Increase 60 minute, no activity model unload
A description of the enhancement required: As an Workspace Admin I want a solution that prevents Anaplan to go out of in memory after 60 min because I need to prevent my end users to be confronted with a long load time. An example of the enhancement: Could be an option to set time slots when a model should always be kept…
Ability to add users to Anaplan that don't have a valid/usable email address
Description: Need to be able to add users to Anaplan that don't have a valid/usable email address. Such accounts are usually created to run jobs from source to target solutions. In this case, we want to create a System Account and use the System Account to kick-off the Anaplan Connect jobs. The System Account does not have…
Improve message returned from Anaplan Connect when user has no access to model
Description of the enhancement: Improve the wording of messages from Anaplan Connect when a user doesn't have access to the model. Anaplan Connect will return the following message when you do not have access to a model in a workspace: Model "123xyz not found in workspace "abc123" Example of enhancement: It could be…
History Enhancement: More details around changes to lists
Description of the enhancement: We would like to see which of our users unchecked the Product Data box for a list. There is no logging to identify this and history in the model only shows this as a "Change list". The same applies for workflow, selctive access, and making a list a numbered list.
Rephrase action delete dialog so it is clear what is begin deleted from the model
A description of the enhancement requested: The customer would like the "Confirm Delete" message for deleting Actions in a model rephrased to not sound like they will be deleting all data within their model. An example of the enhancement: After selecting the Actions you wish to delete, the "Confirm Delete" message will…
Copy Branch should have the option for list formatted line items that are copied to update to the co
Description of the enhancement required: When using Copy Branch, Anaplan should give the user an option about how it copies blue (editable) cells - particularly for List formatted line items. The user should have the option for list formatted line items that are copied to update to the correct list item automatically. This…
Model save activation threshold should be reviewed
Description of the enhancement: Currently, if a model has six or more users it will save after 600 seconds worth of changes, and if it has less than six, it will save after 60 seconds worth of changes. There are development-stage models with more than six users that would benefit from saving every 60 seconds. Example of…
Improved ALM Error Reporting
Description of the enhancement required: Add more detail to error messages for ALM sync failures An example of the enhancement: When there's a ALM sync failure the current message to the customer is "An internal error has occurred", however most of the time the specific cause of the failure is captured in the logs. You…
Allow admin to restore corrupt or unusably slow model from outside model
The scope is only to allow a workspace admin to RESTORE (not copy) their model to the necessary point before it was corrupted, without opening the model. Here are some requirements: * The model may have to lose other changes that were made, but we want to implement this change in a way that will minimize the lost changes…
Ability to archive versions in a model
Desription of the enhancement: We would like the ability to 'archive' versions within a model, so that we can save the data and look back at it later, but it will not take up space. Note that version subsets will not fully meet this requirement, because if you remove a version from a subset in a module, you will lose data…
Include slicer functionality similar to excel - i.e. save filters in a button
Description of the enhancement required: Enabling slicer facility in Anaplan tool like the one in Excel https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/use-slicers-to-filter-data-249f966b-a9d5-4b0f-b31a-12651785d29d How would it help your business process: Customer would need this facility of Slicer enhancement due to multiple…
Ability to create charts that allow data points only
Description of the enhancement required: Need the ability to create charts that allows us to chart data points only, not connected by a line.
Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child
Description of the enhancement: Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list You are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list. Error: "Parent item has a child item that is in a different list: You can only add a…
Filter option should select highest parent hierarchy as default
Description of the enhancement required: When there is a filter (dropdown) in a dashboard, customer wants the biggest parent as the default selected item. For example, "Total region" is always selected at opening. How would it help their business process: They use filters in all of their dashboards, and as admin or user,…
Align colour scheme of conditional formatting and charts
Description of enhancement: Ability to set colour scheme of conditional formatting to the same as that of charts How would it help your business process: Would improve user-friendliness in terms of cross referencing data
Match subsets automatically in import mapping when names are identical
Description of the enhancement required: If we create Subsets in a new target list with identical names, Anaplan should be smart enough to match those with the source subsets when running import. Unfortunately, the system appends " / Is Member Of" to the source, causing the matching on name to fail. This causes the user to…
Ability to wrap text on line item names
Description of the enhancement required: Word Wrap for Line Items and/or Rows instead of just Columns An example of the enhancement: Ability to wrap text on a dashboard without having to publish the line item as a "selected line item" How would it help their business process: Majority of the line items or members on rows…
Custom time period format
Description of the enhancement required: Include a way to format weekly dates by Start/date - end/date such as in excel. A story for why they want the enhancement: Currently we have a gantt chart view in Excel which shows run dates on the columns with the activity detail in the middle of the grid. It is easier for us…
Stacked waterfall chart
Description of enhancement: It would be nice to be able to create a stacked waterfall chart, where the portions of each column are made up by (the base level items of) an additional dimension in the underlying module. Example of the enhancement: See link below for example.…
Add new function AllPeriodsValue
Description of the enhancement required: Add new function AllPeriodsValue An example of the enhancement: The AllPeriodsValue function would work like YEARVALUE, but utilizing periods rather than year. It would have a parameter to choose whether a Brought Forward value should be included in the result. How would it help…
Ability to add brought-forward value in time totals
Description of the enhancement required: Enable the option to include Brought-Forward value in 'All Periods' time total. An example of the enhancement: When turning on Brought Forward, the user could specify when selecting 'All Periods' for this item, if the resulting value should include the Brought Forward value in that…
Option to show how many cells have been updated by an import
Description of the enhancement: Option to show how many cells have been updated by an import which includes how many items were Cleared prior to import. There should be an option that the cells which have been updated in this way will be reported as updated in the results screen Workaround: To workaround this, users should…
Provide a more user friendly message when an export is cancelled
Description of the enhancement: Run an export from a model (helps if the export takes a few seconds). Click Cancel when the browser asks you to save the file. The export will fail and the message in Anaplan is: {code:none} An internal error occurred. Client abort: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe(caused by: I o: Broken…
"Clear target before Import" on selective access on imports into the users list
Description of the enhancement required: Need option to "Clear target before Import" on selective access on imports into the users list An example of the enhancement: Today I am having access to 4 Customer A,B,C,D. But tomorrow I might have access to customer B,C,D,E. Now I should have access to Customer B,C,D,E only,…
Export Display name field
Description of the enhancement required: When exporting, user would like the field "Display name" removed as it adds additional clutter and confuses the customer. A story for why they want the enhancement: Client believes this would help him tidy and organize his lists/number lists a lot better.
Ability to open a module etc by double-clicking
Description of the enhancement required: I believe a great deal of your clients are Microsoft users and are familiar with their basics. E.g. to open views I would expect to double click on a List, Module or Dashboard name. However this action leads in Anaplan to edit the name of the List, Module or Dashboard. As a…
Increase limitation on the number of cells drilldown can handle
Description of enhancement requested: Currently the drill down feature has a limitation on the number of cells that can be shown which is an issue when the data I am utilizing has a significant amount of data. I have one division alone that has 200 departments and when I need to drill into that division to try to find why…
Filtered pick list for time dimension
Description of the enhancement required: The possibility to filter the date within a drop down where the year is a dimension. An example of the enhancement: This will be useful for our team to better build out a budget model and make it easier for the contributors to enter their data. It would prevent the model builder…
Ability to copy, erase, edit more than 10000 cells
Description of the enhancement required: The ability to copy, erase, edit more than 10,000 cells. An example of the enhancement: More than 10,000 cells may be manually deleted or copied. How would it help their business process: I want to wipe out data in a column for all employees in a certain department. There are over…
Ability to see in blueprint mode if line items are mapped in an import
Description of the enhancement required: Add an "import from" column and "import to" column in modules to identify where a line item's values are coming from. An example of the enhancement: Once mapped to a source in an import action, a field would display the action that the line item is part of. How would it help their…