extending styling options for Line charts - weight of lines
Hi Team, As a page builder I would like to have multiple line width options in NewUX like it is implemented in Excel so that I could separate lines from each other. It may help end users faster and better read and analize data on charts with lots of lines. Many thanks for your support Regards, Danil
Comments on report cards
As an user, I would like to be able to add comments to the report cards, in the same way that it is already available for board and worksheet pages. This would allow users to take advantage of the collaboration functionalities within Anaplan and increase the use and engagement of the tool.
NUX Comments - Include comments when duplicating a page or duplicating an app
Currently when you duplicate a page or even the app, you do not bring with it any of the comments. This can be quite limiting when building, as then you cannot pivot the information of your page without losing the comments. Also, if that page is deleted, you will lose all of the comments permanently (as Anaplan cannot…
Ability to display List Item attributes as row headers (for the list specified as Rows)
This is similar to the Export Option "show Labels". The current workaround is to expose the attributes as line items (assuming line items are in columns) which can get very problematic when combined with another dimensions where the attribute does not apply, like Time. And then you're forced to select specific combinations…
Image/Branding and formatting of Page Title bar
In the New UX at the moment we have a very limited space on the page. We want to limit scrolling as much as possible but have more basic customization and branding features. As such I think that the ability of placing an image and maybe even more details on the page title would be great ! Here is a random example of a menu…
Mobile App Input Grid
Currently if user wishes to input the data in the mobile app the card or the grid pops out and takes the entire screen. Idea I am proposing is NOT to pop out the card or the grid so that the user sees other cards before inputting anything. This will reduce the back and forth movement to see other cards while inputting the…