Actions to be made context aware
Actions initiated by users are requested to be limited to the current context instead of to the security scope of the user. E.g Delete actions for admin users are executed accross the full security scope of the user instead of being limited to the current context based on Dashboard selectors.
Resolve Workflow Capacity/Performance Issues
We have been excited for the workflow process to be released. Now that it has been released, we were excited to implement it in tandem with a new model that would use the notification feature quite heavily for our approval process and to get a feel for how to best implement it in our existing models. During the development…
Improve performance of list property imports
Description of the enhancement required: To load data into Anaplan, we need to load data to a list in order to populate items. We also hold all properties of the list in modules as line items for performance reasons. To complete a data load, we need to run two different actions for every data object we bring into the…
Ability to synchronise selection of dashboard elements separately
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: Ability also to have “local” synchronization, that is used only within the dashboard, where the module is published. Right now in Anaplan if we enable for published modules the synchronization by particular dimension, it affects not only the elements on the…
The ability to built chart & graph involve 2 or more modules in the same model
Description of the enhancement: The ability to built chart & graph involve 2 or more modules in the same model Why do you want this enhancement: Currently, user needs to collect all line items in one dummy module to create a chart. Even if data already exists in the system. As a result of repeated line items, this will…
Lookup Function -enhance this function with adding ability to ignore module's default dimensionality
Description of the enhancement required: Lookup Function - enhance this function with adding ability to ignore module's default dimensionality when using lookup. Pain - currently you cannot set another search argument instead of module's dimensionality, module's dimensionality is always used as lookup priority in Anaplan.…
Option to Omit Empty rows for imports
Description of Enhancement: I would like the ability to Omit Empty Rows when importing How this would help their business process: We have saved views used as IDS for imports between models. There are two fundamentally different approaches to set up them: 1. If we put all necessary dimension in rows and apply imports, it…
Customizable tooltips for dashboard graphs
Description of the enhancement: Allow Workspace Administrators to customise tooltips in graphs. Currently when you hover a mouse over a line data point in a graph, you can only see the axis title. In some graphs when we have many figures, the Line Item title would be more suitable. Business case for the enhancement: Better…
Ability to create ad hoc aggregations via multi-selections in filters
I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for a parent. I need to give end users the option to see summaries for any combinations of list elements in any dashboards and modules. At the same time, users should be able to select several list items for tables to synchronize with all of them simultaneously. If you…
Ability to enable/disable multiple filters under "Filter Segment based on data in..."
Description of the enhancement required: I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for the parent. If you select a parent, you see all summaries for the child, but I want to be able to have the ability to select multiple parents, or multiple children, while having the ability to exclude others. For example…
Ability to use Roles as a dimension
Enhancement Request: Ability to use User Roles as a dimension To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business process(es)? It would be quite efficient for the customer in terms of usage the dynamic cell access functionality. That gives our finance users…
Search model and Display results across Actions, Modules, Dashboards, Lists in one screen
It is common to use the exact wording between actions, modules, dashboards etc., however in order to see the results of items from these different groupings, currently I have leave a view (say the module view) to go to another view (actions) and search the results again (which also resets my search from the last view).…
Allow scaling in Module formats for line items
Allow scaling in Module formats for line items. For example to allow dollars to be expressed as "Millions of dollars" or "Thousands of dollars". How would it help your business process: One example- We use Anaplan for budgeting and drop Anaplan data into reports for senior leadership. No executive wants to see the budget…
Ability to require user to confirm and/or enter specific text before action / process will run
I would like a way to help prevent accidental clicking of buttons that run important / irreversible actions (like a large deletion for instance). Here are some ideas on how I think one might go about tackling this, when the user clicks a button with this prevention measure enabled: * Show the user a warning message, where…
Option to remove column headers in CSV export
Description of the enhancement required: When using a grid lay-out for the export to CSV, Anaplan will also give the headers of the line items in the module. This isn't very convenient for us because SAP (where we upload the export) doesn't recognize these headers. Therefore it would be very handy to have the option to…
