Ability to use Enter key for all confirmation dialog messages
Description of the enhancement required: Add shortcut for "clicking ok" within format changes. Typically enter. An example of the enhancement: A hotkey that gives an alternative to clicking the confirmation. How would it help their business process: I would like to start using more keyboard than mouse. Currently, that is…
Ability to sync data between models using ALM
Description of the enhancement: Same as how ALM pulls structure, I also want to be able to pull data How is would help their business process: Want to pull data from Prod to UAT to test on real info.
Ability to disable the Save prompt when closing an edited dashboard in a Deployed model
Description of the enhancement required: Opt-out of 'would you like to save' when on a dashboard with a filter. An example of the enhancement: Ability to close a production model with a saved view that's been edited without having to click it's ok given I can't save it anyway A story for why you want the enhancement: I…
Associate Selective Access with Role
Description of the enhancement required: Create user access selective access by role An example of the enhancement: Selective access could be attached to a role rather than to individual users. How would it help their business process: Assign roles individually to people and selective sync to that role vs. having to update…
Selective access for Dashboard elements based on User Role
Description of the enhancement required: Selective access for Dashboard elements based on User Role An example of the enhancement: Process button should not be visible on a common dashboard to users if they do not have access to the set the actions under the process. A story for why you want the enhancement: It improves…
Top 10 filters on tables
Description of the enhancement: Top 10 filters on tables. We need to create top 10 tables that are able to be filtered by different criteria. Today the only alternative we found is to make a calculation for the "ranking" of the items in the table, but this is static information, so it is not dynamic when filtered. How this…
Reduce blocking on development models
Description of the enhancement required: Currently we have to wait until all changes are finished and thus big developments are blocking some minor tweaks which cannot be imported. Sometimes a few developers are working in the same file at the same time on different changes. Branching would make our job a lot easier as…
Blank dates should not be taken into account when a line item is date formatted and the summary ****
Description of the enhancement required: Blank dates should not be taken into account when a line item is date formatted and the summary method is set to "minimum". Anaplan should designate the lowest applicable date when this summary method is chosen An example of the enhancement: If there are three child nodes under a…
Ability to more broadly reference Versions in Anaplan functions
Description of the enhancement: Ability to more broadly reference Versions in Anaplan functions At present, Versions are restrictive to work with functionally. There is no ability to use the Version dimension as a list format, or to reference a version such as IF versions.Q3 Forecast THEN xyz
Ability to select few options in drop-down, instead of just one
Description of Enhancement Required: Ability to use the drop-down filter in Anaplan Dashboards in a more flexible way. At the moment, users can only select one in the drop down. What I want is the ability to be able to make few selections, instead of just one. Also, it would be perfect if we could have the Search function…
Enter formulae in data entry cell
I want to be able to enter formulae in data entry cell, e.g. (100+30+40)% and pressing enter shows the result
Allow the Users list & Selective Access to be used as the source of an Import action.
Description of the enhancement required: Allow the Users list & Selective Access to be used as the source of an Import action. An example of the enhancement: When selecting the source of an import using 'Connect to an Anaplan Model', the Users list should be an option for the data source. A story for why you want the…
Prevent customers accidentally creating an excessive number of line items
Description of the enhancement: Can a limit or warning be implemented to prevent a user accidentally creating so many line items via a blueprint import? Business reason for requesting this enhancement: We have had multiple instances in the past, of importing a file into blueprint mode, which we actually intended to import…
Ability to update user role access/access to existing model features in a deployed model
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to edit Users --> Roles->Versions in a deployed model. A story for why you want the enhancement: Currently during development cycles, using ALM forces you to treat user updates and editing the timescale for a specific version as a bugfix. This mean users have to wait for a…
Restrict 'Workspace Size Limit' notifications to specific users.
