Applies To for a module - would be nice to have a search option
Description of the enhancement required: Creating Modules or adjusting the "Applies To" it would be helpful to have a search bar/button. A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): In case you have a lot of lists, it becomes very inconvenient to reapply the module. This change…
Use process inside another process
We have some instances where we are incorporating multiple actions into more processes. Instead of adding action A,B,C,D,E,F into 4 different processes, we could bundle this into Process X. Process X can then be used in the 4 different processes. This will make the maintenance more convenient. E.g. we can ad action G or…
Formula Access Driver
Sometimes we have a list in which some list items should be populated via a formula and some other list items via a manual input. The way to model this at the moment is to create 2 line items enabling to input first and see the final amount that takes into account the formula. Obviously, from an end-user perspective, this…
Identify users with saved views
We currently have thousands of end users, so when a change/revision is made to a dashboard, we would like the ability to identify which users have created a saved view. This would allow for us to direct communication to these specific users when their saved views have been reset.
Have display name overwrite for modules/actions
Hi, as model builder it would be very handy to start using naming conventions like in the blog of @joeymorisette Time to Tidy: No More Mess in Your Models. With some naming conversions it would also be easy to sort your modules/actions (or in theory any object) on name, however if you publish modules to a dashboard you…
Allow specific list grouping within the Admin Settings Panel
At present , the Admin settings panel used by model builders to create and build new lists for their modules and driving functions do not have the specific list grouping feature. Under Lists and Roll-Ups , we only have General Lists acting as the parent for all lists within the model. To create a better understanding of…
Easily see whether a list or module is used in an Action.
As a model builder, I want to see whether a module or list is referenced by, or used in, an Action. For example, in "General Lists", we can see whether a list is referenced in a module's "Applies To", as a Format, or in a Formula. But we can't easily see, for example, whether the list is used in a Saved Export. The same…
Import mapping should update if a line item is renamed
On a model to model, module to module import if the name of any of the below changes the import will still import into that line item as it was set up: -the target model -the source model -the target module -the source module -the target line item If: -the source line item is renamed then the import will not import that…
Collapsible sections within Dashboards
Description: Collapsible sections within Dashboards Example of enhancement: Currently, we are not able to collapse and expand sections within dashboards. Requesting development team to explore options of extending the dashboard functionality to define separate SECTIONS and COLLAPSE or EXPAND them based on need.…
Waterfall subtotals
At the moment it is only possible to have a waterfall if the subtotals keep adding up. A+B=C C+D=E E+F=G This will create a nice waterfall with multiple subtotals. However we have quite some requests to also have the ability to add two subtotals that are on the same level. A+B=C D+E=F C+F=G At the moment we can't put this…
Option to Right-Click action button ---> take me to that action in the Actions List
As a model builder, I would like to be able to get from a dashboard button directly to the action in the Actions list. It would be really helpful to have a right-click "Open in Action List" option somewhat equivalent to a module's "open source" module option but for actions. This would be a far better than the current…
Searching a Module on a dashboard should search all data shown
It only recently occurred to me that the search feature built into a module when on a dashboard only returns values from the dimensions, but not the data...which really feels like a missed opportunity. Search should be able to return values from the data itself (maybe even highlight it?) For example, Say I have a module on…
Ability to show column-specific tooltips when mousing over a table on a dashboard
Some dashboards end up with large tables with lots of columns shown. It is normal that some of these columns may need a few notes to help a user understand its purpose / intended interactions etc. Currently I use an instructional text box at the top, but this can be very long, hard to read, and frankly overwhelming amount…
New Line Items in source Modules, within Saved Views, should be hidden by default.
Current behavior: Create a Saved View within a Module, navigate to that Saved View, publish to a dashboard. Then, close the Saved View and add a new Line Item within that same Module. You will find that the newly created line item is present in the published Module Saved View. Requested behavior: Module Saved Views would…
Fully customizable color palette
In order to be more inclusive, it would be nice if all elements of the user AND model builder interfaces were customizable to accomodate color blindness.