Replicate column headers on dashboard PDF export
Description of the enhancement required: Replicated the column header in a dashboard PDF export, when the grid is split on multiple pages. An example of the enhancement: When you try to export a dashboard in a PDF, the column header (the month for example) are not replicated on the second page and the following. I can't…
Filter, Sort and Pivot menu for charts
Description of the Idea: Allow editing published charts freely in the same manner as a module (change filters, sorting and pivoting). The opportunity to edit charts should also be available to end-users, not only administrators. How would this help your business processes: Convenience. Do not have to edit modules and…
User-defined, collapsible groups in Actions / Dashboards / Modules Lists
As a model builder, I would like to be able to create & name my own groups within Actions / Modules / Dashboards lists, as well as collapse those groups I don't want to view at the moment, to help me decluttter the Anaplan screen & better focus on what I'm trying to accomplish at that moment. Additionally, if I perform a…
Mousing-over part of a formula should show its current computed value
Normally when writing code I can troubleshoot my code by stepping through it piece by piece to see where things fall apart. In order to accomplish this in Anaplan i tend to have to create separate line items with pieces of my formula to see how they compute. To help a modelbuilder better troubleshoot formulas without…
Add CTRL + SHIFT + S Hotkey to search in Module / Dashboard / Actions Lists
Just like searching in a published module on a dashboard, for consistency when model building, I would like to be able to hit the same CTRL+SHIFT+S hotkey when looking through the list of modules / actions / dashboards etc. to quickly search, instead of having to manually click the search button.
Clicking 'Open Source Module' should take me to the relevant module view
Description of the enhancement: Clicking "Open Source Module", should take me to the relevant view of the module. It currently take me to the default view. How this would help my business processes: This woul cause less confusion by users looking for more information, and would save model builder time by not having to re…
Hotkeys for copy across/down
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: can the copy down/across function be added as hot keys (combination of keys on computer keyboard) How you hope the enhancement would assist in your business process(es)?: Some of our end users do use these functions pretty often. The enhancement is pretty…
User-list filtering
A user-list filter that would show the current user on dashboard views and other outputs, to record who was looking at the user
Ability to resize column headers
As a model builder I want to be able to hide/resize the column headers so that I will have the same flexibility I've got with the rows. I will know this is successful if I will be able to set the size of the column headers to 6 pixels (same as per the rows) or if I could simply hide the column headers altogether. This will…
Ability to rename a line item without breaking the import mapping
Description of the enhancement: If a line item which is used as the source of an import is renamed, its mapping is removed and the action must be re-mapped. To re-create: * Setup an import from "LineItemA" in ModuleOne to LineItemB in ModuleTwo. The line items will need manually mapping since they have different names. *…
Ability to edit "Edit From" and "Edit To" in "Versions" in a deployed model
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to edit the timescale in a deployed model without having to use the ALM feature How would it help your business process: Currently during development cycles, using ALM forces you to treat user updates and editing the timescale for a specific version as a bugfix. This mean…
Ability to assign Versions to line items
Use case: Import of transactions into a List where properties are defined to specify the dimensions (Time, Version, Entity, etc). I am not able to make a connection between a Text item and the Version. The Versions is needed for the customers who not only import Actual transactions but also other Versions (Forecast/Plan…
Ability to clear text formatted cells on import
Description of the enhancement: The two options of "Clear target prior to import" and "Only update imported cells" are not sufficient, as if you select to clear all, it clears ALL the text, not retaining any previous info, and if you select "only update imported cells" you do not have the ability to clear any cells, only…
TEXT function to have the option to convert the displayed format
Description of the enhancement: Currently using the TEXT function it will convert the underlying number. For example, if you have: Line Item 1: Number format, set it to 5 decimals - value: 0.0000005 Line Item 2: Text format, Formula: TEXT(Line Item 1) Result: 5-E07 Desired Result (in TEXT FORMAT): 0.0000005
Allow Week Format for Timescale Weeks:General
Description of the enhancement required: Improve Timescale Weeks:General An example of the enhancement: Ability to define a week in 3 ways, like in other timescales: W/e, W/c and Week No A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): A number of industries are very seasonal. Think…