Export History in Non .txt Format
Description of the enhancement: Ability to export history in a format other than .txt. An example of the enhancement: .xls format available for History export
Export Subsections of Users Tab
Description of the enhancement: We would like the ability to export subsections of the users tab in the model Settings. For example, we would like to be able to export the following: + Roles + Roles -> Modules + Roles -> Versions + Roles -> Lists + Roles -> Actions An example of the enhancement: Export button added to all…
[ALM] Error dialog should be more specific
[ALM] Error dialog should be more specific when model cannot be restored to a serial due to it being before a sync Description of the enhancement: Attempting to restore a model to a previous serial which was prior to a sync will fail. This is not recorded in the core logs - it would be good to log in the core logs that…
Manage Summary Type in Dashboard
We would like to be able to manage the Summary type of a line item from within a dashboard. Currently this is managed via the module's blueprint view only.
Switchover for End Of Year
Description of the enhancement required: Be able to have switchover throughout the year. This would allow a version to match actuals for line items with time, but have separate information in other line items. An example of the enhancement: Admins could select FY as a switchover time period for a version, and then that…
Include provinces of Malaysia in Anaplan Map
Description / example of the enhancement required: Include provinces of Malaysia in a world map. Currently it only display Malaysia as a whole. How would it help the business process: We are mainly handle all customer calls nationwide. One of the reports that we need is # of call volume by state.
Import mapping source of a line item/list to 'fixed item' or 'ask every time' remove 'Which target'
Description of the enhancement: Import Mapping: Mapping the source of a line item or list to 'fixed item' or 'ask every time' removes the 'Which target items to clear prior to import'. Can this remain there? As a user, I would like the 'Which target items to clear prior to import' option to remain on the line item/list…
Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year
Description of the enhancement: Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year from import dialogue when model time setting 'Weeks General' Business case -why this would help the business process: As a user, I expected I could import file with a time format of weeks in numbers (e.g. 201712) while my Anaplan time settings…
Easier UX for setting up role to dashboard access
Right now, an admin has to set access to every module on a dashboard in order for the user to have access to the dashboard. We should have a UI for an admin to say they want to set access to a dashboard, and then for the system to alert them of all the things on that dashboard that the user needs or could possibly have…
Allow time functions on regular lists
Allow a model-builder to do functions like cumulate, previous, and next on regular lists. Currently this is only possible on the Time dimension. Many use cases for this, e.g. in a tiered compensation or bonus compensation plan.
Add search function to dashboard for all dashboard elements
Description of the enhancement required: Add search function to dashboard for all dashboard elements, or allow for admins to make the search toolbar in each module to appear after published to the dashboard. Basically, be able to put a search bar on the dashboard. An example of the enhancement: Two possible solutions…
Ability to add hyperlinks to the landing page
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to add hyperlinks to the landing page. How would this help the business process: We would like to put hyperlinks to our internal user support process somewhere in the Anaplan world so that everything related to Anaplan is in Anaplan.
Include provinces of Indonesia in Anaplan Map
Description / example of the enhancement required: Include provinces of Indonesia in a world map. Currently it only display Indonesia as a whole. How would it help the business process: There is a specific use-case that would require having provinces of Indonesia (e.g. Sales planning).
Special characters
Ability to handle special characters in the code field.
Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning
Description of the enhancement required: Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning of the string. How would it help the business process: Having this option would make it very transparent to users when filters have been applied. Would also help model builders to configure…
Ability to format the layout of dashboard when exported to PDF
Description of the enhancement required & example of the enhancement: Ability to format the layout of dashboard when exported to PDF: - add page break between modules in dashboard - make the module page selection font size bigger
Add a custom formula for summary that doesn't necessarily apply to rest of cells in that line item
Description of the enhancement required: The ability to add a customized formula for the summary that does not necessarily apply to the rest of the rows within that line item (currently the formula for the line item becomes the formula for the summary if you are to select the "Formula" summary option). How would it help…
Ability to select/view data between specific dates in a module/dashboard
Description of the enhancement required: Calendar on dashboard in order to view data between two specific dates as defined by the user. An example of the enhancement: I want to review the data on a dashboard corresponding to a "From Date" and a "To Date" How would it help your business process: For example, we have a model…
Abkhazia not on Map Chart
Country Code for Abkhazia is not in the "Map Regions & Codes" downloadable, and subsequently won't show up in Map Charts. Please provide the country code for Abkhazia
No subtotal for Weeks: General time setting
Description of the enhancement required: In the timescale settings add Total of All Periods for Weeks: General timescale How would it help the business process: For example, looking at the travel and tourism industry, which is highly seasonal (e.g. different destinations, hotels, and services are in demand in the summer vs…
Editable hover-over text on cells
Description of the enhancement required: The Hover-Over Tip function: Allows the user to hover over a cell, table, module, model, dashboard or buttons which then shows a short description or identifier for the object. An example of the enhancement: User wants to see a short background description without having to drill or…
Provide ability to re-arrange Export labels
Use case: A list with over 20 properties. It is extremely difficult to reorder the labels in the Export dialog. It requires removing them all and then adding them 1 by 1.
"Omit Summary Items" should omit summary Line Items for Tabular Exports
Description of the enhancement: An Export with radio buttons "All Line Items" and "Omit Summary Items" selected results in Summary Line Items not being omitted. The "right" behaviour should be that Summary Line Items are omitted, or that a radio button with "Omit Summary Line Items" exists. Use case: 1) Exporting data from…
Search grid data
As an admin/end-user I want to search on data as well as column/row labels
No way to get last month of quarter in one line item
As an example, if the first month of the Fiscal Year is Mar 15, I want "May 15" returned because that's the last month of the quarter. This is my formula (on a line item formatted as Month and no Timescale): FINDITEM(Time, NAME(PERIOD(END(PARENT(TIME.'Apr 15'))))) However, this returns 'Apr 15' due to this in Anapedia:…
Convert time period to a date
Description of the enhancement required: As an extension or alternative to the DATE function
List exports to Excel limited to 65536 rows
There is a limit on the export of 65536 rows. Excel 2007 can handle 1048576 rows.
Improve Process Completed dialog box to highlight any errors
Description of the enhancement required: I am experiencing an issue for Non- Workspace Admin users performing an upload process. After running the process the dialog box reports Process Completed Success but upon reviewing View Details you can see there were errors. This is an issue for users who do not know that some of…
Ability to automate archival of models
Currently this is not an option in Anaplan Connect, and I've tried to post a JSON request to do this, but I get "Method Not Allowed". Use case: We need to take a snapshot of our Production model every week & Month end. Those snapshots are then used for reviews as well as to pull in some of the lists into our Anaplan…
Enhanced Logging
Looking for more robust logging of actions: * History record of all actions run with date time, who ran it and the outcome (success, error) * Want to track if this action was run via the UI or API * Want to see all historical data with a minimum of most recent 6 months * Available in the API and UI Also want to see data…