Right-click to Add / Delete line items in a module
Excel's handling of adding / removing rows is very natural feeling. Sure you can go into the ribbon bar and find the button, but that's much slower and breaks one's workflow more easily than simply right-clicking on a row and selecting "Insert" or "Delete" In Anaplan, adding / removing a line item item are ONLY available…
Advanced Search: Allow use of Boolean Operators etc. in model search
I use the search functionality in Anaplan a lot because otherwise it's difficult to find things. It would be helpful to use operators (like in a google search) to find things. Here's an example: Pretend I have a dashboard named "David's XYZ Extravagant Dashboard - Cost Sheet" When searching, if I miss a single character…
Option to allow the system to automatically set the datatype for a line item
It would be really helpful to me when building complex formulas if I could build it up in pieces without creating lots of line items to do so. Ideally I could build it in pieces without getting plagued with "wrong data type" errors. I'd like the option to let the system adjust the datatype for me instead of just rejecting…
Read Only Dashboards
We have some dashboards used solely for reporting purposes. However, the person displaying may have the ability to write to the module displayed on the dashboard allowing the dashboard to be edited during the meeting and the blue distracts the audience. It would be great if we could have the option to have "Read Only"…
Allow order of CUMULATE function to be defined by the user
The CUMULATE function when used against a list, currently accumulates in the original list order even when the list has been reordered. Anapedia states this is how the function is meant to work, but I would like it to take into account if the list has been reordered, and cumulate in the new order. Description of the…
Ability to manage admin access by model not workspace
Description of the enhancement: I would like the ability to manage admin access by model, not workspace. How this enhancement would improve your business processes: Some users are plain users in some models and admin in other models. Hence it would a great addition to manage the admin rights by model rather than by…
search all fields not just the name/code
Allow for admin to set search breadth, with an option for search to search all fields, not just Name/Code It can be helpful for users to search by name, date, or other key fields that are not the code from the quick search icon rather than having to filter columns
Use SUM Rules Dimensioned by Users for Source Data not Dimensioned by Users
I recently posted a question on the forums in relation to a workaround for a bug in the LOOKUP formula. I wholeheartedly feel like the LOOKUP bug (where it doesn't work for parent items that are in the same list as the leaf-level members) should be fixed. And I recognize that there are some workarounds available (as…
Ability for admins to see when users are using a model
Description of Enhancement: We would like the ability to see real time user sessions to allow for troubleshooting and to plan for production pushes eliminating user impact. Example of Enhancement: This information should be available within the Tenant Administrator function. How this would help their business process: This…
Uploads in .pdf/.jpg format (instead of URL)
It would be better if Anaplan facilitated uploading of documents in .pdf/ .jpg format , instead of using URL because not all documents are readily available on the web. Some of them might be scanned copies of confidential papers and cannot be posted on the web (to create a URL) without using a third party software/ app.
Ability to include more than 2 dimensions in combination chart
Description of Enhancement: Currently only one dimension on rows and columns are supported for a combination chart, e.g. stacked bar chart. The customer would like the ability to include more than two dimensions. Example of Enhancement: If you have Time on columns and Products list and line items on rows you would have to…
Keyboard key to temporarily toggle between Dashboard Preview & Design Modes
WHAT: I would like to be able to temporarily toggle the Preview mode / Design mode on a dashboard by holding a key on the keyboard, (I suggest CTRL) WHY: This would allow a model builder to... * Quickly jump between the preview state and design state in order to view dashboard's final state, and then return to making…
Keyboard Key to toggle Contents Pane Open / Close
I commonly find myself battling Anaplan for screen real estate to see what I want when I want it, and NOT when I don't want to see it. One of the culprits is the Contents Pane, and another as a model builder is the dashboard editing panel or the settings tab. When the Contents Pane is open and one of these others as well,…
Grouping Totals Position on Columns
Hello, Similar to the current button 'Totals Position on Rows', I'd like a 'Totals Position on Columns' button instead of using a workaround: pivot rows/columns, set Totals position, pivot again I also take this opportunity to say that Totals cannot really be distinguished from their children in columns, as they are in…
On Dashboards add basic text qualities- Eg. Underline, Bold, Italics, Strike-through
When I have a dashboard, and I want to bring attention to different statements, portions of them, highlights, etc. Having the ability to change the text formatting in more ways then the current 5 options: Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Normal Instructions And allow for changing things within those fomatts; eg. for a…