Ability to modify cell values by adjusting a graph curve
Description of enhancement: Be able to modify values by relocating the curve indicator on a graph. How it would help you business process: As-Is behavior of our forecasting application: it allows users to review easily their scope of forecast without modifying measures one by one.
Give dashboard elements a "Notes" field so Model Builders can leave development breadcrumbs
When working with a team of model builders sometimes changes to a dashboard aren't obvious, so it would be helpful to be able to leave a note behind for others to read. I could see this being helpful for when a button is added to a dashboard, or a filter is adjusted or a section is moved to a different place, a name of…
Let Dashboard Text be Selectable for Copy / Paste
There are many times where I find I'd like to select dashboard text to use as a reference or to send to someone in my company via email etc. It would be nice to be able to select the text on a dashboard's Title, Instructions, headers, notes etc. to use for copy & paste purposes. Better yet, let the model builder have the…
Maintain & Return to Model Builder's last Position in Modules / Dashboard / Actions lists
The search feature in these lists is nice, but anytime I have to switch between them I have re-find what I was looking at when I go back. A major, yet simple quality of life improvement for model builders would be when I switch between these lists, hold the scroll position I was on and take me there when I return. For…
Ability to Set an Action Button's Tooltip text globally at the Actions list
I like to use the tooltips to be able to customize what a user sees when hovering over an action button on a dashboard. But in larger models it means if I want each instance of a button to all tell the same story, I have to hunt them all down and change them 1-by-1. It would be very helpful to be able to set the button's…
Wrap Text In Cell Headers On Outer Items
As a Dashboard Builder I want to be able to wrap text in columns on outer dimensions So That I can see my full item name if I have a small selection on the inner dimension.
Ability to exclude hierarchy levels from synchronising in a dashboard
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: Dashboard - make synchronization work when some levels are excluded from hierarchy (excluded levels simply shouldn’t be synchronized) To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business…
Connecting two subsets in formulas
Description: I want to save server space and put all promo packs to a subset, but I have two types of promo packs, which have different calculations. Eventually I am obliged to sum them up without use of subset, which occupies a lot of excessive space. Example of enhancement: Create total promo packs subsets out of two…
Improved colour options for conditional formatting
Description of the enhancement required: Improve conditional formatting by allowing more color options How would it help their business process: Lack of color options hurt the display to end users
Version formula with valid Circular Reference error does not appear only until a new module with Ver
Description of the enhancement requiredIt would be useful to have a preventive check that would prevent Version formula with valid Circular Reference to be saved during initial setup of the model prior to any new module creations.An example of the enhancement:When creating a new model from scratch, when the model builder…
Powerpoint Add-in: Simplify option to update specific graph/table
Description of the enhancement required: In powerpoint add-in* REFRESH button it would be great to have option to select which graph or table to be updated rather than update all. Because if I want to update only one graph it is tedious to go through edit components. An example of the enhancement: Right click on the…
Ability to export model history in an action that may be published as a button
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to export the Model History (via button from dashboard) for Non-Workspace admin users. An example of the enhancement: Create an Audit History for a defined time range eg. 1-Jun-2018 to 30-Jun-2018 Save the Export while extracting Publish the Export (saved from #2) to one of…
Ability to rename a version without breaking the import mapping
When performing a module to module import from the same model, if a version which is used as the source of an import is renamed, both the old and new version names will be listed as source items. The import will display a successful import message, but the number of rows Updated/Ignored/Failed will be empty and the module…
Ability to use retrieve data from Anaplan in Excel using a formula
A description of the enhancement required: Would it be possible develop a "AnaplanRetrieveData" formula for the Excel Add-in, where you can specify all necessary input from excel and the formula then returns the data point. An example of the enhancement: Formula in Excel would be: =AnaplanRetrieveData("Workspace…
Ability to left justify number formatted cells
A description of the enhancement required: Left justified numbers An example of the enhancement: Ability to left justify number formatted cells A story for why the enhancement is required (specifically, how would it aid the business process): This would improve the reporting within the platform, particularly in their…
Add ability to switch between summary and detailed view in Show History
As an administrator or end user, I would like the default view of the History table to only show summary information, rather than all details. Currently if you have a field with a large value present, the Show History output will automatically adjust the column width to ensure the full value fits in the cell. This is…
If a model saves during a process, the progress bar will read as 'Generating failure dump' which is
When running a process, if the model saves it incorrectly tells the user that it is 'Generating failure dump' instead of 'Saving model'. This is causing confusion for customers as there are no failures after the import has completed.
Ability to select multiple items in the Manage Views screen
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to select multiple items in the Manage Views screen An example of the enhancement: Within a module, select Views > Manage Views. Be able to hold Ctrl/Cmd or Shift, and select multiple items in the list, and then Delete them. A story for why you want the enhancement (How…
Ability to enable 'recently selected' values in drop downs
A description of the enhancement required: Drop-down "recently selected" - Introduce memory of the user selected values from session to session and have the 5 most recently selected values at the top of the drop-down An example of the enhancement: Introduce memory of the user selected values from session to session and…
Ability to hide/show values for certain series in a chart
A description of the enhancement required: Add label to some series on a chart but not others An example of the enhancement: In this example I would like to show the values for the bars but not for the line, however Anaplan only gives me the option to show the values for both or nothing. Ideally I would also have the…
Order of subsets in applies to should respect order in general lists
Detail description of the enhancement that is being requested: There is a current inconsistency between the order subsets are shown in the applies to dialog and the order in the general lists screen The order subsets are shown in the applies to reflects the order in which the main lists were created, not the current order…
Allow list imports to retain the order of the list items in the source file or source module.
Description of the enhancement required: Allow list imports to retain the order of the list items in the source file or source module. An example of the enhancement: When importing to a list, the list should reflect the position of new members of the list as it does in the source file (or module) instead of adding new…
Provide chart options for Axis-show/hide axis, display/hide units
Description of the enhancement required: Provide chart options for Axis-show/hide axis, display/hide units
Generates email based on user action or model logic
For example, I'd like an email to be generated to a designated recipient when a value reaches a certain threshhold, if a certain activity has not been done by a certain date, when someone checks a box to indicate that an activity is complete, when a certain action is run in the model, or when any activity is done against a…
Synchronize modules published in a dashboard with "current period"
Description of the enhancement required: Time synchronization of modules that are published in the dashboard and option to show the module starting with the current period. A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): In the dashboard we are having 10+ tables which requires the…
Edit max/min of chart axis
Description of the enhancement required: Chart Options - Enable min/max setting An example of the enhancement: Allow display of axis and control of min and max for axis A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): Currently some charts don’t offer much context, or scaling, this…
Some kind of indication that a cell is list formatted without clicking on it, e.g. an arrow as in Ex
Description of enhancement requested: cells should be identified as a drop down field just by looking at it rather than having to click into it How would this help the business process: Easier and faster for users to enter data if they have appropriate expectations
Ability to upload your own image to dashbaord rather than URL
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: Customer would like the ability to upload their own image from a computer, instead of the current option of only being able to use an image with a URL. To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your…
More granular forumula scope for versions
Description of enhancement: Ability to set formula scope for selected versions rather than just the limited options of All/Actual/All except Actual/Current. Business case: This would give us the ability to control what versions applied to a given formula. Would allow us to create snapshots. Would allow us to work in two…
When I Create a New Action / Module / Dashboard take me to it in the list
When creating an Open Dashboard action in a very long list of actions, the action gets created and the list gets scrolled all the way back up to the top. Our Actions list is over 1500 items long, we have hundreds of processes, imports, exports and other actions to scroll through making this simple task of adding a new open…