Description of the enhancement required: Restrict 'Workspace Size Limit' notifications to specific users. An example of the enhancement: Only Administrators and Developers would be shown the 'Workspace Size Limit' toaster when reaching WS capacity. A story for why you want the enhancement: When a workspace is nearing its…
When saving a new view ("save as") of a dashboard, that view should come up immediately
Description of the enhancement required: Saved Views -when saving a new view ("save as") of a dashboard, that view should come up immediately so you're working off that view. Currently, the saved view is created but you must go to that saved view to start making edits
More formatting choices for text in charts (i.e. styling) & options to highlight to draw attention
Description of the enhancement required: Visual, in addition to updating the charts, would be great if there could be more formatting choices for text (i.e. styling) & options to highlight to draw attention
More rounding options
Description of the enhancement required: More rounding options An example of the enhancement: ability to easily adjust summaries between whole dollars, thousands, millions.
Ability to search for dashboard when publishing to dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: I made chart and want to publish on dashboard but sometimes scrolling through all chart names is very annoying, especially when we have lots of dashboards. But I reckon if we made chart we would know the name of dashoard. I think that if we will have opportunity to put name / word…
Comparison reports formulas show ID rather than names
When comparing two models, if you download the comparison report it shows when a formula has been edited. If this formula references another line item/property/list item/etc, it shows the ID rather than the name of the object To reproduce, Make a model devM, add a module Mod, add line items a, b, c set the formula for a to…
The source object name column needs to be wider
Description of the enhancement: You can't see all the Source Object Name in Settings --> actions --> Import data Sources. The source object name column needs to be wider OR the columns should utilise the tool tips as they do for the Imports Column see screenshot
Source Models label to be editable for Import Data Sources that are marked as production
Description of the enhancement: The Source Models label needs to be editable for Import Data Sources that are marked as production and the label setting should be on the IDS tab rather than the Imports Tab
Show saved view name on dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: When publishing a saved view to the Dashboard, there should be the option to publish with the name of the Saved View, rather than just the name of the Module. In addition, selecting 'Open Source Module' should navigate the user to the View the Grid was published from, not just the…
Ability to resize columns in IMPORTS & IMPORT DATA SOURCES
Description of the enhancement required: To get workspace more user friendly for models developers. I know that I can copy-paste to excel and read all hidden letters / words. An example of the enhancement: Step 1 click right mouse buton (choose "Column settings") Step 2 confirm column width and get better view (small…
Better User Auditing of Who Uploaded Data
Description of the enhancement required: We wants easier tracking of who uploaded data, within the list or module itself (as additional cells is an idea). We want the name of the person who uploaded/created an item of the hierarchy to be recorded in a cell. We would like the following included: * Email ID/Name of uploader…
Ability to manage different summaries in a different way for different levels
If the user has Quarters, Half Year, and Year summaries, they want to be able to set the summary method for each summary. eg, for quarters set sum, for half set none, for year set sum. Currently you can only set the same summary for all levels
Dashboards to pull objects from multiple models
Description of the enhancement required: Dashboards to pull objects from multiple models An example of the enhancement: When we try to setup connected planning at enterprise level, we need to build dashboards which can pull objects from multiple modules. But currently Anaplan is supporting to build dashboard with objects…
Predefined Time Filters
Description of the enhancement required: TIME FILTERS We created a VIEW with only CURRENT QUARTER data and published it to a dashboard. Now next quarter, we need the dashboard to refresh automatically for NEXT QUARTER data. To achieve this, we had to create a TIME FILTER module, add line items like CQ, PQ etc and define…
Additional Audit Reports for History Logs
We would like two separate audit reports at workspace level, one for Admin changes and one for data changes: 1) Audit report for admin changes will capture all config changes and users should have ability to filter the object they are searching for (for example: filter on Models, Modules, Lists, Dashboards etc). 2) Audit…
Enhanced Messaging for Ignored Items in Import
Description of the enhancement required: Improve the messaging around why things are ignored so that there is a full breakdown of the successes, ignores, and failures in an import. An example of the enhancement: This could be full messaging upon completion of an import regarding the ignores. For example, it could be a…